- Pictorial Library
- Galilee and the North
- Samaria and the Center
- Jerusalem
- Judah and the Dead Sea
- Negev and the Wilderness
- Jordan
- Egypt
- Lebanon
- Eastern and Central Turkey
- Western Turkey
- Greece
- Greek Islands
- Cyprus and Crete
- Italy and Malta
- Rome
- Trees, Plants, Flowers of the Holy Land
- Cultural Images of the Holy Land
- Signs of the Holy Land
- Persia
- Western Mediterranean
- Complete Collection
Pictorial Library
Tyre, Sidon, Zarephath, Cedars of Lebanon, Mount Hermon
Eshmun Temple, Beirut, Byblos, Nahr el-Kalb, Beqa, Baalbek, Karak Noah, Kamid el-Loz, Litani River
All images are high-resolution jpg files (1600 x 1200 or higher). Ideal for projecting in a classroom, viewing on a monitor or printing. Also included on each DVD are pre-made PowerPoint presentations for each region (with photograph annotations), maps for site identification, an image index, and a site index.
Index of Photographs on this DVD
- Baalbek
- Beirut
- Byblos
- Eshmun Temple
- Esh-Shouf Cedar Reserve
- Kamid el-Loz
- Karak Noah
- Nahr el-Kalb
- Scenes of Lebanon
- Sidon
- Tyre
- Zarephath
Baalbek (203)
Baalbek Museum in vaulted tunnel under Great Court, adr090511124
Baalbek Museum in vaulted tunnel under Great Court, adr090511140
Baalbek view from Mercury Temple, adr090511859
Baalbek, Bacchus Temple at night, adr090510767
Baalbek, Bacchus Temple at night, adr090510776
Baalbek, Bacchus Temple at night, adr090510794
Baalbek, Bacchus Temple forecourt and gateway, adr090511014
Baalbek, Bacchus Temple from Jupiter Temple Great Court altar, adr090511928
Baalbek, Bacchus Temple from Jupiter Temple, adr090511096
Baalbek, Bacchus Temple from northwest, adr090511149
Baalbek, Bacchus Temple from west, adr090511161
Baalbek, Bacchus Temple gate lintel, adr090511000
Baalbek, Bacchus Temple gate lintel, adr090511001
Baalbek, Bacchus Temple gate lintel, adr090511942
Baalbek, Bacchus Temple gate lintel, adr090511943
Baalbek, Bacchus Temple gateway and interior, adr090511998
Baalbek, Bacchus Temple gateway and stairs, adr090511933
Baalbek, Bacchus Temple gateway and stairs, adr090511934
Baalbek, Bacchus Temple interior of northern wall, adr090511012
Baalbek, Bacchus Temple interior, adr090511009
Baalbek, Bacchus Temple monumental gateway interior, adr090511003
Baalbek, Bacchus Temple monumental gateway, adr090511941
Baalbek, Bacchus Temple monumental gateway, adr090511947
Baalbek, Bacchus Temple northern peristyle from west, adr090511151
Baalbek, Bacchus Temple panorama, adr090511144
Baalbek, Bacchus Temple pediment, adr090511097
Baalbek, Bacchus Temple peristyle ceiling sculpture, adr090511174
Baalbek, Bacchus Temple peristyle ceiling sculpture, adr090511175
Baalbek, Bacchus Temple peristyle ceiling sculpture, adr090511176
Baalbek, Bacchus Temple peristyle ceiling sculpture, adr090511177
Baalbek, Bacchus Temple peristyle ceiling sculpture, adr090511178
Baalbek, Bacchus Temple peristyle ceiling sculpture, adr090511179
Baalbek, Bacchus Temple peristyle ceiling sculpture, adr090511180
Baalbek, Bacchus Temple peristyle ceiling sculpture, adr090511182
Baalbek, Bacchus Temple peristyle ceiling sculpture, adr090511183
Baalbek, Bacchus Temple peristyle ceiling sculpture, adr090511184
Baalbek, Bacchus Temple peristyle ceiling sculpture, adr090511185
Baalbek, Bacchus Temple peristyle ceiling sculpture, adr090511186
Baalbek, Bacchus Temple peristyle ceiling sculpture, adr090511187
Baalbek, Bacchus Temple peristyle ceiling sculpture, adr090511188
Baalbek, Bacchus Temple peristyle ceiling sculpture, adr090511189
Baalbek, Bacchus Temple peristyle ceiling sculpture, adr090511198
Baalbek, Bacchus Temple southern peristyle ceiling reliefs, adr090511940
Baalbek, Bacchus Temple southern peristyle columns and ceiling, adr090511938
Baalbek, Bacchus Temple southern peristyle columns and ceiling, adr090511939
Baalbek, Bacchus Temple southern peristyle with leaning column, adr090511937
Baalbek, Bacchus Temple stairs to adyton, adr090511005
Baalbek, Bacchus Temple stairs to adyton, adr090511006
Baalbek, Bacchus Temple stairs to adyton, adr090511007
Baalbek, Bacchus Temple stairs to adyton, adr090511008
Baalbek, Bacchus Temple stairs to adyton, adr090511013
Baalbek, circular bench in front of Propylaea, adr090511868
Baalbek, engraved jamb in Jupiter Temple Propylaea, adr090511875
Baalbek, from Palmyra Hotel at sunrise, adr090512221
Baalbek, Jupiter and Bacchus Temples from Great Court altar, adr090511917
Baalbek, Jupiter and Bacchus Temples from Palmyra at sunrise, adr090511838
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple and stairs from Great Court altar, adr090511922
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple at sunset, adr090510741
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple at sunset, adr090511191
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple capital detail, adr090511957
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple capital, adr090511955
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple column base, adr090511962
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple columns from Palmyra at sunrise, adr090511846
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple columns from southwest, adr090511931
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple columns, adr090511978
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple columns, adr090511984
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple cornice fragment with lion drain, adr090511930
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple cornice fragment with lion drain, adr090511964
