Wadi Qilt Map

I stumbled across this photo recently and thought that some of my readers might find this map of the Wadi Qilt (Nahal Perat) environs to be helpful.  This is a great area for hiking, but I’d avoid it in the hottest part of summer.

Wadi Qilt sign, tb020503013

Wadi Qilt near Ein Parat, tb020503961

Wadi Qilt near Ein Perat

4 thoughts on “Wadi Qilt Map

  1. Regarding the Wadi Qilt hike, with the political situation as it is, is this a safe hike to do with a small group of people?

  2. Hi Todd, How can I get a print copy of the Wadi Qilt map? Will be in Israel for several months this year and wanted to walk 'down' to Jericho. Then, I have heard Bible teachers say that the "valley of the shaddow of death"in Ps 23 may be a ref.to Wadi Qilt. Possible?

  3. Ed – I don't know of a print copy of this or another map quite like it. For hiking, I highly recommend the 1:50,000 map produced by the
    Survey of Israel
    (in Hebrew). For this area, you need #8.

    There's a good description of the three sections of the Wadi Qilt in a book now out of print:
    A Guide to Hiking in Israel
    , by Joel Roskin. As for the valley of Psalm 23, I don't see any reason why it would be this valley and not one of many others. And the sense I get from reading the psalm is that the valley is a metaphor (as is the shepherd, quiet waters, and paths of righteousness). But that shouldn't take anything away from this beautiful area.

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