
Photo Companion to the Bible

a unique digital resource illustrating the biblical text by chapter and verse with beautiful photographs


  • Modern and historical photographs
  • Biblical sites and museum artifacts
  • PowerPoint-based collection designed for quick use
  • Generous copyright permissions
  • Free shipping and immediate download

Ideal for: teachers, pastors, professors, and serious Bible students

Prices: $19 to $119 per volume (100 to 6,800 photos each). $599 for all 33 volumes.


“Hands down, this is the best visual resource out there! No other resource allows you to experience the Bible visually as this one does.

Whether you’re a teacher, preacher, or someone interested in better understanding the Bible, this is a must-have series.”

Brad Gray, Pastor, Study Trip Leader, and founder of Walking The Text

Old Testament


6,800 photos (60–600 per chapter)



  • Illustrations of ancient creation records in reliefs, paintings, and tablets
  • “Tree of life” and serpent iconography in ancient art
  • Cultural images of shepherding, farming, and tent-dwelling
  • Images of ancient wood ships and of modern models and replicas of the ark
  • Fossilized creatures and geographical features discussed in light of a global flood
  • In-depth examination of the “Table of Nations” with geographical locations of mentioned people groups
  • Images of brick-making techniques and ancient brick towers
  • Photos of the locations visited and routes used by the patriarchs
  • Excavations and artifacts from Egypt relevant to Joseph and his family


Free chapter: Genesis 15 (130 slides)


Price: $149 $99


“The Genesis installment of the Photo Companion to the Bible series is outstanding! It features a collection of premium PowerPoint slides that present images, detailed explanations, and insights organized to align with each verse of the biblical narrative. This Photo Companion is designed to bring the Scriptures to life for theological students or church members. It comes with my highest recommendation.”

T. Desmond Alexander, Senior Lecturer in Biblical Studies, Union Theological College, Belfast; author of From Paradise to the Promised Land


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Photo Companion to Genesis
Photo Companion to Exodus


6,200 photos (55–285 per chapter)



  • Egyptian reliefs and models illustrating aspects of life in the land, including brickmaking and other hard labor
  • Archaeological sites in Egypt and the Sinai Peninsula associated with the Exodus narrative
  • Historic photos illustrating tent-dwelling, shepherding, and sacrifices
  • Extensive modern photos of the Samaritan celebration of Passover
  • Egyptian vessels, jewelry, and other artifacts illustrating Israelite plunder and tabernacle offerings
  • Detailed reconstructions of the tabernacle and its altar and furnishings
  • Discussion and illustrations of the various materials used in the construction of the tabernacle
  • Examples of idols, altars, and implements of worship


Free chapter: Exodus 2 (115 slides)


Price: $149 $99


“This excellent Exodus slide collection will enable the student of the Bible to realistically visualize many elements of the exodus narratives. The high-quality images flesh out the Egyptian background and setting, and thus promotes belief in the authenticity and historicity of the Bible’s reports of the most important story in the Old Testament.”

James K. Hoffmeier, Emeritus Professor of Near Eastern Archaeology and Old Testament, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School; author of Israel in Egypt and Ancient Israel in Sinai


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3,100 photos (45–400 per chapter)



  • Images of sites conquered by Israel, including Jericho, Ai, and Hazor
  • Historic photos of the Jordan River when flooded
  • Extensive illustrations of the tribal inheritances and city lists


Free chapter: Joshua 2 (110 slides)


Price: $99 $69


“What a treasure-trove of material is to be found here. With beautiful photos for almost every phrase in the book that lends itself to some identification, whether by showing an ancient artifact, multiple views of archaeological sites corresponding to the ancient cities, stunning aerial views of the landscape, helpful maps identifying places, and more. I heartily recommend this series to anyone wanting a ‘visual assist’ as they read the Bible!”

—David M. Howard, Jr., Professor of Old Testament, Bethlehem College and Seminary; author of Joshua in the New American Commentary series


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Judges Photo Companion


2,800 photos (65–225 per chapter)



  • Photos illustrating Gideon’s gathering at Ein Harod and Abimelech’s attack on Shechem
  • Images for Ehud in Jericho, Barak at Mount Tabor, and Samson in the Sorek Valley
  • Aerial shots demonstrating the book’s geography


Free chapter: Judges 4 (163 slides)


Price: $99 $69


“The Photo Companion to Judges offers thousands of images that explicate the text. Organized by chapter and easy to navigate, it is an iconographic commentary that is chock full of new and brilliant insights based on the latest archaeological and geographical research. No other product on Judges can enhance teaching as much as this unique resource.

