
“A magnificent assortment of 364 gold and silver coins dating back to the 14th and 15th centuries CE has been unearthed” at Huqoq in Galilee.

The “Faithful Farmer” is the subject of the latest episode in the “Biblical Images of God” series.

On a recent episode of Digging for Truth, Bryan Windle surveys the top 10 biblical archaeology discoveries in 2024.

A new series of 9 videos entitled “Unveiling Megiddo-Armageddon: The Mother of All Tells” features conversations between archaeologists Israel Finkelstein and Matthew J. Adams. It was filmed during the 2022 excavation season.

On the Biblical World podcast, John Monson discusses the historical geography of the Bible.

Leon Mauldin has posted some photos from the Philistine city of Ekron, Moresheth Gath, Sardis, and Pergamum.

Jerusalem Seminary has just announced a Master of Arts in Biblical Studies.

The Israel Antiquities Authority Publication Portal is a new resource hosting more than 10,000 “open access excavation reports and studies published in journals, books, conference proceedings and monographs.” That includes ‘Atiqot, Qadum, and IAA Reports. The site includes lists of the most popular papers and the latest additions.

Available for pre-order for Logos: Jesus and Archaeology, edited by James H. Charlesworth

Westminster Bookstore has a number of archaeological, geographical, and historical books on sale through Monday. One of the best deals is the three volumes (released to date) of the Lexham Geographic Commentary series (for $100).

Several excavation reports published by the Nelson Glueck School of Biblical Archaeology, Hebrew Union College, are now available as open access pdf files:

  • Excavations at Maresha Subterranean Complex 169, Final Report, Seasons 2000-2016, by Ian Stern (2019)
  • The Excavation of the Templar Fortress at Jacob’s Ford, Seasons 1993-2009, by Kate Raphael (2023)
  • The Golan in the Mamluk and Ottoman Periods: An Archaeological and Historical Study, Excavations at Naʿarān and Farj, by Kate Raphael and Mustafa Abbasi (2024)
  • Dan IV: The Iron Age I Settlement, by David Ilan (2019)

Edward “Ted” Campbell, biblical scholar and field director of the excavations at Shechem in the 1960s, died earlier this month.

In celebration of 200 maps and 20 years, Bible Mapper Atlas is offering registration keys for Bible Mapper 5.1 for only $20.

HT: Agade, Gordon Franz, Ted Weis, Arne Halbakken


“A farmer in eastern Turkey discovered a rare, largely intact late Roman mosaic while planting a cherry orchard. Spanning almost 1,000 square feet, the mosaic is thought by archaeologists to be the largest example of its kind unearthed in the country.”

Archaeologists working in Pompeii uncovered “one of the largest private thermal complexes” found in the city to date.

“In Libya’s ancient city of Ptolemais on the Mediterranean coast, Polish archaeologists have uncovered a dwelling equipped with an advanced drinking water collection system, and a mysterious mask.”

“The 4,100-year-old tomb of a doctor who ‘treated the pharaoh himself’ has been discovered at the site of Saqqara in Egypt.”

The Yale Ancient Pharmacology Program is working at a site outside Rome “to unlock the chemical signature of what might be in the amphorae by conducting organic residue analysis.”

The Egyptian government denies that it is planning to sell the Grand Egyptian Museum.

The Damascus Museum has reopened, one month after Assad left town.

“Jordan: Dawn of Christianity” is a one-month long special exhibit to be hosted by the Vatican beginning on January 31.

Bryan Windle has written an archaeological biography for Evil-Merodach, the Babylonian king best known for releasing Jehoiachin from prison and giving him a place of honor at the king’s table.

Glenn J. Corbett writes about the $12 million project to renovate the mausoleum of Augustus, slated to reopen next year.

The LA Times has a play-by-play account of how the Getty Villa was spared from the Palisade fire.

HT: Agade, Gordon Franz, Andy Cook, Ted Weis, Arne Halbakken, Explorator


The big story in biblical archaeology this week was the announcement of the excavation of a series of rooms in 2010-2011 of a cultic site on the eastern side of the City of David, put out of use in the 8th century, possibly during the reign of Hezekiah. The story is covered by the regular outlets (TOI, HaaretzJP, JNS, Arkeonews), and the underlying journal ‘Atiqot article is here. I confess that I’m a bit skeptical about some of the interpretations, and that’s not only because you should always be skeptical when an archaeologist claims to have found a cultic site. I’m also curious as to what Ronny Reich thinks, as he is not credited as an author of the report.

Archaeologists working at Abel Beth Maacah in northern Galilee discovered a Late Roman period boundary stone with a Greek inscription that “provides critical information about land ownership, taxation, and rural administration during this period.” The underlying PEQ journal article is here.

Ruth Schuster: “Israel’s southern deserts feature sites that whisper of a ‘mountain cult’ that appeared in the Neolithic period.”

The Duke University Galilee Database (DUG) has just been released, featuring four Synagogues of Upper Galilee: Meiron, Gush Halav, Khirbet Shema, and Nabratein, all excavated under the direction of Eric Meyers.

