
With the most recent “roundup” here on Wednesday, there are not enough items of interest to warrant another edition this weekend.  Instead, I have recently learned about (a new?) feature at the BAS website.  You can check the same link each week for new content.  From BAS:

Here’s a quick list of what’s brand new and most popular this week on the award-winning Web site of the Biblical Archaeology Society, publishers of Biblical Archaeology Review magazine.
Roman Ships Transported Live Fish June 03, 2011
Large Underground Water Source Found in Jerusalem June 02, 2011
Hawass Says Report of New Pyramids is Inaccurate June 01, 2011
Jerusalem Tunnels Reveal City’s Ancient Past May 31, 2011
Researchers Create Replicas of Cuneiform Tablets May 27, 2011
A Case Against the Repatriation of Archaeological Artifacts
The Pharaoh, the Bible and Liberation (Square)
The Birth and Death of Biblical Minimalism
Scholar’s Study
2011 Archaeological Digs Seeking Volunteers

Three items struck me in the list’s one-sentence introduction:

1. What is the difference between “brand new” and “new”?  Is it necessary or helpful to include the word “brand”?

2. Is there some value in informing your readers that your website is “award-winning”?  Does it matter what kind of award it is?

3. In the 1990s we spoke of the World Wide Web, but it seems that in the last ten years or so, the Web has become the web and we don’t have Web sites, but websites.

None of these items are all that significant, but they stood out to me.

With regard to the links themselves, I recommend “A Case Against the Repatriation of Archaeological Artifacts,” by Rachel Hallotte.