—Kenneth C. WayAssociate Professor of Old Testament and Semitics at Talbot School of Theology, Biola University; author of Judges and Ruth in the Teach the Text Commentary Series


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350 photos (65–135 per chapter)



  • Journey from Moab
  • Scenes of harvesting and threshing
  • Historic images of Bethlehem


Free section: Ruth 2:1-4 (32 slides)


Price: $49 $29


Through this spectacular set of photographs formatted as PowerPoint slides, the characters in the book and their activities come to life. I wish I had had this amazing resource when I was writing my commentary.”

Daniel I. Block, Author of Ruth — The King is Coming! (Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the Old Testament)


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1 Samuel Photo Companion

1 Samuel

3,000 photos (50–230 per chapter)



  • Photos illustrating David’s battle with Goliath in the Elah Valley
  • Images related to Samuel’s ministry in the tabernacle
  • Visual explanations of David’s flight from Saul in the Judean wilderness
  • Aerial photographs revealing the book’s geography
  • Artifacts illuminating the culture of the day


Free chapter: 1 Samuel 4 (89 slides)


Price: $99 $79


“Today’s students need visual-based instruction like never before, and this remarkable set of photographs is just what we need. The notes embedded in the slides are up-to-date, and helpful in every respect. Students and teachers alike will love this Photo Companion like few other resources for Bible instruction.”

Bill T. Arnold, Paul S. Amos Professor of Old Testament Interpretation, Asbury Theological Seminary, and author of 1-2 Samuel (NIV Application Commentary)


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2 Samuel

2,900 photos (45–200 per chapter)



  • Photos of Hebron and Jerusalem, David’s capital cities
  • Artifacts illustrating the food, clothing, weapons, vessels, and material culture of David’s day
  • Reliefs demonstrating the iconography of war and royalty in the Ancient Near East
  • Labeled photos showing Jerusalem’s geography and highlighting the physical realities of 2 Samuel’s accounts
  • Examples of ancient city gates and wells, as well as traditional-style tents and houses


Free chapter: 2 Samuel 2 (130 slides)


Price: $89 $69


“What a ‘fire hydrant’ flow of pertinent, revealing detail for interpreting 2 Samuel! This extravaganza adds repeated perspective and understanding—whether appreciating the sort of turf Abner & Co. would face traveling back to Mahanaim in ch. 2, or getting the ‘skinny’ on David’s conquest of Jerusalem in ch. 5, or simply visualizing the hiding places David may have used in ch. 17; at every turn one gains fresh appreciation and new insights into the text of 2 Samuel in this marvelous geographical-archaeological-cultural starter kit. There is a richness in the Photo Companion that commentaries often don’t or can’t supply.”

Dale Ralph Davis, Former pastor of Woodland Presbyterian Church in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, and professor of Old Testament at Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson, and author of 2 Samuel: Out of Every Adversity


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Photo Companion to 2 Samuel
Photo Companion to 1 Kings

1 Kings

3,400 photos (75–280 per chapter)



  • Photos of the capital cities of Jerusalem, Shechem, Penuel, Tirzah, and Samaria
  • Models of Solomon’s temple, palace, and the city of Jerusalem
  • Artifacts illustrating the food, clothing, weapons, vessels, and material culture of the early monarchy
  • Archaeological remains of the cities fortified by Solomon and the high places of Jeroboam
  • Cultic objects including altars, standing stones, bulls, and Baal and Asherah figurines from the land of Israel and the ancient Near East
  • Reliefs and inscriptions of Shishak’s invasion of Judah and Israel
  • The setting of Elijah’s confrontation with the false prophets on Mount Carmel
  • Scenes of Jezreel, vineyards, and winepresses reminiscent of Ahab’s encounter with Naboth
  • Locations of major battles, including Ramah, Mizpah, Gibbethon, Aphek, and Ramoth Gilead


Free chapter: 1 Kings 9 (200 slides)


Price: $89 $69


“This is a wonderful resource for serious students of the Bible and for all who teach and preach 1 Kings. I wish it had been available decades ago – I would have found it incredibly useful.”

