The Museum at the Lowest Place on Earth is scheduled to open in April. Displays will share the history of the area, including artifacts from Bab edh-Dhra, Numeira, and the Monastery of Saint Lot.
The museum is located at Deir Ain Abata on the southeastern side of the Dead Sea.
The latest issue of Biblical Archaeology Review has been published. The cover story, not online, will be of interest to many readers here. Amihai Mazar asks “Was King Saul Impaled on the Wall of Beth Shean?” Hershel Shanks writes an editorial on ancient toilet practices.
Amazon is selling the brand-new Rose Guide to the Temple (previously recommended here) for only $20. I’m not sure how long that deal will last.
The life and work of British archaeologist John Garstang is now being celebrated in an exhibition at the Blackburn Museum.
Haaretz reports on some of the history and controversy of the early 20th century photographs of Elia Kahvedjian.
A visit to the synagogue of Baram provides a window to Jewish life in the land of Israel for the last 2,000 years.
HT: Jack Sasson, Joseph Lauer