New Resource from Jerusalem Perspective

Jerusalem Perspective has published “Treasures New and Old (Matt. 13:52): Celebrating 35 Years of Jerusalem Perspective.” The 35 articles are organized under the following sections: “Who Was Jesus?,” “The Sermon on the Mount, “Second Temple Jewish Sects,” Bible Languages and Translation,” “Second Temple Jewish Life and Thought,” “The Land of Jesus,” and “A New Solution to the Synoptic Problem.” Highlights include:

“Was Jesus a Rabbi,” by David N. Bivin

“The Appearance of Jesus: Hairstyles and Beards in Bible Times,” by Marvin R. Wilson

“Jesus’ Devout Jewish Parents and Their Child Prodigy,” by Chana Safrai

“Lilies of the Field,” by Gloria Suess

“Jesus and the Essenes,” by David Flusser

“Spoken Languages in the Time of Jesus,” by Shmuel Safrai

“That Small-fry Herod Antipas, or When a Fox Is Not a Fox,” by Randall Buth

“Let Down Your Nets,” by Mendel Nun

“Six Stone Water Jars,” by Ronny Reich

“‘Shake the Dust from Your Feet’: What Did the Apostles’ Action Signify?” by Joshua N. Tilton

“The Search for Bethsaida: Is It Over?,” by R. Steven Notley

“A Farewell to the Emmaus Road,” by David N. Bivin

These fascinating studies are written by the best scholars in their fields, and I’m thankful that Jerusalem Perspective has made them so easily accessible and affordable. The early bird price of $19.95 for the e-book ends soon.


One thought on “New Resource from Jerusalem Perspective

  1. Thanks Todd! You know, of course, that I’m a big fan of Jerusalem Perspective and agree that some of the best scholars in their fields wrote these articles. This is a really good resource.

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