Iain Provan, Marshall Sheppard Professor of Biblical Studies, Regent College Vancouver; author of 1 and 2 Kings in the New International Biblical Commentary series


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2 Kings

3,900 photos (80–310 per chapter)



  • Hundreds of reliefs, inscriptions, and seal impressions of various individuals and events, including the Tel Dan Inscription, the Mesha Stele, the Lachish Reliefs, the Babylonian Chronicle
  • Numerous aerial photos with labels identifying significant locations
  • Imagery related to Israel’s and Judah’s wars with the Moabites, Edomites, Arameans, Assyrians, and Babylonians
  • Setting of events in Elisha’s ministry, including Dothan, Shunem, Jericho, and the Jordan River
  • Scenes from Jehu’s wild ride, assassination of two kings, and depiction on the Black Obelisk
  • Archaeological evidence from Hezekiah’s reign, including his religious purges, his administration, his fortifying of Jerusalem, and his famous tunnel
  • Artifacts and discoveries related to the fall of the northern kingdom and the conquest of Jerusalem


Free chapter: 2 Kings 8 (170 slides)


Price: $89 $69


“This impressive resource will help people envision the characters, places, and customs in 1-2 Kings. Scholars, pastors, Sunday school teachers, home-school teachers, and general readers will benefit from the authors’ clear explanations of how ancient art and modern photographs illuminate the biblical text. I look forward to using this resource when I read, teach, and preach 1-2 Kings.”

Paul House, Beeson Divinity School, Samford University; author of 1-2 Kings in the New American Commentary series


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Photo Companion to 2 Kings
Photo Companion to Ezra


1,800 photos (110–300 per chapter)



  • Ancient depictions of Persian kings and artifacts associated with their reigns
  • Photos of Babylon, Pasargadae, Persepolis, and other key locations connected with the exile
  • Modern photos, historic images, and reconstructions illustrating Jerusalem’s temple complex in its various phases
  • Illustrations of Jewish sacrifices and feasts
  • Examples of ancient building techniques, including masonry and carpentry
  • Persian reliefs showing royal processions, offering-bearers, construction workers, and exiles
  • Images of artifacts from the Persian royal treasury
  • Examples of ancient tablets, letters, scrolls, and writing utensils
  • Artifacts attesting to the use of names mentioned in the book
  • Illustrations for offerings and construction materials, including vessels, silver and gold objects, and cedars of Lebanon


Free section: Ezra 3 (175 slides)


Price: $79 $49


Hundreds of attention-grabbing images–beautifully presented and combined with scholarly accurate and insightful commentary–make this a dream come true for teachers and researchers. The variety of relevant venues and artifacts represented in this verse-by-verse visual guide is truly amazing. Even the lists of names become fascinating!”

Doug Nykolaishen, Professor of Biblical Studies, Ouachita Baptist University; author of “Ezra-Nehemiah” in Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther, Teach the Text Commentary Series


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2,700 photos (110–360 per chapter)



  • Ancient depictions of Persian kings and artifacts associated with their reigns
  • Photos of Susa and other key locations connected with the exile
  • Photos and reconstructions of Jerusalem’s ancient ruins, including the temple complex and fortifications
  • Ancient depictions of royal cupbearers
  • Charts and explanations illuminating the Hebrew calendar
  • Illustrations and historical photos showing the location of Jerusalem’s landmarks mentioned in the narrative
  • Examples of both destruction and reconstruction in Israel
  • Ancient depictions of construction tools and weapons of war
  • Modern photos of Jewish assemblies in Jerusalem
  • Artifacts attesting to the use of names mentioned in the book


Free chapter: Nehemiah 2 (200 slides)


Price: $89 $59


“Finally, a photographic commentary on the Bible organized by chapter! I heartily recommend this outstanding collection of Bible-related photos, which includes a broad spectrum from ancient artifacts and archaeological excavations to modern geographical and instructional materials. This easy-to-use visual resource will make your presentations and publications come alive.

—Hannah Harrington, author of The Books of Ezra and Nehemiah in the New International Commentary on the Old Testament


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Photo Companion to Nehemiah


700 photos (25–150 per chapter)



  • Photos of Susa, including the throne room and gate house
  • Contemporary reliefs of the Persian court
  • Models and plans of Susa and its architecture
  • Ancient inscriptions mentioning the Persian kings and queens


Free chapter: Esther 4 (59 slides)


Price: $69 $49


“The Photo Companion to Esther is an excellent resource for professional-quality digital photos, maps, and illustrations that will enhance any presentation of that biblical book or historical period. Conveniently packaged as PowerPoint slides, it is particularly suitable for easy classroom use. Highly recommended.”

Karen H. Jobes, Gerald F. Hawthorne Professor Emerita of New Testament Greek & Exegesis, Wheaton College and Graduate School, and author of Esther (NIV Application Commentary)


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Psalm 23

100 photos 



  • Green pastures and still waters
  • The “valley of the shadow of death”
  • Rods, staffs, tables, enemies
  • Bonus image sets of shepherds and sheep


Free section: Psalm 23:1 (13 slides)


Price: $39 $19


“This Photo Companion to the Bible introduces you to the lay of the land—its beauty and danger—in which Israelite shepherds work, along with their ancient traditions. Each slide is accompanied by a brief commentary that explains the photograph and its cultural relationship to the text. Use this resource to give your listeners a deeper appreciation of one of the Bible’s most famous passages.”

