More Top Stories of 2010

For the year that just concluded, this blog had 331 posts.  We have now blogged here for five full years.  The blog categories with the most posts are:

#1: Jerusalem

#2: Discoveries

#3: Resources

Yesterday we listed the top stories related to discoveries and technology.  Today we conclude with three additional categories.  Yesterday’s disclaimers apply here as well.

Significant Stories in 2010:

Cyrus Cylinder Loaned to Iran

Fishing Banned in Sea of Galilee

Hurva Synagogue Dedicated (and photos)

Israel Imported Honeybees from Turkey (and here)

Jaffa Gate Restored

Noah’s Ark Discovered

Qeiyafa Inscription Translation by Galil

Renovated Archaeology Wing of Israel Museum Reopens

Noteworthy Posts:

Qumran Caves 1 and 2

New Paleo-Hebrew and Greek Fonts

Rachel’s Tomb: The Bible vs. Tradition

Palestine Park, Chautauqua, New York

The Dating of Mazar’s Wall (also here and here and here)

My Favorite (Old) Travel Resources

How “Top 50” Lists Work

2010 Excavation Blogs

Favorite Resources in 2010:

Zondervan Atlas of the Bible

Biblical Turkey: A Guide to the Jewish and Christian Sites of Asia Minor

A Visual Guide to Gospel Events

The Holy Land Revealed

ESV Bible Atlas

The Dead Sea Scrolls: A Full History

Carta Collection for Accordance

Review of the American Colony Collection

My Essays Elsewhere:

A New Theory on the Death of Herod Agrippa I

Does the Merneptah Stele Contradict Archaeology?

The Palace of David: A Flawed Proposal

As 2011 begins, we wish you all the best in the coming year.


5 thoughts on “More Top Stories of 2010

  1. Happy new year, Mr. Bolen. Actually, every story of yours is a "Top Story". It is always a pleasure to visit your blog.

  2. Thanks for all the work you put into this blog. Where would we be without it? Looking forward to learning more from you throughout the new year.
    A blessed year of newness to you, Todd.

  3. Your blog is greatly appreciated. I don't know where you find time to keep up on all that you do – and do so well!

  4. I just noticed that was the top referring site to Gordon Govier's TB&TS blog, & I received the same WordPress stats last night too (my LMLK WordPress mirror). I'm sure there were plenty of other sites that received major 2010 traffic thanks to the way-cool, & highly relevant content on this one. Thanks a million!

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