
Mark Hoffman is in the process of posting geo-tagged photos from his recent trip to Turkey and Greece

Tom Powers has determined the exact location of the recently discovered Roman bathhouse in the Old City of Jerusalem.

Ferrell Jenkins has returned safely from his trip to Egypt and Israel.  See his recent posts for photos he took along the way.

Leen Ritmeyer continues his explanation of the newly excavated drainage channel next to the Temple Mount.

This Israel MFA article shows you how you can be an “eco-tourist in Israel.”  The conclusion provides a list of a ten GoEco opportunities.  Many of them sound worthwhile and interesting.

The Jerusalem Post has an interview with Kay Wilson, the tour guide who was nearly stabbed to
death while hiking with a friend in the hills west of Jerusalem.

The Dead Sea is not dead.  Some microorganisms are able to survive in the extremely salty conditions.  Most of the brief article at ScienceDaily is technical, but this sentence caught my eye:

“Evolution is not a perfect engineer who plans everything and knows exactly what he wants to create from the outset.” 

Excavating the City of David, by Ronny Reich, is scheduled to be published this spring by the Israel Exploration Society.  Eisenbrauns has the details and is accepting pre-orders.

The best mainstream treatment of the history of ancient Israel is now out in a third edition.  Ancient Israel has chapters written by a dozen scholars and is edited by Hershel Shanks.  The previous edition came out in 1999, so an updated work is needed.  As of this writing, the best price is at the BAS Store.

The latest edition of Atiqot has been published and you can read the articles for free if you register (a quick and easy process).  The article I clicked on to test the process (“A Cairn Field”) turns out to be about a potential high place near Jerusalem in the time of Jeremiah.

Israel’s MFA has the best article I can remember about birds migrating through Israel. “At least 500 million birds of 200 different species fly across Israel each spring and fall.”  The article tells you where to find them and why you might want to.

And a Haaretz reporter is surprised that he/she likes the newly introduced McFalafel.