Ted WeisAdjunct Lecturer in Biblical Studies, Sterling College; Pastor, Little River Congregational Church


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Psalm 23


1,000 photos (40–190 per chapter)



  • Statues, reliefs, and coins of prophesied kings
  • Depictions of ancient gods and beasts
  • Sites and artifacts from Babylonian and Persian empires
  • 190 slides illustrating the detailed events of Daniel 11


Free chapter: Daniel 3 (116 slides)


Price: $69 $59


“The Daniel volume in the Photo Companion to the Bible series is simply terrific! These high-quality PowerPoint slides include pictures with descriptions and commentary arranged for a verse-by-verse study of the biblical text. The Photo Companion will make the Bible come alive for your class or church group. I highly recommend it.”

— Stephen R. MillerAssociate Dean of Doctoral Programs and Chairman of the Old Testament and Hebrew Department, Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary; author of Daniel in the New American Commentary series


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Old Testament (14 volumes)

more than 39,000 photos


All 14 volumes of the Old Testament:

  • Genesis: 6,800 photos
  • Exodus: 6,200 photos
  • Joshua, Judges, Ruth: 6,200 photos
  • 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel: 5,900 photos
  • 1 Kings, 2 Kings: 7,400 photos
  • Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Psalm 23, and Daniel: 6,300 photos


Price: $649 $399


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Photo Companion to the Old Testament (14 vols)

New Testament


3,000 photos (50–240 per chapter)



  • Visit of Magi and flight to Egypt
  • Sermon on the Mount
  • Healings and parables
  • The Olivet Discourse


Free chapter: Matthew 4 (155 slides)


Price: $99 $69


“For those who love to teach the Gospels in their visual context, this new resource from BiblePlaces.com is the answer to a teacher’s or preacher’s fondest prayer. What Gutenberg did for the written Word, BiblePlaces.com has just done for Gospel visuals. It’s a truly remarkable resource for bringing the Gospels alive in fresh and new ways.”

Doug GreenwoldPreserving Bible Times


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Matthew DVD
Photo Companion to Mark


2,000 photos (75–200 per chapter)



  • John the Baptist’s ministry
  • Blind man at Bethsaida
  • Mount of Transfiguration
  • Passion Week events in Jerusalem


Free chapter: Mark 6 (191 slides)


Price: $89 $59


“This is an absolutely invaluable resource that provides amazing visuals when studying the Scriptures. My students and I have benefited richly from this PowerPoint tool and I highly recommend it for every pastor and layman who is seeking to provide visual aid to their study and teaching of the Scriptures.”

-Jared ClarkStudent Ministries Pastor, California


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3,000 photos (80–190 per chapter)



  • Jesus’s birth in Bethlehem
  • Jesus’s childhood and ministry in Nazareth
  • Calming the storm and walking on the Sea of Galilee
  • The road to Emmaus


Free chapter: Luke 8 (165 slides)


Price: $99 $69


“The Photo Companion to the Bible is an essential resource for anyone teaching or preaching the Gospels. This database of images will enhance your presentations and help make the world of the Gospels come alive for your students. Short of visiting Israel several times on your own, this Photo Companion will also help anyone reading through the Gospels visualize the places Jesus lived.”

-Phillip J. LongProfessor of Biblical Studies, Grace Christian University


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Luke DVD
Photo Companion to John


2,000 photos (40–195 per chapter)



  • Wedding of Cana
  • Woman at the well in Sychar
  • Miracles at Pools of Bethesda and Siloam
  • Raising of Lazarus in Bethany


Free chapter: John 2 (165 slides)


Price: $89 $69


“This is a tremendous resource. As great as the Pictorial Library of Bible Lands is, I predict the Photo Companion to the Bible will be even more helpful for the preacher and teacher.”

—Tony LawrenceEvangelist for the Church of Christ at Bybee Branch


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4,200 photos (65–250 per chapter)



  • The apostles’ early ministry in Jerusalem
  • Peter’s journey to Joppa and Caesarea
  • Paul’s three missionary journeys
  • Paul’s shipwreck and final journey to Rome


Free chapter: Acts 18 (198 slides)


Price: $149 $89


“I have been looking for this sort of extraordinary resource for years. I don’t know of any other photo resource for Acts currently on this level. This collection will transform the way I teach Acts in the classroom, and it’s useful for my own thinking as I work again through the text.”

Craig S. KeenerF. M. and Ada Thompson Professor of Biblical Studies, Asbury Theological Seminary, and author of Acts: An Exegetical Commentary (4 vols.)


