Weekend Roundup, Part 1

“Archaeologists in Egypt have uncovered hundreds of 5,000-year-old wine jars — some of which are still intact and contain traces of ancient wine — in the tomb of Meret-Neith,” an influential woman in the royal court during the First Dynasty.

A cemetery with important finds has been discovered south of Minya, Egypt.

The Greco-Roman Museum in Alexandria has reopened after being closed in 2005 for renovations.

Ferrell Jenkins uses the location of Mount Sinai to encourage all to study more widely and deeply.

Bryan Windle has published an illustrated archaeological biography on King Ahaziah of Judah.

Archaeologists believe that archaeomagnetism can be used to distinguish whether mud bricks were fired in the kiln or destroyed in conflict or by accident.

The Paralytic’s Amazing Friends, by Doug Greenwold, is now available as an audiobook (free ebook with purchase).

Walking the Text’s Recommended Resource is israelbiblecenter.com, which features more than 60 digital courses on the Hebraic roots of the Bible.

Aaron Shust’s new song was written after the recent attack on Israel. The song calls prayer for the peace of the Jerusalem and the video was filmed on a cart ride through the Old City.

HT: Agade, Arne Halbakken, Explorator, Paleojudaica


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