
From the ANE-2 List:

International Conference for Biblical Archaeology in Germany
Israel in Egypt and in Canaan: In Search of the Historical Environment of Exodus and Conquest

Location: Christian Gästezentrum Württemberg, Schwäbisch Gmünd (near Stuttgart, Southern Germany), October 1-3, 2010

  • Early or Late? Did the Biblical Exodus Really Occur and When Did It Happen?
  • Who was the Pharaoh of the 10 Plagues and the Exodus?
  • How Can Excavations on the Eastern Border of Egypt Help Determine the Exodus Itinerary?
  • Israel’s Ethnogenesis
  • Do We Find Evidence of the Israelite Tribes in Egypt?
  • The Earliest Inscription Referencing Israel in Canaan?
  • Do the Destructions at the End of the Late Bronze or Middle Bronze Ages Yield Evidence of the Israelite Conquest?
  • Archaeological Exhibition on Jericho
  • Plenum Discussions


  • Dr John J. Bimson
  • Prof. Dr James K. Hoffmeier
  • Prof. Dr Manfred Görg
  • Dr Thomas Tribelhorn
  • Dr Peter van der Veen
  • Richard Wiskin
  • Prof. Dr Uwe Zerbst
  • Prof. Dr Wolfgang Zwickel

* Translation in English and German will be provided for German and English lectures

For more information and for registration, see the English language flyer (pdf).


What tourist destinations inside Israel are the most popular for Israelis?  Dun and Bradstreet published the top spots for this year.  From Ynet News:

1. Biblical Zoo in Jerusalem

2. Ramat Gan Safari

3. Masada

4. Caesarea

5. Hamat Gader hot springs

6. Ein Gedi

7. Yamit 2000 Water Park

8. Underwater Observatory in Eilat

9. Banias Archaeological Site

10. Tel Aviv Luna Amusement Park

I haven’t been to numbers 7 or 10, but the others are all terrific places to visit with your family.  I would guess that the beaches around the Sea of Galilee are excluded from consideration, because they would certainly rank high on the list.  I’m surprised about Banias; I’d expect more people to prefer to picnic at Tel Dan.  That reminds me: what McDonalds in Israel has the best scenery?  I’d vote for the one next to the Senir stream (the headwaters of the Jordan River, just west of Tel Dan). 

Unfortunately I don’t seem to have a photograph.  I do have one of dinner time at the zoo.

HT: Paleojudaica

Hippopotamuses eating, tb082505678

Hippopotamuses at Biblical Zoo of Jerusalem

UPDATE (4/10): Randy Burk has sent a photo of the view from the McDonalds outdoor eating area. 


Nahal Senir, view from McDonalds, Randy Burk, IMG_2975 Nahal Senir, headwaters of the Jordan River

From the Ottawa Citizen:

Canadian archeologists in Turkey have unearthed an ancient treaty written in cuneiform that could have served as a model for the biblical description of God’s covenant with the Israelites.
The tablet, dating from about 670 BC, is a treaty between the powerful Assyrian king and his weaker vassal states, written in a highly formulaic language very similar in form and style to the story of Abraham’s covenant with God in the Hebrew Bible, says University of Toronto archeologist Timothy Harrison.
Although biblical scholarship differs, it is widely accepted that the Hebrew Bible was being assembled around the same time as this treaty, the seventh century BC.
Harrison’s dig at Tell Tayinat revealed tens of thousands of items last summer, including the tablet. It measured 43×28 centimetres, with 650 and 700 tiny lines of script — and was smashed to pieces. Still, at least the pieces were all in one place. Dozens of similar smashed tablets were scattered.

Assyrian vassal treaties have been studied for a century and compared and contrasted with biblical documents, especially the book of Deuteronomy.  As the article says, some scholars believe that Deuteronomy is composed in the style of an Assyrian vassal treaty, which would date this “book of Moses” to the 7th century.  Other scholars find that Deuteronomy has more similarities with Hittite vassal treaties from the Late Bronze Age (1500-1200 BC), which would comport with the biblical dating of the book and not require that it be a fraud, pious or otherwise. 