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Acts Photo Companion
Romans Photo Companion


1,600 photos (65–185 per chapter)



  • Inscriptions from Jews living in Rome
  • Illustrations of judgment, sin, sacrifices, and death from the Roman world
  • Photos of texts cited by Paul from a Torah scroll and the Great Isaiah Scroll
  • Images of slave chains, slave collars, slave markets, slaves in triumphal procession
  • Olive trees with branches broken off and grafted in


Free chapter: Romans 12 (114 slides)


Price: $69 $49


“Teachers are (or should be!) finding ways to present Biblical material to students in memorable ways. Accompanying the study of the Bible with visual material is a great way to engage students. The photos and illustrations brought together in this collection should go a long way to making a class on Romans more interesting. I plan to use the resource when I teach Romans from now on.”

—Douglas MooWessner Chair of Biblical Studies, Wheaton College; author of The Letter to the Romans in the NICNT series


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1 Corinthians

1,700 photos (65–200 per chapter)



  • Photos of athletic competitions, racetracks, and prizes
  • Ancient manuscripts related to stewardship, lawsuits, and divorce
  • Photos of Greco-Roman temples and meat markets
  • Coins illustrating orators and the Emperor Nero
  • Statues of famous individuals known to the Corinthians
  • Imagery of planting, building, temptation, judgment, household gatherings, and communal meals
  • Frescoes illustrating marriage, worship, sacrifice, prayer, freedom, conscience


Free chapter: 1 Corinthians 13 (95 slides)


Price: $69 $49


“This photo collection is remarkable! It provides a wonderful tour of the city of Corinth and also includes pictures and interpretations of objects related to both the background and the subject of text. Viewing the slides, I felt as if I had found a pearl of great price that both informs and enriches one’s understanding of this letter. The PowerPoint format will make it particularly useful as a first-class way to introduce a study of 1 Corinthians to others.”

—David E. GarlandProfessor of Christian Scriptures, George W. Truett Theological Seminary, Baylor University; author of 1 Corinthians in the BECNT series


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Photo Companion to 2 Corinthians

2 Corinthians

800 photos (45–115 per chapter)



  • Papyrus letters, scribal tools, and artwork of scrolls
  • Traditional tents and portrayals of tent-making
  • Ancient judgment seats, including the bema at Corinth
  • Weaponry, armor, and strongholds from the biblical world
  • Single coins and coin hoards from the Greco-Roman period
  • Imagery of grief, joy, decay, reconciliation, conflict, sowing, and reaping
  • Frescoes illustrating judgment, field work, sailing, worship, and pagan wisdom


Free chapter: 2 Corinthians 4 (65 slides)


Price: $59 $49


“When I discovered the resources offered through BiblePlaces.com I was thrilled. The photos have been a tremendous help to me! They are high quality, wisely organized, and reasonably priced. As one who loves geography, history, culture, and archaeology, these images have been a tremendous blessing and have greatly enriched my ministry.”

Pastor Joel DeSelm, South Bend, IN


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650 photos (65–125 per chapter)



  • Discussion regarding Paul’s audience, date of the epistle, with photos illustrating multiple views
  • Archaeological remains from the region of Galatia, including pagan temples
  • Examples of key Greek words in Galatians as used in ancient inscriptions and letters
  • Photos illustrating Paul’s travels, from Damascus and “Arabia” to Jerusalem and Antioch
  • Examples of treaties and other binding covenants from the Ancient Near East
  • Greco-Roman artifacts related to children, slaves, and freemen


Free chapter: Galatians 5 (125 slides)


Price: $49 $39


“The Photo Companion to Galatians provides a rich immersion into the lived environment of Paul and the Christians he addressed in Galatia by means of a carefully curated — and helpfully annotated — collection of photos of archaeological sites and relevant artifacts.  Those who teach or preach on Galatians will find a great deal of visual material here to enrich the experience of those they lead through this important letter.”

David A. deSilva, Trustees’ Distinguished Professor of New Testament and Greek, Ashland Theological Seminary, and author of The Letter to the Galatians in the NICNT series


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Photo Companion to Galatians
Photo Companion to Ephesians


500 photos (70–115 per chapter)



  • Extensive photos and notes relating to the city of Ephesus and its archaeological site
  • Illustrations demonstrating the nuance of meaning behind key words in Ephesians
  • Examples of other ancient letters that give context to Paul’s epistolary format
  • Early Christian iconography illustrating concepts in the letter
  • Discussion of different views surrounding when Paul wrote the letter, with photos illustrating multiple possibilities
  • Greco-Roman artifacts related to idolatry and sacrifices
  • Ancient reliefs and texts shedding light on the wives, husbands, children, fathers, slaves, and masters of Paul’s day
  • Illustrations for each element of the armor of God


Free chapter: Ephesians 3 (73 slides)


Price: $49 $39


“These photographs of ancient sites and artifacts related to Paul’s letter to the Ephesians provide a visual feast for the student of the letter. They helpfully place students of the letter into Paul’s world and make its abstract theological concepts come alive.”