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple cornice fragment, adr090511951
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple cornice fragments, adr090511881
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple cornice fragments, adr090511882
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple entablature and columns, adr090511932
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple from Bacchus Temple, adr090511995
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple from Great Court altar, adr090511929
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple Great Court altar and columns, adr090511885
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple Great Court altar from southeast, adr090511916
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple Great Court altar from southwest, adr090511974
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple Great Court altar from tower, adr090511906
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple Great Court altar from tower, adr090511915
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple Great Court altar from west, adr090511992
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple Great Court blue granite column, adr090511086
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple Great Court inscribed column base, adr090511911
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple Great Court inscribed pedestal, adr090511886
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple Great Court niche in eastern wall, adr090511082
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple Great Court niche, adr090511019
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple Great Court niche, adr090511888
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple Great Court niches in northern wall, adr090511890
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple Great Court northeastern corner entablature, adr090511083
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple Great Court northeastern corner, adr090511027
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple Great Court northeastern corner, adr090511081
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple Great Court northern pool decoration, adr090511089
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple Great Court northern pool decoration, adr090511091
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple Great Court northern pool decoration, adr090511902
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple Great Court northern pool from altar, adr090511923
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple Great Court northern pool from northeast, adr090511892
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple Great Court northern pool unfinished decoration, adr090511088
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple Great Court northern pool unfinished decoration, adr090511090
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple Great Court northwestern exedra and pool, adr090511914
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple Great Court northwestern exedra and pool, adr090511927
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple Great Court northwestern exedra, adr090511021
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple Great Court northwestern exedra, adr090511022
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple Great Court northwestern exedra, adr090511023
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple Great Court northwestern exedra, adr090511889
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple Great Court northwestern exedra, adr090511891
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple Great Court northwestern exedra, adr090511976
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple Great Court southeastern exedra, adr090511084
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple Great Court southeastern exedra, adr090511884
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple Great Court southern pool channel, adr090511971
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple Great Court southern pool drain and channel, adr090511969
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple Great Court southern pool nymph pedestal, adr090511967
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple Great Court tower from altar, adr090511925
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple Great Court tower from northeast, adr090511883
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple Great Court tower from southwest, adr090511972
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple Great Court tower interior, adr090511903
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple Great Court tower stairs, adr090511904
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple Great Court tower stairs, adr090511905
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple Hexagonal Court column base, adr090511195
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple Hexagonal Court foundations, adr090511880
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple Hexagonal Court northeastern corner, adr090511028
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple Hexagonal Court panorama, adr090511878
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple pediment fragment, adr090511094
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple podium northern wall, adr090511093
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple podium southern wall, adr090511991
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple Propylaea at night, adr090510822
