Psalm 23 Music Video

Today we released a music video for Psalm 23, featuring the beautiful “Adonai Ro’i” song by Miqedem and illustrated with photos from our collection. The song is in Hebrew, the very words composed by David in ancient Judah 3,000 years ago, and played by a band of believers in Israel. I think it’s one of the best videos of Psalm 23 ever created.

You can watch the video here, and if you like it, it would be a great help if you could share, like, and comment. Thank you.



3 thoughts on “Psalm 23 Music Video

  1. Beautifully done Todd. Bravo. There are a couple (i.e. many!) of photos I would love to print and frame and give as gifts to various pastors at my church. The bokeh and tones on many of them are a real delight. The photos would make for a great print project. A high quality color booklet with the verses and photos together to give out as Christmas gifts.

    Photos need to be printed. I’m surely preaching to the choir here lol.

    Beautiful song and vocals. To hear the Hebrew Scriptures sung in Hebrew with a contemporary style but yet entirely true to the text is so wonderful. That’s the spiritual songs and psalms and hymns Paul spoke about!

    Now please get to work on Psalm 19!

    Thanks Todd. Also enjoyed your last two appearances on Digging for Truth.

    Please do more….of everything you do!

    1. Thank you, Yassine. Your words are very encouraging. On the printed book, I will note that Steven Anderson and I collaborated to make a photo book for Psalm 23, available on Amazon (print and Kindle) here:

      If you would like any photos to print and frame, contact me by email.

      We do have a (unpublished) photo set for Psalm 19. That would make a beautiful music video. We will see what sort of response we get for Psalm 23 before committing to that.

      1. Thank you Todd for the heads up about the Psalm 23 photo commentary. I just ordered a copy today as a present for the lead pastor at my church. I will definitely get one for myself and my goal is to give copies to several people over time. Looking forward to seeing it in person. Thanks again.

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