
Yesterday we listed the top stories related to discoveries and technology. Today we conclude with three additional categories. Yesterday’s introduction applies here as well.

Significant Stories in 2013:

Museums Return Artifacts to Turkey (and here and here)

The Level of the Dead Sea Rose (and may keep rising)

King Herod Exhibit Opening at Israel Museum (and here and here)

Israel’s Water Crisis Is Over

The Cyrus Cylinder Toured the US (and here)

Dead Sea Scrolls for Sale

IAA: Jehoash Tablet Is an Antiquity and Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Oded Golan

King Solomon’s Mines, After All

Replica of King Tut’s Tomb Planned To Save Original

Antiquities of War-torn Syria Are Being Extensively Looted

Two Major Snow Storms in Jerusalem

Noteworthy Posts:

Arguments Against Locating Sodom at Tall al-Hammam

Online Museum: Bible and Archaeology

Report Published for Gezer Regional Survey 

Picture of the Week: Jordan River Flooding in 1935

Why Is There Little Evidence for David’s Kingdom?

Video below the Temple Mount

Picture of the Week: Locust Plague of 1915

The Grotto of Saint Paul in Ephesus

Secret Places: 1st Century Synagogue at Magdala

Favorite Resources in 2013:

Satellite Bible Atlas, by William Schlegel (and here)

Views That Have Vanished (in Accordance)

The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Bible and Archaeology, ed., Daniel M. Master

Everyday Life in Bible Times, by John Beck

The World of the New Testament, eds., Joel B. Green and Lee Martin McDonald

Previous Years:

Top Stories of 2012 (and more)

Top Stories of 2011 (and more)

Top Stories of 2010 (and more)

Top 8 of 2008 (and more)

We wish our readers a happy new year!