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple Propylaea from east, adr090511075
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple Propylaea from southeast, adr090511867
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple Propylaea northern tower, adr090511030
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple Propylaea northern tower, adr090511874
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple Propylaea, adr090511869
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple Propylaea, Caracalla inscription, adr090511031
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple side door from Propylaea to Hexagonal Court, adr090511194
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple southern wall ashlars and column fragments, adr090511980
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple southern wall ashlars, adr090511958
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple southern wall ashlars, adr090511959
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple southern wall ashlars, adr090511961
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple southern wall ashlars, adr090511989
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple southern wall column fragments, adr090511981
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple southern wall column fragments, adr090511985
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple stairs, adr090511092
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple stairs, adr090511975
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple western wall trilithon, adr090511202
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple western wall trilithon, adr090511203
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple western wall trilithon, adr090511204
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple western wall trilithon, adr090511205
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple western wall trilithon, adr090511206
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple western wall trilithon, adr090511207
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple western wall trilithon, adr090511208
Baalbek, Jupiter Temple western wall trilithon, adr090511209
Baalbek, Mercury Temple hill from Bacchus Temple, adr090511170
Baalbek, Mercury Temple stair railing, adr090511851
Baalbek, Mercury Temple stairs, adr090511848
Baalbek, Mercury Temple stairs, adr090511849
Baalbek, Mercury Temple stairs, adr090511850
Baalbek, Mercury Temple stairs, adr090511852
Baalbek, Mercury Temple stairs, adr090511862
Baalbek, Mercury Temple stairs, adr090511863
Baalbek, Palmyra Hotel, adr090510708
Baalbek, Palmyra Hotel, adr090510709
Baalbek, Palmyra Hotel, adr090510714
Baalbek, Palmyra Hotel, adr090510722
Baalbek, Palmyra Hotel, adr090510723
Baalbek, Palmyra Hotel, adr090510732
Baalbek, Roman baths and palestra, adr090511045
Baalbek, Roman baths from southeast, adr090511046
Baalbek, Roman baths palestra at night, adr090510760
Baalbek, Roman city gate from northwest, adr090511078
Baalbek, Roman city gate from northwest, adr090511079
Baalbek, Roman city gate from northwest, adr090511080
Baalbek, Roman odeum near baths, adr090511043
Baalbek, Roman odeum near baths, adr090511044
Baalbek, Roman palestra and baths from Bacchus Temple, adr090511148
Baalbek, Roman palestra and baths from north, adr090511214
Baalbek, Roman palestra and baths from northwest, adr090511210
Baalbek, Roman palestra and baths from west, adr090511211
Baalbek, Roman palestra near baths, adr090511035
Baalbek, Roman palestra near baths, adr090511037
Baalbek, Roman palestra near baths, adr090511038
Baalbek, Roman palestra near baths, adr090511039
Baalbek, Roman palestra near baths, adr090511041
Baalbek, Roman palestra near baths, adr090511042
Baalbek, Roman pedestals near baths, adr090511047
Baalbek, Roman quarry and tombs by Stone of the Pregnant Woman, adr090511074
Baalbek, Roman quarry by Stone of the Pregnant Woman, adr090511063
Baalbek, Roman theater stones in Palmyra Hotel, adr090510704
Baalbek, Roman theater stones in Palmyra Hotel, adr090510729
Baalbek, Stone of the Pregnant Woman from east, adr090511073
Baalbek, Stone of the Pregnant Woman from northwest, adr090511065
Baalbek, Stone of the Pregnant Woman from southwest, adr090511053
Baalbek, Stone of the Pregnant Woman from west, adr090511056
Baalbek, Stone of the Pregnant Woman, adr090511054
Baalbek, Stone of the Pregnant Woman, adr090511055
Baalbek, Stone of the Pregnant Woman, adr090511067
Baalbek, tombs by Stone of the Pregnant Woman, adr090511059
Baalbek, tombs by Stone of the Pregnant Woman, adr090511061
Baalbek, tombs by Stone of the Pregnant Woman, adr090511068
Baalbek, vaulted tunnel entrance under Great Court, adr090511098
Baalbek, vaulted tunnel under Great Court, adr090511018
Baalbek, Venus Temple at night, adr090510798
Baalbek, Venus Temple at night, adr090510809
Baalbek, Venus Temple at sunset from southwest, adr090511199
Baalbek, Venus Temple from north, adr090510739
Baalbek, Venus Temple from northeast, adr090511864
Baalbek, view of Jupiter and Bacchus Temples from Mercury Temple, adr090511853
Beirut (58)
Beirut, Mohamed Al-Amine Mosque, adr090509556
Beirut, Mohamed Al-Amine Mosque, adr090509557
Beirut, Ottoman Petit Serail above Hellenistic houses, adr090509558
Beirut, Ottoman Petit Serail above Hellenistic houses, adr090509567
Beirut, Place d’Etoile or Nejmeh Square, adr090509546
Beirut, Place des Martyrs memorial, adr090509562
Beirut, Place des Martyrs memorial, adr090509563
Beirut, Place des Martyrs memorial, adr090509566
