Eisenbrauns has a 50% discount on the Tubingen Bible Atlas this weekend only. That cuts the cost from $150 to $75. This is widely considered to be one of the best Bible atlases for advanced students.
From the publisher’s description:
The 29 carefully researched and highly detailed maps in this atlas cover every biblical era and are based on the highly regarded Tubinger Atlas of the Near and Middle East (TAVO). Each of the large-format maps unfolds to 28-1/4 x 19-1/2 inches and reveals an immense wealth of information in carefully
rendered detail with clear, easy-to-read labels. Although based upon the TAVO, some maps have been further revised to be more relevant to biblical scholars. In addition, a new map focusing on the archeology and history of Sinai has been added and is being published here for the first time. A second volume contains the map index. Bound as a separate volume, the index is easy to use while the maps are open.
Carl Rasmussen reviewed the work in the Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society, June 2003, pp. 314-15. He comments on various strengths and weaknesses of the atlas:
We must emphasize that this is not a volume for the English lay reader of the Bible, because the (usually) simple process of finding a place on a map is a daunting process. For example, the familiar Capernaum is nowhere to be found in the index volume, for one must know to look under Kapharnaom…
But we must also emphasize that this book is certainly for scholars and academic libraries…
The book is especially strong in providing maps of background material from the ancient Near Eastern and eastern Mediterranean worlds…
It seems to me that almost all historians writing biblical commentaries and/or articles will find this volume useful and convenient for their research….it truly is amazing to discover all of the goodies that are included in this book.
The complete review is online in pdf format.
4 thoughts on “Deal: 50% off Tubingen Bible Atlas”
Isn't it TÜBINGER? Ends with an "R" … not an "N" See the cover. ;>)
According to the book's title page, the title in German is Tübinger Bibelatlas, and the title in English is Tübingen Bible Atlas. If our readership was German-speaking, we would have used the German title.
Thanks for the plug!
James – thanks for the great deal!