Kenneth Kitchen has done (and continues to do) significant work on the subject.  In On the Reliability of the Old Testament, he wrote:

Sinai and its two renewals—especially the version in Deuteronomy—belong squarely within phase V, within 1400-1200, and at no other date. The impartial and very extensive evidence (thirty Hittite-inspired documents and versions!) sets this matter beyond any further dispute. It is not my creation, it is inherent in the mass of original documents themselves, and so cannot be gainsaid, if the brute facts are to be respected (pp. 278-88; emphasis original).

The implications of this debate are very significant, and I look forward to Kitchen’s future publication.  And everyone can be grateful for the outstanding work by Harrison and the Tayinat team.  An earlier version of this article includes a close-up photo.

HT: Paleojudaica

Update: The University of Toronto press release can be read here. The 2009 Seasonal Report for the Tayinat Archaeological Project is here (pdf).  Thanks to Joe Lauer for the links.


A great loss today in Israel with the passing of Hanan Eshel.  From Arutz-7:

Prof. Chanan Eshel, a leading Second Temple historian and archaeologist at Bar Ilan University, passed away Wednesday night from cancer. He will be buried at 4 PM in Kibbutz Maaleh HaHamishah.
Known as an expert in the Dead Sea Scrolls found at Qumran, Eshel also wrote five books, including “The Qumran Scrolls and the Hasmonean State.” He also authored over 200 articles. He was a professor in the Land of Israel and Archaeology Department at Bar Ilan University, and headed the department from 2002 until 2004. He received his doctorate from Hebrew University in Jerusalem, and received research grants from Harvard, Oxford, and Michigan University.

Three of Eshel’s books were published last year and are highly recommended: Carta’s Field Guides to Masada, Ein Gedi, and Qumran.

I’ll note other remembrances of this great scholar here when I see them.

UPDATE: For more see, Haaretz (Hebrew with photo), Ferrell Jenkins, Hellige skrifter, the Jerusalem Post, and Robert CargillIsrael LandMinds has devoted a radio show to Eshel’s legacy, with interviews with Prof. Albert Baumgarten and Prof. Aren Maeir.


Drought conditions continue in Israel, with almost no rain recorded in the north of the country in March.  The water level of the Sea of Galilee went up 2.5 inches (6 cm) over Passover week, but that was because pumping was halted for the holiday.  With winter rains all but over, the lake is now 3.87 meters below capacity.  For more, see this Arutz-7 article.

The fishing ban on the Sea of Galilee begins at the end of this month and the Telegraph has a new story, including interviews with a local critical of the authorities for creating the situation.


This year the Israeli government took over maintenance of the public beaches on the eastern shore of the Sea of Galilee.  Visitors during Passover week were given free entrance and garbage bags, a change from years when fees were charged in exchange for services.  It didn’t work so well, as the visitors apparently don’t know how to use the garbage bags.  From Haaretz:

"It’s a catastrophe," said Shai, who had come to Lavnun Beach from Azor, with 11 of his friends. "It’s like being inside a garbage can," he said. The Kinneret Association of Towns issued a press release before Pesach, announcing that no entrance fees would be charged during the holiday week at three beaches on the eastern side of the lake – Kursi, Halukim and Lavnun. In addition, the boulders preventing parking along the beach were to be removed. "The association requests that visitors keep the beaches and environs clean," the announcement said.

Maybe the visitors were told how to use the garbage bags, but it didn’t help.

Visitors were handed garbage bags and an explanatory flyer at the entrance, and there were many inspectors on patrol. Nevertheless, the beaches were scattered with garbage, broken glass, and charcoal from beachgoers’ barbecues. In addition, wooden beach shelters were destroyed, and toilets – upgraded in advance of the holiday – were broken and filthy.

The former operator of the beaches blamed the government association.

Shlomo Guetta operated the beach for nearly 30 years before he was convicted of illegally erecting fences and various structures on the beach and was forced out. Guetta, who was also at the beach during the holiday, likened the association’s attempt to manage the beaches to someone who "tries to hijack a plane after killing the pilot, before learning how to land the plane alone. There was a crash here. People were promised free beaches and what they got was garbage in their faces. I protected the beach for years and in the end they made me the bad guy who took it away from the public. But why do you think people came here all those years? Because the beach was kept up properly," Guetta said. Eli Raz said that he comes to Lavnun Beach every year, from his home in Jerusalem. "This was the Kinneret’s most beautiful beach, now I’ve got to get out of here," because of the filth.

The rest of the sad story is here.
