
Robert Cornuke, renowned discoverer of the true Mount Sinai, location of the Ark of the Covenant, and anchors from the Apostle Paul’s shipwrecked boat, has recently produced a video on his discovery of Noah’s Ark. 

This video has recently been reviewed by Gordon Franz, Bill Crouse, and Rex Geissler, who note:

“Because of the excellent production quality, we are concerned once again that its sensational claims will mislead the Christian public.”

From the review:

The main premise of the video, as stated on the back cover of the video box, is that: “Based on the testimony of the Bible, personal investigation, examination of evidence, and other factors, Cornuke points to Mount Suleiman in the modern-day country of Iran, as the most probable resting place for Noah’s Ark.” This premise, however, collapses on Biblical grounds and other known facts.
Cornuke bases his conclusion on five main assumptions:

  • The veracity of the Ed Davis testimony as to the location of the Ark
  • The region (country) of Ararat (Urartu) extended into the central Elburz mountain range in Iran
  • An interpretation of Genesis 11:2 would mean that the Ark landed in Iran, east of Shinar (modern-day, south central Iraq)
  • Other ancient sources, for example Josephus, might extend the Land of Ararat eastward into Iran
  • The rock outcrop they found on Suleiman is the Ed Davis object, is petrified wood, and by implication, the remains of Noah’s Ark

The review then considers each of those assumptions.

The problem is, as with all of Cornuke’s “discoveries,” that they are never published in a credible journal where specialists in the relevant fields can respond.  Instead, Cornuke (like his predecessor Ron Wyatt) goes straight to the public, where the standards are much, much lower.  Sadly, perhaps no group is more gullible to these sorts of claims than evangelical Christians. 