Beirut, Roman baths from south, adr090509518
Beirut, Roman baths from south, adr090509544
Beirut, Roman baths furnace construction, adr090509540
Beirut, Roman baths furnace, adr090509519
Beirut, Roman baths hypocaust and furnace, adr090509529
Beirut, Roman baths hypocaust, adr090509513
Beirut, Roman baths hypocaust, adr090509522
Beirut, Roman baths hypocaust, adr090509526
Beirut, Roman baths hypocaust, adr090509530
Beirut, Roman baths hypocaust, adr090509539
Beirut, Roman baths marble veneer, adr090509531
Beirut, Roman baths rock cut channel, adr090509528
Beirut, Roman baths rock cut channels, adr090509523
Beirut, Roman baths rock cuttings and channels, adr090509525
Beirut, Roman baths rock-cut niche, adr090509520
Beirut, Roman baths southern area, adr090509543
Beirut, Roman baths stairs and column, adr090509532
Beirut, Roman baths stairs and rock cut channels, adr090509533
Beirut, Roman baths stone and brick and marble, adr090509537
Beirut, Roman baths stone covered channel, adr090509535
Beirut, Roman baths, adr090509542
Beirut, Roman Cardo Maximus aqueduct remains, adr090509555
Beirut, Roman Cardo Maximus from south, adr090509550
Beirut, Roman Cardo Maximus from south, adr090509553
Beirut, Roman Cardo Maximus from west panorama, adr090509548
Beirut, Roman columns relocated near museum, adr090509512
Beirut, St George’s Greek Orthodox Church and Mohamed Al-Amine Mosque, adr090509547
National Museum of Beirut, adr090509763
Tell Beirut and harbor from south, adr090509569
Tell Beirut from southeast, adr090509586
Tell Beirut view to harbor, adr090509595
Tell Beirut, Bronze Age glacis from southeast, adr090509587
Tell Beirut, Bronze Age well, adr090509601
Tell Beirut, Crusader walls from northwest, adr090509603
Tell Beirut, Crusader walls on bedrock, adr090509604
Tell Beirut, east side view to harbor, adr090509582
Tell Beirut, Hellenistic round tower, adr090509581
Tell Beirut, Iron Age fortifications, adr090509592
Tell Beirut, Iron Age glacis and Hellenistic tower from east, adr090509579
Tell Beirut, Iron Age glacis from southwest, adr090509583
Tell Beirut, Iron Age glacis from west, adr090509577
Tell Beirut, Iron Age glacis from west, adr090509585
Tell Beirut, Iron Age ramparts from southeast, adr090509591
Tell Beirut, medieval arch, adr090509597
Tell Beirut, medieval tower and gate, adr090509593
Tell Beirut, medieval tower and gate, adr090509599
Tell Beirut, millstones, adr090509571
Tell Beirut, Ottoman building and Bronze Age chamber, adr090509596
Tell Beirut, sarcophagus and pipe section, adr090509570
Tell Beirut, view across tell to southeast from tell summit, adr090509594
Byblos (133)
Byblos Museum in Crusader castle, adr090507217
Byblos, Amorite quarry, adr090507337
Byblos, Amorite quarry, adr090507339
Byblos, Baalat Gubal Temple and Royal Well from Crusader castle, adr090507245
Byblos, Baalat Gubal Temple from Crusader castle, adr090507244
Byblos, Baalat Gubal Temple from Crusader castle, adr090507389
Byblos, Baalat Gubal Temple staircase, adr090507384
Byblos, Chamiye Bay and tell, adr090507424
Byblos, Chamiye Bay and tell, adr090507428
Byblos, Crusader castle bridge, adr090507196
Byblos, Crusader castle bridge, adr090507269
Byblos, Crusader castle from south, adr090507277
Byblos, Crusader castle from west, adr090507418
Byblos, Crusader castle interior, adr090507203
Byblos, Crusader castle keep creative masonry, adr090507260
Byblos, Crusader castle keep entrance, adr090507261
Byblos, Crusader castle keep masons’ marks, adr090507263
Byblos, Crusader castle keep with British cannonball, adr090507262
Byblos, Crusader castle keep with Roman stones, adr090507257
Byblos, Crusader castle keep with Roman stones, adr090507259
Byblos, Crusader castle keep with Star of David, adr090507264
Byblos, Crusader castle with Roman columns, adr090507271
Byblos, Early Bronze dwellings, adr090507249
Byblos, Early Bronze dwellings, adr090507250
Byblos, Early Bronze northeastern gate from L Temple, adr090507285
Byblos, Early Bronze-Iron Age northern fortifications from Crusader castle, adr090507242
Byblos, Early Bronze-Iron Age northern fortifications from Crusader castle, adr090507253
Byblos, Early Bronze-Iron Age northern fortifications from southeast, adr090507272
Byblos, excavation rails, adr090507268
Byblos, excavation rails, adr090507416
Byblos, excavation rails, adr090507417
Byblos, Fishing Harbor entrance from southwest, adr090507423
Byblos, Fishing Harbor entrance from southwest, adr090507426
Byblos, Fishing Harbor entrance from southwest, adr090507427
Byblos, Fishing Harbor from south, adr090507422
Byblos, Fishing Harbor from southeast, adr090507419
Byblos, Fishing Harbor from southeast, adr090507440
Byblos, Harbor Tower eastern corner Roman sarcophagus, adr090507421
Byblos, Harbor Tower, adr090507420
Byblos, L Temple bench with basins, adr090507283
Byblos, L Temple bench with basins, adr090507284
Byblos, L Temple bench with basins, adr090507288
Byblos, L Temple eastern entrance to forecourt, adr090507281
Byblos, L Temple eastern entrance to forecourt, adr090507282
Byblos, L Temple entrance to workshop, adr090507289
Byblos, L Temple southern entrance to forecourt and Crusader castle, adr090507292
Byblos, modern stone anchor in Fishing Harbor, adr090507429
Byblos, modern stone anchor in Fishing Harbor, adr090507433
Byblos, modern stone anchor in Fishing Harbor, adr090507442
Byblos, Obelisk Temple anchor, adr090507296
Byblos, Obelisk Temple and L Temple from Crusader castle, adr090507256
Byblos, Obelisk Temple cella with betyl, adr090507305
Byblos, Obelisk Temple entrance steps, adr090507306
Byblos, Obelisk Temple entrance, adr090507299
