Western Mediterranean

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Gaul (France)

Ambrussum, Arelate (Arles), Glanum, Lugdunum (Lyon), Lutetia (Paris), Mas de Tourelles, Narbo Martius (Narbonne), Nemausus (Nimes), Orange, Pont du Gard, Trophy of Pompey, Vasio (Vaison le Romaine), Vienna (Vienne)

Hispania (Spain)

Astigi, Barcino (Barcelona), Corduba (Cordoba), Emerita Augusta (Merida), Emporiae (Ampurias), Gades (Cadiz), Italica, Tarraco (Tarragona)

Index of Photographs on this DVD
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All images are high-resolution jpg files (2400 x 1600). Ideal for projecting in a classroom, viewing on a monitor or printing. Also included on each DVD are pre-made PowerPoint presentations for each region (with photograph annotations), maps for site identification, and an image index.

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