This blog has on occasion mentioned schools or programs where one might go to study biblical archaeology. Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Deerfield, IL has for over a decade offered an M.A. in Biblical and Near Eastern Archaeology and Languages. Now, beginning with this year’s catalog, the school also offers a Ph.D. in Theological Studies with a focus in Old Testament and Ancient Near Eastern History, Archaeology, and Languages. Whew! One wonders if the diploma will have to be enlarged to fit the degree title.The list of required courses for the Ph.D. includes:
Literature of the Ancient Near East
Religions of the Ancient Near East
History and Archaeology of the Ancient Near East I
History and Archaeology of the Ancient Near East II
9 hours of Ancient Near Eastern languages
Old Testament Studies I: Pentateuch and Historical Books
Old Testament Studies II: Poetic and Prophetic Books
Trinity’s faculty features several individuals whose names have appeared before on this blog: James Hoffmeier, Lawson Younger, Richard Averbeck, Barry Beitzel, John Monson.
This past summer, students and faculty from Trinity joined the first season of excavation at Abel Beth Maacah (and here). Later this fall, Trinity will feature two speakers in the Trinity Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Archaeology Lectures. On Monday, September 23, Samuel Wolff of the Israel Antiquities Authority will speak on “Recent Excavations at Gezer.” On Wednesday, October 23, Gabi Barkay will speak on “Recent Archaeological Discoveries in Jerusalem.” Both lectures are free and open to the public. They begin at 7:00 pm and will take place at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Hinkson Hall in the Rodine Building.
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Please note that Dr. Barcay is speaking in Wichita, KS on October 6th at Eastminster Presbyterian Church in the morning, and at Central Christian Church at 5:45 p.m. Lecture Topics to include:
The Discovery of the Earliest Biblical Verses (Silver Scrolls); Secrets from the Temple Mount's Soil ; New Discoveries in Archaeology in Jerusalem ; Kingdom of Judah’s Taxation System in Light of Biblical Archaeology (Bethlehem Seal)