Byblos, Obelisk Temple from Crusader castle, adr090507248
Byblos, Obelisk Temple from north, adr090507295
Byblos, Obelisk Temple from Persian fortress, adr090507303
Byblos, Obelisk Temple from Persian fortress, adr090507307
Byblos, Obelisk Temple niche for statue, adr090507312
Byblos, Obelisk Temple north corner, adr090507298
Byblos, Obelisk Temple obelisk and betyl, adr090507297
Byblos, Obelisk Temple obelisks and betyl, adr090507309
Byblos, Obelisk Temple obelisks in courtyard, adr090507308
Byblos, Obelisk Temple obelisks in courtyard, adr090507310
Byblos, Obelisk Temple obelisks in courtyard, adr090507311
Byblos, Ottoman house, adr090507323
Byblos, Persian fortress from Crusader castle, adr090507246
Byblos, Persian fortress from west, adr090507286
Byblos, post-Crusader eastern gate Mary niche, adr090507195
Byblos, post-Crusader eastern gate vaulted passage, adr090507194
Byblos, Roman cardo and nymphaeum from Crusader castle, adr090507201
Byblos, Roman cardo and nymphaeum from Crusader castle, adr090507202
Byblos, Roman cardo and nymphaeum from Crusader castle, adr090507232
Byblos, Roman cardo column fragments, adr090507183
Byblos, Roman cardo columns, adr090507187
Byblos, Roman cardo decorated pipe, adr090507190
Byblos, Roman cardo from northeast, adr090507178
Byblos, Roman cardo from northeast, adr090507186
Byblos, Roman cardo from southwest, adr090507179
Byblos, Roman cardo from southwest, adr090507189
Byblos, Roman cardo from southwest, adr090507192
Byblos, Roman cardo pavement and pipe, adr090507191
Byblos, Roman cardo sidewalk, adr090507181
Byblos, Roman colonnade from Crusader castle, adr090507243
Byblos, Roman colonnade from east, adr090507273
Byblos, Roman colonnade from south, adr090507380
Byblos, Roman sarcophagus and altar, adr090507267
Byblos, Roman sarcophagus, adr090507266
Byblos, Roman theater altar, adr090507354
Byblos, Roman theater altar, adr090507355
Byblos, Roman theater holes for posts, adr090507356
Byblos, Roman theater holes for posts, adr090507357
Byblos, Roman theater stage, adr090507347
Byblos, Roman theater stage, adr090507348
Byblos, Roman theater stage, adr090507352
Byblos, Roman theater stage, adr090507353
Byblos, Roman theater, adr090507346
Byblos, Roman theater, adr090507349
Byblos, Roman theater, adr090507350
Byblos, Roman theater, adr090507358
Byblos, Royal Tomb I Abi-shemu sarcophagus panorama, adr090507369
Byblos, Royal Tomb I Abi-shemu sarcophagus, adr090507371
Byblos, Royal Tomb I Abi-shemu tunnel entrance, adr090507366
Byblos, Royal Tomb I Abi-shemu tunnel, adr090507367
Byblos, Royal Tomb II and Tomb I entrance, adr090507362
Byblos, Royal Tomb II and Tomb I entrance, adr090507363
Byblos, Royal Tomb II and Tomb I entrance, adr090507364
Byblos, Royal Tomb IV, adr090507372
Byblos, Royal Tomb sarcophagus by Tomb IV, adr090507373
Byblos, Royal Tomb sarcophagus by Tomb IV, adr090507374
Byblos, Royal Tomb sarcophagus by Tomb V, adr090507342
Byblos, Royal Tomb sarcophagus by Tomb V, adr090507343
Byblos, Royal Tomb V Ahiram, adr090507375
Byblos, Royal Tomb V Ahiram, adr090507377
Byblos, Royal Tomb V shaft with Phoenician inscription, adr090507414
Byblos, Royal Tomb V shaft with Phoenician inscription, adr090507415
Byblos, Royal Tombs sarcophagus by Tomb VII, adr090507339
Byblos, Royal Tombs VI and VIII, adr090507381
Byblos, Royal Well from east, adr090507317
Byblos, Royal Well from south, adr090507319
Byblos, Royal Well from southeast, adr090507321
Byblos, Royal Well, adr090507318
Byblos, tell and coast, adr090507425
Byblos, Tower Temple anchor stair step, adr090507325
Byblos, Tower Temple anchor stair step, adr090507327
Byblos, Tower Temple anchor stair step, adr090507329
Byblos, Tower Temple anchor stair step, adr090507330
Byblos, Tower Temple and proto-urban settlement, adr090507335
Byblos, Tower Temple from north panorama, adr090507386
Byblos, Tower Temple from northeast, adr090507334
Pepe’s Byblos Fishing Club anchor collection, adr090507435
Pepe’s Byblos Fishing Club anchor collection, adr090507436
Pepe’s Byblos Fishing Club anchor collection, adr090507439
Eshmun Temple (26)
Eshmun Temple, ablution basin, adr090508740
Eshmun Temple, Achaemenid and Eshmunazar II podiums, adr090508715
Eshmun Temple, Achaemenid and Eshmunazar II podiums, adr090508736
Eshmun Temple, Achaemenid and Eshmunazar II podiums, adr090508738
Eshmun Temple, Achaemenid podium, adr090508737
Eshmun Temple, area of bull’s head capital, adr090508714
Eshmun Temple, area of bull’s head capital, adr090508716
Eshmun Temple, Ashtarte Pool and Achaemenid podium, adr090508742
Eshmun Temple, Ashtarte Pool throne, adr090508718
Eshmun Temple, Ashtarte Pool throne, adr090508719
Eshmun Temple, Ashtarte Pool throne, adr090508730
Eshmun Temple, Ashtarte Pool, adr090508717
Eshmun Temple, Ashtarte Pool, adr090508724
Eshmun Temple, frieze in Ashtarte Pool, adr090508731
Eshmun Temple, frieze in Ashtarte Pool, adr090508732
Eshmun Temple, friezes on 3rd century BC temple, adr090508720
Eshmun Temple, friezes on 3rd century BC temple, adr090508722
Eshmun Temple, from northwest, adr090508711
Eshmun Temple, from west, adr090508710
Eshmun Temple, Greek monumental stairway, adr090508734
Eshmun Temple, Greek monumental stairway, adr090508735
Eshmun Temple, lion beside Ashtarte Pool throne, adr090508726
Eshmun Temple, lion beside Ashtarte Pool throne, adr090508727
Eshmun Temple, Roman colonnade, adr090508743
Eshmun Temple, Roman stairway, adr090508713
Eshmun Temple, sphinx on Ashtarte Pool throne, adr090508728
Esh-Shouf Cedar Reserve (19)
Cedar of Lebanon cones, adr090510642
Cedar of Lebanon, adr090510629
Cedar of Lebanon, adr090510631
Cedar of Lebanon, adr090510634
