
Jerusalem as a Sanctuary City
Yuval Baruch

Wednesday, November 11, 2009, 7:30 pm

The lecture and slide show will focus on recent excavations, along with new trends in the archaeological study of the Second Temple Period, which reflects Jerusalem as a sanctuary city.

Gamla’s War: The Archaeology of Religious Intensity
Yoav Arbel

Wednesday, December 2, 2009, 7:30 pm

Location of lectures: LeFrak Concert Hall, Queens College, New York

Admission for reserved seating: $5.

For more information, including details of the lecturers, see the Queens College website.

HT: Joe Lauer


The Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary is out, according to a couple of friends who have received their 5-volume sets in the mail.  The editor, John Walton, hams it up in this 1.5-minute promo video.  If you prefer a more serious approach, take a look at this 2.5-minute descriptive video.  I see that an electronic version will be produced for Logos, but unfortunately Zondervan’s pricing strategy on electronic volumes does not seem to include discounting.  This month you can read the Judges commentary, written by Daniel I. Block, for free.  I commented on this set before here, but I didn’t note that hundreds of the 2,000 photos came from the BiblePlaces.com archive.
