Jerusalem Quarry: Photos

ABC has some photos of the quarry, or you can watch a two-minute video with relatively poor footage of the site (and two guys who can’t correctly pronounce the object of the discovery). has some exclusive photos of the quarry area, with thanks to Aubrey Laughlin for sharing them with us.  Click on each photo for a higher-resolution version, which you are free to use for personal and educational purposes.

Herodian quarry, al092407516sr
General view showing how the ancients cut away the mountain
Herodian quarry from north, al092407543sr
View showing the proximity of the quarry to Ramat Shlomo
Herodian quarry, al092407541sr
Showing a cross-section of the mountain and Jerusalem in the distance
Herodian quarry, al092407527sr
Notice the trenches cut in the rock in the foreground
 Herodian quarry, al092407550sr
A view showing where quarrying activity ended.
Herodian quarry, al092407555sr 
You can easily see where the rocks were extracted
Herodian quarry, al092407538sr
A trench made in order to extract the stone
Next challenge: Identify the stones removed from this quarry (bonus points if you can put each one back in its original location!).

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