Cedar of Lebanon, adr090510636
Cedar of Lebanon, adr090510637
Cedar of Lebanon, adr090510639
Cedar of Lebanon, adr090510645
Cedar of Lebanon, adr090510653
Cedar of Lebanon, adr090510660
Cedar of Lebanon, adr090510661
Cedar of Lebanon, adr090510663
Cedar of Lebanon, adr090510667
Cedar of Lebanon, adr090510668
Cedar of Lebanon, adr090510669
Cedar of Lebanon, adr090510670
Cedar of Lebanon, adr090510673
Cedars of Lebanon and pine trees on hillside, adr090510632
Cedars of Lebanon on hillside, adr090510633
Kamid el-Loz (24)
Kamid el-Loz, cemetery and minarets on tell southern slope, adr090512290
Kamid el-Loz, eastern slope from northwest, adr090512323
Kamid el-Loz, eastern slope from southeast, adr090512317
Kamid el-Loz, eastern slope long rooms, adr090512326
Kamid el-Loz, eastern slope oven, adr090512320
Kamid el-Loz, eastern slope Roman sarcophagus, adr090512318
Kamid el-Loz, eastern slope Roman sarcophagus, adr090512324
Kamid el-Loz, eastern slope room with paved floor, adr090512325
Kamid el-Loz, eastern slope stone-walled pit, adr090512322
Kamid el-Loz, eastern slope threshold stone, adr090512315
Kamid el-Loz, mudbrick, adr090512294
Kamid el-Loz, palace area from northeast, adr090512285
Kamid el-Loz, palace ash layer, adr090512288
Kamid el-Loz, palace from south, adr090512292
Kamid el-Loz, palace mudbrick wall and ash layer, adr090512289
Kamid el-Loz, tell and village from northeast, adr090512330
Kamid el-Loz, tell from north, adr090512327
Kamid el-Loz, tell from north, adr090512328
Kamid el-Loz, tell from north, adr090512329
Kamid el-Loz, tell from northeast, adr090512331
Kamid el-Loz, temple alley, adr090512300
Kamid el-Loz, temple from east, adr090512301
Kamid el-Loz, temple from south, adr090512298
Kamid el-Loz, temple walls, adr090512299
Karak Noah (7)
Karak Noah, tomb of Noah entrance, adr090510698
Karak Noah, tomb of Noah mosque, adr090510682
Karak Noah, tomb of Noah painting of Noah’s Ark, adr090510692
Karak Noah, tomb of Noah, adr090510686
Karak Noah, tomb of Noah, adr090510688
Karak Noah, tomb of Noah, adr090510690
Karak Noah, tomb of Noah, adr090510694
Nahr el-Kalb (39)
Nahr el-Kalb, Assyrian stelae, adr090507092
Nahr el-Kalb, Assyrian stelae, adr090507099
Nahr el-Kalb, Assyrian stelae, Napoleon III stele and British stele, adr090507093
Nahr el-Kalb, Assyrian stele, adr090507094
Nahr el-Kalb, Assyrian stele, adr090507116
Nahr el-Kalb, British World War I stele, adr090507172
Nahr el-Kalb, Esarhaddon and Ramses II stelae, adr090507142
Nahr el-Kalb, Esarhaddon stele cuneiform, adr090507141
Nahr el-Kalb, Esarhaddon stele, adr090507140
Nahr el-Kalb, Esarhaddon stele, adr090507151
Nahr el-Kalb, from Mamluk bridge, adr090507083
Nahr el-Kalb, Greek stele of Proculus, adr090507163
Nahr el-Kalb, Greek stele, adr090507158
Nahr el-Kalb, Latin stela of Caracalla, adr090507086
Nahr el-Kalb, Mamluk bridge from west, adr090507084
Nahr el-Kalb, mouth of river and Mediterranean from south panorama, adr090507152
Nahr el-Kalb, mouth of river and Mediterranean, adr090507450
Nahr el-Kalb, mouth of river and Mediterranean, adr090507453
Nahr el-Kalb, Napoleon III stela, adr090507089
Nahr el-Kalb, Napoleon III stele, British stele and Assyrian stelae, adr090507090
Nahr el-Kalb, Ramses II and Assyrian stelae, adr090507114
Nahr el-Kalb, Ramses II and Assyrian stelae, adr090507120
Nahr el-Kalb, Ramses II and Assyrian stelae, adr090507457
Nahr el-Kalb, Ramses II and Assyrian stelae, adr090507461
Nahr el-Kalb, Ramses II stele cartouche, adr090507135
Nahr el-Kalb, Ramses II stele, adr090507115
Nahr el-Kalb, Ramses II stele, adr090507118
Nahr el-Kalb, Ramses II stele, adr090507131
Nahr el-Kalb, Ramses II stele, adr090507134
Nahr el-Kalb, stelae from north panorama, adr090507155
Nahr el-Kalb, stelae from north, adr090507451
Nahr el-Kalb, stelae from north, adr090507452
Nahr el-Kalb, stelae from north, adr090507455
Nahr el-Kalb, stelae from west, adr090507458
Nahr el-Kalb, tunnel, adr090507174
Nahr el-Kalb, valley and Mamluk bridge from west, adr090507176
Nahr el-Kalb, valley and stelae from northwest, adr090507448
Nahr el-Kalb, valley and stelae from west panorama, adr090507443
Nahr el-Kalb, valley from Mediterranean, adr090507454
Scenes of Lebanon (24)
Anti-Lebanon Mountains from Beqa south of Zhale, adr090512341
Dome of the Rock at traffic circle in Beqa, adr090512258
Hezbollah billboard in Beqa, adr090512233
Hezbollah flag on lightpost near Tyre, adr090508613
Hezbollah sign in Beqa, adr090512242
Hezbollah signs on lightposts in the Beqa, adr090512255
Lebanon Mountains from Beqa between Baalbek and Rayak, adr090512222
Lebanon Mountains from Beqa between Baalbek and Rayak, adr090512229
Lebanon Mountains from Beqa between Baalbek and Rayak, adr090512232
Lebanon Mountains from Beqa between Baalbek and Rayak, adr090512238
Lebanon Mountains from Beqa between Baalbek and Rayak, adr090512245
Lebanon Mountains from Beqa between Baalbek and Rayak, adr090512253
Lebanon Mountains from Beqa between Baalbek and Rayak, adr090512254
Lebanon Mountains from Beqa between Baalbek and Rayak, adr090512261
Lebanon Mountains from Beqa from near Kamid el-Loz, adr090512271
Lebanon Mountains from Beqa from near Kamid el-Loz, adr090512272
Lebanon Mountains from Beqa from near Kamid el-Loz, adr090512275
Litani River near Joub Jannine view north, adr090512338
Litani River near Joub Jannine, adr090512337
Litani River near Rayak view north, adr090512247
Majdal Aanjar, Roman temple from east, adr090512262
Majdal Aanjar, Roman temple from southeast, adr090512267
Mount Hermon from Beqa, adr090512333
Mount Hermon from Beqa, adr090512334
Sidon (41)
Sidon, Castle of St Louis from southeast panorama, adr090508689
