Many volumes in the Loeb Classical Library are now in the public domain and available for free download in pdf files. Loebolus has made these conveniently available, including a zip file with all 245 volumes. The list there is organized by volume number, but we find organization by author easier to navigate. Below we have listed the available volumes of works most relevant to our studies. These are not necessarily the best editions to read. For instance, for Josephus’s Jewish War, we recommend the Penguin edition. But for study and access to the original language, the Loeb Classical Library is best.
- Geography I: Books 1-2
- Geography V: Books 10-12
- Geography VI: Books 13-14
- Geography VII: Books 15-16
- Geography VIII: Book 17 and General Index
- The Life. Against Apion
- The Jewish War Books 1-3
- The Jewish War Books 4-7
- Jewish Antiquities Books 1-4
- Jewish Antiquities Books 5-8
- Jewish Antiquities Books 9-11
- Jewish Antiquities Books 12-14
- Jewish Antiquities Books 15-20 (not available)
- Description of Greece I: Books 1-2 (Attica and Corinth)
- Description of Greece II: Books 3-5 (Laconia, Messenia, Elis 1)
- I: Julius. Augustus. Tiberius. Gaius. Caligula
- II: Claudius. Nero. Galba, Otho, and Vitellius. Vespasian. Titus, Domitian. Lives of Illustrious Men: Grammarians and Rhetoricians. Poets (Terence. Virgil. Horace. Tibullus. Persius. Lucan). Lives of Pliny the Elder and Passienus Crispus
Dio Cassius
- Dio’s Roman History I: Fragments of Books 1-11
- Dio’s Roman History II: Fragments of Books 12-35 and of Uncertain Reference
- Dio’s Roman History III: Books 36-40
- Dio’s Roman History IV: Books 41-45
- Dio’s Roman History V: Books 46-50
- Dio’s Roman History VI: Books 51-55
- Dio’s Roman History VII: Books 56-60
- Dio’s Roman History VIII: Books 61-70
- Dio’s Roman History IX: Books 71-80
Apostolic Fathers
- Apostolic Fathers I: I Clement. II Clement. Ignatiius. Polycarp. Didache. Barnabas.
- Apostolic Fathers II: Shepherd of Hermas. Martyrdom of Polycarp. Epistle to Diognetus.
Many other volumes are available, including works by Homer, Hippocrates, Plato, Aristotle, Pliny, Plutarch, and Augustine. Some of these volumes have been updated and these editions are not in the public domain.
HT: Jack Sasson