New release: Judea under Greek and Roman Rule, by David A. deSilva ( Essentials of Biblical Studies; Oxford University Press, $25)

New release: Ritual and Power in Northern Israel. The Late Bronze and Iron Ages, by Erin Hall (Zaphon, €68)

Michael V. Fox, a well-known biblical scholar, died earlier this week.

Roy Brown has written a post about the Megiddo Mosaic with a number of really good photos.

Gesher Media is running a sale on its beautiful “Land of the Messiah Map.” Use coupon 50OFF through the end of the month to receive a 50% discount. Purchase includes five video lessons from Chris McKinny that provide insights into the map and the life of Christ.

HT: Agade, Gordon Franz, Andy Cook, Ted Weis, Arne Halbakken


The Megiddo Mosaic is on display for the first time ever at The Museum of the Bible in Washington, DC. A friend visited on Monday and sent photos with permission to share them below.

The mosaic has been heralded because it comes from an early Christian building that dates to about AD 230, nearly a century before the Roman empire became Christian under Constantine. This makes it the earliest known Christian house of prayer (or worship hall or church). Furthermore, one of the three Greek inscriptions mentions “God Jesus Christ,” providing archaeological evidence of the belief in Jesus’s deity. 

You can see translations and explanations of all three inscriptions at the museum’s website. A separate page describes the significance of the designs, including the fish symbol. The museum’s announcement page has more photos and information. Gordon Govier posted a story on the mosaic at Christianity Today yesterday (subscription required). For a much lengthier explanation of the inscriptions, see Christopher Rollston’s website.

All photos are courtesy of Steven Sanchez.

The complete mosaic display

This inscription reads, “The god-loving Akeptous has offered the table to God Jesus Christ as a memorial.” The phrase “God Jesus Christ” is on the right side of the second line from the bottom.

This inscription reads, “Remember Primilla and Cyriaca and Dorothea, and lastly, Chreste.”

The mosaic is on display at the museum until July 6. I’ve posted on this discovery a few times since it was first announced in 2005:


Archaeologists found some rock-cut tombs and burial shafts near Queen Hatshepsut’s funerary temple. They also found her Valley Temple.

Ongoing excavations at Saqqara have revealed four mastaba tombs from the 2nd Dynasty and 10 burials from the 18th Dynasty.

Authorities are cleaning the underground spaces of Hagia Sophia in order to make them open to the public.

University College Cork has donated a number of historical objects to Egypt.

A carefully restored coffin of a priestess and musician of Amun is on display in Madrid after a seven-month restoration process.

Two divers looted hundreds of ancient Greek and Roman artifacts from the seabed in Abu Qir Bay near Alexandria, Egypt.”

“A decade after jihadists ransacked Iraq’s famed Nimrud site, archaeologists have been painstakingly putting together its ancient treasures, shattered into tens of thousands of tiny fragments.”

“A newly restored small Aramaic scroll from Qumran called 4Q550 reveals an unexpected text: it contains an Achaemenid Persian court-tale set in the court of king Xerxes I” that was previously unknown. Gad Barnea’s lecture about the text is now online.

Analysis of Iron Age swords from Iran suggests has revealed “modern glue, drill holes, and even a fragment of a modern drill bit embedded in one of the blades, evidencing the carelessness of the forgers” who “altered the weapons to enhance their commercial value.”

Kathryn Kelley, Mattia Cartolano, and Silvia Ferrara write about the invention of writing in Mesopotamia.

“Graffiti, produced by an inmate of an ancient Roman prison in Corinth, Greece, had a chilling message for captors.”

HT: Agade, Gordon Franz, Ted Weis, Joseph Lauer, Arne Halbakken, Explorator


“A new study utilizing advanced remote sensing technology and data analysis has found it is unlikely that Rujm el-Hiri, an ancient stone megalithic structure in the Golan Heights, was used as an observatory.”

Aviva and Shmuel Bar-Am join the excavating archaeologist for a tour of the Mirsham Farmhouse, a little known Israelite-era four-room house in the southern Shephelah.

Chandler Collins surveys some notable contributions to Jerusalem’s history in 2024, including new history books, social media, excavation reports, conferences, and museums.

Jodi Magness discusses the tomb of King Herod on The Ancients podcast.

Hybrid symposium on May 17: “The Life of Jesus in History and Archaeology—A Public Symposium,” with R. Steven Notley, Jordan J. Ryan & James R. Strange; moderated by Glenn J. Corbett & Robert Duke (in-person $99; virtual $30)

On Mar Shiprim’s new YouTube channel, Eric Cline and Glynnis Fawkes discuss their collaboration in adapting 1177 B.C. The Year Civilization Collapsed book into a graphic history.

Brad Gray has begun a new series, this one on “Biblical Images of God.” The first episode is on living water.

Bible History Daily names the top ten biblical archaeology stories of last year, in no particular order.

Turkish Archaeological News has a roundup of major stories in the month of December. They also have a review of the top discoveries in 2024. Their list includes three new publications written by Izabela Miszczak:

  • Highlights of Ephesus
  • From Antalya to Alanya. Highlights of the Turkish Riviera
  • Byzantine Secrets of Istanbul

HT: Agade, Gordon Franz, Ted Weis, Joseph Lauer, Arne Halbakken, Explorator