Sidon, Castle of St Louis from southwest panorama, adr090508694
Sidon, Castle of St Louis from southwest, adr090508708
Sidon, Castle of St Louis western corner, adr090508702
Sidon, Castle of St Louis, arch perhaps from Roman theater, adr090508688
Sidon, Castle of St Louis, arch perhaps from Roman theater, adr090508706
Sidon, Castle of St Louis, maybe Roman theater cavea and back wall, adr090508699
Sidon, Castle of St Louis, maybe Roman theater cavea panorama, adr090508703
Sidon, Castle of St Louis, maybe Roman theater cavea, adr090508698
Sidon, Castle of St Louis, maybe Roman theater cavea, adr090508701
Sidon, Egyptian Harbor from Castle of St Louis, adr090508696
Sidon, Egyptian Harbor view north, adr090508653
Sidon, Egyptian Harbor, adr090508651
Sidon, Fishing Harbor from Sea Castle, adr090508670
Sidon, Hariri mosque, adr090508709
Sidon, looking for shells on western end of Murex Hill, adr090508647
Sidon, Murex Hill from Castle of St Louis, adr090508697
Sidon, Murex Hill western end, adr090508643
Sidon, murex shell from Murex Hill, adr090509747
Sidon, murex shell from Murex Hill, adr090509760
Sidon, ruins in Murex Hill southwestern end, adr090508649
Sidon, Sea Castle and causeway, adr090508657
Sidon, Sea Castle and causeway, adr090508658
Sidon, Sea Castle cannon, adr090508656
Sidon, Sea Castle causeway and gate, adr090508673
Sidon, Sea Castle from south, adr090508654
Sidon, Sea Castle gateway, adr090508660
Sidon, Sea Castle interior, adr090508668
Sidon, Sea Castle interior, adr090508669
Sidon, Sea Castle mason marks above gate, adr090508661
Sidon, Sea Castle mosque, adr090508672
Sidon, Sea Castle passageway, adr090508665
Sidon, Sea Castle view east to mainland panorama, adr090508675
Sidon, Sea Castle view south panorama, adr090508677
Sidon, Sea Castle view southwest, adr090508674
Sidon, Sea Castle with Roman columns, adr090508659
Sidon, Sea Castle with Roman columns, adr090508662
Sidon, Sea Castle with Roman columns, adr090508663
Sidon, Sea Castle with Roman columns, adr090508664
Sidon, Sea Castle, Roman column for threshold, adr090508667
Sidon, Zire Island from Sea Castle, adr090508680
Tyre (124)
Rosh HaNiqra from Tyre, adr090508590
Tyre, al-Bass site, basin on Roman-Byzantine tomb roof, adr090508544
Tyre, al-Bass site, Byzantine road and Roman Monumental Arch, adr090508476
Tyre, al-Bass site, Byzantine road and Roman Monumental Arch, adr090508477
Tyre, al-Bass site, Byzantine road view east, adr090508489
Tyre, al-Bass site, Byzantine Victory Arch in Roman-Byzantine necropolis, adr090508467
Tyre, al-Bass site, Roman aqueduct bases in necropolis, adr090508468
Tyre, al-Bass site, Roman aqueduct with calcification, adr090508525
Tyre, al-Bass site, Roman aqueduct, adr090508524
Tyre, al-Bass site, Roman aqueduct, adr090508526
Tyre, al-Bass site, Roman aqueduct, adr090508527
Tyre, al-Bass site, Roman aqueduct, adr090508530
Tyre, al-Bass site, Roman hippodrome arena from eastern seating, adr090508501
Tyre, al-Bass site, Roman hippodrome cavea and arena, adr090508510
Tyre, al-Bass site, Roman hippodrome cavea and arena, adr090508515
Tyre, al-Bass site, Roman hippodrome cavea construction, adr090508512
Tyre, al-Bass site, Roman hippodrome cavea stairs, adr090508509
Tyre, al-Bass site, Roman hippodrome cavea stairs, adr090508514
Tyre, al-Bass site, Roman hippodrome cavea, adr090508517
Tyre, al-Bass site, Roman hippodrome eastern seating doorway, adr090508498
Tyre, al-Bass site, Roman hippodrome eastern seating remains, adr090508496
Tyre, al-Bass site, Roman hippodrome eastern seating section, adr090508497
Tyre, al-Bass site, Roman hippodrome eastern seating stairs, adr090508505
Tyre, al-Bass site, Roman hippodrome from north, adr090508494
Tyre, al-Bass site, Roman hippodrome granite obelisk, adr090508522
Tyre, al-Bass site, Roman hippodrome north end and aqueduct, adr090508500
Tyre, al-Bass site, Roman hippodrome northern meta, adr090508502
Tyre, al-Bass site, Roman hippodrome shops under eastern seating, adr090508499
Tyre, al-Bass site, Roman hippodrome southern end and cavea, adr090508504
Tyre, al-Bass site, Roman hippodrome southern end and cavea, adr090508513
Tyre, al-Bass site, Roman hippodrome southern end and cavea, adr090508518
Tyre, al-Bass site, Roman hippodrome southern meta, adr090508508
Tyre, al-Bass site, Roman hippodrome spina and obelisk from northeast, adr090508503
Tyre, al-Bass site, Roman hippodrome spina and obelisk, adr090508506
Tyre, al-Bass site, Roman hippodrome spina pedestal, adr090508519
Tyre, al-Bass site, Roman hippodrome spina, adr090508507
Tyre, al-Bass site, Roman hippodrome spina, meta and obelisk, adr090508511
Tyre, al-Bass site, Roman hippodrome spina, meta and obelisk, adr090508516
Tyre, al-Bass site, Roman house design funerary complex, adr090508465
Tyre, al-Bass site, Roman Monumental Arch and aqueduct, adr090508523
Tyre, al-Bass site, Roman Monumental Arch from east, adr090508487
Tyre, al-Bass site, Roman Monumental Arch from east, adr090508491
Tyre, al-Bass site, Roman Monumental Arch pediment, adr090508543
Tyre, al-Bass site, Roman pedestrian street and columns, adr090508529
Tyre, al-Bass site, Roman pedestrian street, adr090508493
Tyre, al-Bass site, Roman road and Monumental Arch and aqueduct, adr090508528
Tyre, al-Bass site, Roman road and Monumental Arch from east, adr090508492
Tyre, al-Bass site, Roman road and Monumental Arch from west, adr090508531
Tyre, al-Bass site, Roman road and Monumental Arch from west, adr090508533
Tyre, al-Bass site, Roman road drainage channel, adr090508536
Tyre, al-Bass site, Roman tomb entrance, adr090508545
Tyre, al-Bass site, Roman-Byzantine Arcade Tomb in necropolis, adr090508479