Frank Thielman, Presbyterian Professor of Divinity, Beeson Divinity School; author of Ephesians in the BECNT series


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450 photos (70–145 per chapter)



  • Photos and notes relating to the city of Philippi and its archaeological site
  • Illustrations demonstrating the nuance of meaning behind key words in Philippians
  • Examples of other ancient letters that give context to Paul’s epistolary format
  • Many artifacts and archaeological sites related to the Praetorian Guard and Roman prisoners
  • Other ancient uses of the Greek word for “rejoice,” as well as Greco-Roman imagery illustrating joy
  • Ancient artifacts and modern scenes related to Judaism, illustrating Paul’s testimony
  • Greco-Roman remains pertaining to athletic competitions


Free chapter: Philippians 4 (73 slides)


Price: $49 $39


“The starting point for the faithful study of Scripture is understanding what the text meant within its original historical and cultural context. Among all the resources available for that task, there is nothing quite like The Photo Companion to Philippians. The hundreds of photos, along with clear and descriptive captions, enable one to visually engage the world of Paul and the Philippians in fresh and dynamic ways. Whether you are a pastor, a teacher, a missionary, a small group leader, or simply a student of the Bible, the Photo Companion to Philippians will deepen your understanding of the biblical text and enable you to invite others into that experience.”

Matthew S. Harmon, Professor of New Testament Studies, Grace College and Theological Seminary; author of Philippians: A Mentor Commentary


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Photo Companion to Philippians
Photo Companion to Colossians and Philemon

Colossians and Philemon

600 photos (110–145 per chapter)



  • Photos and notes relating to the city of Colossae and its archaeological site, as well as its sister city Laodicea
  • Illustrations demonstrating the nuance of meaning behind key words in Colossians
  • Examples of other ancient letters that give context to Paul’s epistolary format
  • Photos of Rome and other Roman sites illustrating Paul’s imprisonment
  • Greco-Roman artifacts related to philosophies and false religions
  • Examples of ancient mysticism and syncretism
  • Artifacts relating to Greeks, Jews, barbarians, Scythians, slaves, and freemen
  • Photos illustrating early house churches
  • Greco-Roman remains illuminating the cultural context around Onesimus’s slavery and Paul’s appeal for his freedom


Free chapter: Colossians 2 (145 slides)


Price: $49 $39


“Commentaries are valuable resources for understanding the text of Scripture, but visual images provide an additional dimension of illumination into the language, imagery, and cultural setting of the Bible. This high-quality collection of pictures will deeply enrich your grasp of the Biblical text.

Clinton E. ArnoldDean and Professor of New Testament at Talbot School of Theology (Biola University); general editor of the Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary and author of Colossians in the Word Biblical Commentary (in preparation)


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1 & 2 Thessalonians

650 photos (40–120 per chapter)



  • Photos of the archaeological remains of Thessalonica and explanations of the city’s history
  • Depictions and explanations of Greco-Roman family dynamics as referenced by Paul
  • Examples of the ambient cultural immorality facing Paul’s audience
  • Photos illustrating the Macedonian churches cared for by the Thessalonians
  • Illustrations of Thessalonica’s local industries
  • Greco-Roman examples of sleep used as a metaphor for death and artistic depictions of mourning
  • Artifacts and artwork illuminating Paul’s descriptions of the Second Coming
  • Illustrations of Paul’s (literal) tentmaking ministry and contrasting examples of idleness in Greco-Roman culture


Free chapter: 1 Thessalonians 5 (109 slides)


Price: $49 $39


“This new collection of images illustrating 1 and 2 Thessalonians is extraordinary! It illuminates not only the archeological setting of Thessalonica and the letters Paul sent to the congregation there, but also the many aspects of everyday life that those letters touch on, including death, sex, money, and work. This wide-ranging and visually powerful collection is an outstanding resource for anyone teaching or researching the Thessalonian letters.

