Wednesday Roundup

SourceFlix has just released a new video short, “Follow Me,” with some great footage of sheep and shepherds.

Hezekiah’s Pool (aka Patriarch’s Pool) in the Christian Quarter of Jerusalem has long been a swampy dump. The area was cleared last year and recently it held what Tom Powers believes is the first public gathering in its history.

Wayne Stiles: Beersheba epitomizes the faith God required to live in the Holy Land….God used this unassuming, barren place to shape some of the most significant lives in the Bible.

Heavy rains in the Eilat mountains and southern Aravah led to flooding of the Hai-Bar Yotvata Nature Reserve. Workers safely evacuated animals in danger of drowning.

Peter James answers some difficult questions about the Step Pyramid of Saqqara and the Bent
Pyramid of Dashur based on his years of repairing damaged structures in Egypt.

The Penn Museum is opening to visitors its conservation process of ancient Egyptian mummies.

Back issues of Christian History magazine are available as free pdf files.

Here is what looks to be like an interesting lecture this evening (in Hebrew): “The Tomb of David on
Mount Zion? Pierotti’s Cave?”

Amit Reem, IAA. At the Bible Lands Museum Jerusalem, 7:30pm. Free with museum admission.

HT: Jack Sasson

Dashur Bent Pyramid northeast corner, tbs102049811
The Bent Pyramid of Dashur

2 thoughts on “Wednesday Roundup

  1. Todd is the Mt. Zion site for David's possible tomb the one they take you too on modern tours? Is there new evidence that points to this site? Or maybe that's the point of this lecture.

  2. Brian – I think it's easier to pose questions than provide answers on this one. One question: how did this site become associated with the tomb of David? Is it possible that some of David's descendants were buried here? I'm not sure what Mr. Reem will say. Gordon Franz has alerted me to an article Gabriel Barkay wrote on the site in Between Hermon and Sinai (edited by Magen Broshi, 1977; Hebrew). Barkay identified "David's Tomb" as being in the area of the Garden of Uzzah where Manasseh and the last kings of Judah were buried.

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