Tyre, al-Bass site, Roman-Byzantine Arcade Tomb in necropolis, adr090508480
Tyre, al-Bass site, Roman-Byzantine Arcade Tomb in necropolis, adr090508481
Tyre, al-Bass site, Roman-Byzantine Arcade Tomb lintel, adr090508478
Tyre, al-Bass site, Roman-Byzantine Columbarium Tomb in necropolis, adr090508483
Tyre, al-Bass site, Roman-Byzantine Mosaic Tomb in necropolis, adr090508490
Tyre, al-Bass site, Roman-Byzantine necropolis view north, adr090508551
Tyre, al-Bass site, Roman-Byzantine necropolis view northeast, adr090508463
Tyre, al-Bass site, Roman-Byzantine necropolis view northeast, adr090508547
Tyre, al-Bass site, Roman-Byzantine necropolis, adr090508473
Tyre, al-Bass site, Roman-Byzantine necropolis, adr090508475
Tyre, al-Bass site, Roman-Byzantine sarcophagi in necropolis, adr090508469
Tyre, al-Bass site, Roman-Byzantine sarcophagi in necropolis, adr090508470
Tyre, al-Bass site, Roman-Byzantine sarcophagi in necropolis, adr090508488
Tyre, al-Bass site, Roman-Byzantine sarcophagi, adr090508539
Tyre, al-Bass site, Roman-Byzantine sarcophagus in necropolis, adr090508464
Tyre, al-Bass site, Roman-Byzantine sarcophagus in necropolis, adr090508471
Tyre, al-Bass site, Roman-Byzantine sarcophagus with tiled roof, adr090508548
Tyre, al-Bass site, Roman-Byzantine sarcophagus with tiled roof, adr090508549
Tyre, al-Bass site, Roman-Byzantine sarcophagus with tiled roof, adr090508550
Tyre, al-Bass site, Roman-Byzantine sarcophagus, adr090508537
Tyre, al-Bass site, Roman-Byzantine sarcophagus, adr090508540
Tyre, al-Bass site, Roman-Byzantine tomb in necropolis, adr090508472
Tyre, al-Bass site, Roman-Byzantine tomb monument in necropolis, adr090508474
Tyre, al-Bass site, Roman-Byzantine tomb, adr090508538
Tyre, al-Bass site, Roman-Byzantine tomb, adr090508546
Tyre, al-Bass site, Roman-Byzantine Tower Tomb in necropolis, adr090508484
Tyre, al-Bass site, Roman-Byzantine Tower Tomb in necropolis, adr090508485
Tyre, al-Bass site, Roman-Byzantine Tower Tomb in necropolis, adr090508486
Tyre, al-Mina site, Roman agora staircase, adr090508602
Tyre, al-Mina site, Roman agora view to sea from northeast, adr090508606
Tyre, al-Mina site, Roman agora view to sea from northeast, adr090508607
Tyre, al-Mina site, Roman baths and palestra from northeast, adr090508598
Tyre, al-Mina site, Roman baths exedra, adr090508581
Tyre, al-Mina site, Roman baths from northwest, adr090508575
Tyre, al-Mina site, Roman baths from northwest, adr090508576
Tyre, al-Mina site, Roman baths from west, adr090508578
Tyre, al-Mina site, Roman baths from west, adr090508579
Tyre, al-Mina site, Roman baths marble floor, adr090508577
Tyre, al-Mina site, Roman baths palestra construction, adr090508585
Tyre, al-Mina site, Roman baths palestra from north, adr090508583
Tyre, al-Mina site, Roman baths palestra from northeast, adr090508580
Tyre, al-Mina site, Roman baths palestra from west, adr090508584
Tyre, al-Mina site, Roman baths weathered stones, adr090508582
Tyre, al-Mina site, Roman channel to cisterns, adr090508553
Tyre, al-Mina site, Roman cisterns, adr090508555
Tyre, al-Mina site, Roman cisterns, adr090508556
Tyre, al-Mina site, Roman cisterns, adr090508558
Tyre, al-Mina site, Roman cisterns, adr090508560
Tyre, al-Mina site, Roman cisterns, adr090508571
Tyre, al-Mina site, Roman cisterns, adr090508573
Tyre, al-Mina site, Roman colonnaded Mosaic Street view to city, adr090508594
Tyre, al-Mina site, Roman colonnaded Mosaic Street view to sea, adr090508552
Tyre, al-Mina site, Roman colonnaded Mosaic Street view to sea, adr090508574
Tyre, al-Mina site, Roman colonnaded Mosaic Street view to sea, adr090508601
Tyre, al-Mina site, Roman dedication to Tyrian boxer, adr090508595
Tyre, al-Mina site, Roman marble doorway in area of glass furnaces, adr090508600
Tyre, al-Mina site, Roman Octagonal fountain from north, adr090508611
Tyre, al-Mina site, Roman pipes, adr090508603
Tyre, al-Mina site, Roman pipes, adr090508604
Tyre, al-Mina site, Roman rectangular theater fill and covering, adr090508565
Tyre, al-Mina site, Roman rectangular theater seats, adr090508570
Tyre, al-Mina site, Roman rectangular theater vault in southern corner, adr090508569
Tyre, al-Mina site, Roman rectangular theater view to sea, adr090508561
Tyre, al-Mina site, Roman rectangular theater, adr090508557
Tyre, al-Mina site, Roman rectangular theater, adr090508559
Tyre, al-Mina site, Roman rectangular theater, adr090508563
Tyre, al-Mina site, Roman rectangular theater, adr090508567
Tyre, al-Mina site, Roman rectangular theater, adr090508572
Tyre, al-Mina site, Roman sarcophagus, adr090508597
Tyre, al-Mina site, tabun in area of glass furnaces, adr090508599
Tyre, Egyptian Harbor view south, adr090508589
Tyre, view along southern side of isthmus, adr090508586
Zarephath (14)
Zarephath, harbor and tell from east, adr090508642
Zarephath, harbor and tell from south panorama, adr090508638
Zarephath, industrial quarter area of Tanit-Ashtarte shrine, adr090508620
Zarephath, industrial quarter area of Tanit-Ashtarte shrine, adr090508631
Zarephath, industrial quarter from north, adr090508618
Zarephath, industrial quarter from south, adr090508623
Zarephath, industrial quarter from west panorama, adr090508632
Zarephath, industrial quarter Hellenistic olive press, adr090508621
Zarephath, industrial quarter stone basin, adr090508624
Zarephath, Phoenician harbor and tell from east, adr090508617
Zarephath, Phoenician harbor from northwest, adr090508627
Zarephath, Phoenician harbor from southwest panorama, adr090508635
Zarephath, Phoenician harbor from west, adr090508628
Zarephath, tell from north, adr090508626