Michael Holmes, Professor of Biblical Studies and Early Christianity Emeritus, Bethel University; author of 1 & 2 Thessalonians in the NIVAC series


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Photo Companion to 1 & 2 Thessalonians
Photo Companion to 1 & 2 Timothy, Titus

1 & 2 Timothy, Titus

1,100 photos (50–150 per chapter)



  • Photos of the archaeological remains at Ephesus and on the island of Crete
  • Artifacts and artwork illustrating Paul’s repeated martial and athletic metaphors
  • Statues demonstrating common attire and hairstyles of women in Paul’s day
  • Examples of the words “deacon” and “elder” found on inscriptions
  • Artifacts related to various heresies, syncretistic errors, and fables that afflicted the early church
  • Illustrations and discussions of poverty, widowhood, and old age in the Greco-Roman world
  • Photos of Rome and its prison, as well as the many other locations referenced by Paul
  • Various honorable and dishonorable vessels recovered from around Paul’s time


Free chapter: 1 Timothy 4 (64 slides)


Price: $69 $49


“In a visual culture, seeing the truths of Scripture adds a new dimension to understanding the words of God. This is especially true of theological teachings, which the Photo Companion to 1 & 2 Timothy, Titus uniquely and wonderfully does. I wish I had this resource when I was teaching and especially preaching through the Pastorals.

Bill Mounce, President of BiblicalTraining.org; author of Pastoral Epistles in the Word Biblical Commentary


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1,950 photos (70–265 per chapter)



  • Photos of locations and imagery related to Jesus’s earthly ministry and sufferings
  • Images of Old Testament quotations on ancient manuscripts and Torah scrolls, and discussion of those quotations
  • Photos of places associated with Moses and the rebellions of Israel, including Jebel Musa and Kadesh Barnea
  • Illustrations of Sabbath rest with discussion of Hebrews’ contrast between past examples of “rest” and future eschatological rest
  • Examples of two-edged Roman swords and Roman anchors
  • Models of the tabernacle and temple, as well as photos of sacrifices in modern Israel, illustrating Jesus’s priestly ministry and the heavenly tabernacle
  • Photos illustrating Abraham’s tithe to Melchizedek, including ancient depictions of spoil and examples of priestly genealogies
  • Examples of oaths and covenants from the ancient Near East
  • Photos illustrating the locations and actions of the various stories of faith in Hebrews 11


Free chapter: Hebrews 7 (145 slides)


Price: $59 $39


“This extensive collection of photos brings new depth of understanding to Hebrews by illustrating many of the numerous citations of or allusions to the OT. The collection offers numerous photos that bring the epistle’s context of the Roman Empire alive. Excellent quality photos of ancient coins, inscriptions, early manuscripts, statues, and examples of Roman iconography (and other ancient cultures), all contribute to the depth of this collection. This collection will be appreciated by professors, students, Bible study leaders, and anyone interested in exploring Hebrews more deeply.”

Dana M. HarrisProfessor of New Testament, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School; author of Hebrews in the Exegetical Guide to the Greek New Testament


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Photo Companion to Hebrews
Photo Companion to James


950 photos (130–260 per chapter)



  • Discussion of the author’s identity, as well as extensive illustrations of the life and ministry of James the half-brother of Jesus
  • Photos showing the relationship of James’s instruction to the Sermon on the Mount
  • Examples of ancient mirrors
  • Contemporary depictions of rich and poor lifestyles in Roman culture
  • Reliefs and paintings of Abraham’s sacrifice of Isaac
  • Ancient bridles and depictions and models of Roman ships with rudders
  • Photos of the Hinnom Valley and other illustrations of “Gehenna”
  • Photos from Israel of fresh water, bitter water, fig trees, olive trees, and grapevines
  • Roman depictions of quarrels, conflicts, and wars


Free chapter: James 3 (180 slides)


Price: $49 $39


“BiblePlaces.com offers a visual feast for the study and exposition of the Epistle of James. Pastors and teachers equipped with these high-quality photos (and extensive accompanying notes) will be able to take their hearers on a panoramic journey into the life and time of James. Highly recommended!”

—Robert L. PlummerCollin and Evelyn Aikman Professor of Biblical Studies, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary; author of James in the ESV Expository Commentary


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1 & 2 Peter, Jude

1,400 photos (105–235 per chapter)



  • Archaeological and cultural photos highlighting the biographical details and traditions surrounding the Apostle Peter
  • Photos and maps illustrating the far-flung audience of 1 Peter
  • Imagery of sacrifices, blood-sprinkling, ritual purification, and other Jewish practices alluded to by Peter
  • Cornerstones and stone structures illustrating the metaphor in 1 Peter 2
  • Artifacts demonstrating the external adornments of Peter’s day
  • Artistic depictions from various eras of the sufferings of Christ and Christian martyrs
  • Photos illustrating referenced examples of judgment and Old Testament events, including Lot’s rescue from Sodom and Balaam’s conversation with his donkey


Free chapter: 1 Peter 2 (175 slides)


Price: $59 $39


“The over 1,400 PowerPoint slides in this Photo Companion to 1 Peter, 2 Peter, and Jude are an invaluable resource for these biblical books. The images in this collection contain a wealth of information from coins, maps, biblical sites, frescoes, pictures, statues, paintings, vases, glassware, reliefs, buildings, portraits, jewelry, mosaics, manuscripts, busts, signs, inscriptions, and more, all illustrating and explaining the concepts and words in the Petrine letters and Jude. The images are high quality, arranged in order according to their application to the text, accompanied with helpful commentary, and ready for use in presentations. Anyone studying or teaching from these books will want to consult and use these photos and slides.

W. Edward GlennyProfessor of New Testament and Greek, University of Northwestern – St. Paul; author of 1 Peter (forthcoming) in the Evangelical Exegetical Commentary


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Photo Companion to 1 & 2 Peter, Jude
Photo Companion to 1, 2, & 3 John

1, 2, & 3 John

650 photos (65–145 per chapter)



  • Depictions of key concepts such as cleansing, advocacy, and fellowship as imaged in John’s cultural context
  • Archaeological finds and cultural practices related to propitiation
  • Examples of Greco-Roman art demonstrating what it means to be perfected
  • Artifacts depicting the children, fathers, and young men of John’s world
  • Imagery from the Roman world illustrating various aspects of “abiding”
  • Greco-Roman artifacts related to acting as contemporary images of deceit and imitation
  • Preserved examples and modern recreations of inkwells and writing implements


Free chapter: 1 John 4 (90 slides)


Price: $49 $29


“Most teachers realize that effective images on screen are essential to winning a modern audience and explaining ancient cultural ideas and places. Random searches on the web often lead us astray or suggest images that are simply not accurate. Here the BiblePlaces team has organized image suggestions (with interpretations) by chapter and verse in the Bible. And the result is simply fantastic. We can now locate the right image for our text and read brief expert explanations of what the image means. Like magic, the Photo Companion to the Bible has upgraded each of our efforts to provide accurate contextual explanations of the Bible. There is no tool available today that serves this purpose so effectively.”

Gary M. BurgeProfessor of New Testament, Calvin Theological Seminary; author of The Letters of John in the NIV Application Commentary


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3,000 photos (130–260 per chapter)



  • Photos of Patmos and the cities of the seven churches addressed in Revelation 2–3
  • Examples of ancient items mentioned in the letter, including trumpets, swords, lampstands, keys, crowns, pillars, eye salve, and scrolls
  • Examples and explanations of various precious stones mentioned throughout the narrative
  • Imagery of victory, dominion, worship, temple service, and wedding celebrations
  • Greco-Roman depictions of creatures referenced throughout the book
  • Photos of meteorological and astrological phenomena illustrating apocalyptic events
  • Diverse examples of seals and signet rings
  • Historical photos of smoke-, locust-, and earthquake-related disasters
  • Many instances of the alpha and omega symbols across church history


Free chapter: Revelation 6 (160 slides)


Price: $79 $69


“The Book of Revelation includes a dazzling range of images drawn from everyday life, religious rituals, celestial phenomena, military conquest, and political life as well as geographical locations from across the ancient world. This rich variety of material culture can be difficult for modern readers to picture accurately. The volume on Revelation in the Photo Companion to the Bible series does a unique and invaluable job of illustrating Revelation’s full array of images to help the Bible teacher or student fill in this visual deficit in understanding. Highly recommended!”

—Buist FanningSenior Professor Emeritus of New Testament Studies, Dallas Theological Seminary; author of Revelation in the Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the NT


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Photo Companion to Revelation
Photo Companion to the New Testament (19 vols)

New Testament (19 volumes)

more than 30,000 photos


All 19 volumes:

  • Matthew, Mark, Luke, John: 10,000 photos
  • Acts: 4,200 photos
  • Paul’s Epistles: 8,000 photos
  • General Epistles: 4,800 photos
  • Revelation: 3,000 photos


Price: $649 $449


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Old and New Testaments (33 volumes)

more than 66,000 photos


All 33 volumes of the Photo Companion to the Bible:

  • Genesis: 6,800 photos
  • Exodus: 6,200 photos
  • Joshua, Judges, Ruth: 6,200 photos
  • 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel: 5,900 photos
  • 1 Kings, 2 Kings: 7,400 photos
  • Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Psalm 23, and Daniel: 6,300 photos
  • Matthew, Mark, Luke, John: 10,000 photos
  • Acts: 4,200 photos
  • Paul’s Epistles: 8,000 photos
  • General Epistles: 4,800 photos
  • Revelation: 3,000 photos


Price: $999 $599


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Photo Companion to the Bible