
I’ve been thinking about how to respond to the latest Palestinian violence against Israel because of the ramp removal near the Western Wall.  A BBC article does a good job of explaining things and so I’m going to save some time and quote from it.  The first half of the article details the history of the Temple Mount.  I have highlighted some key statements.

The blue lines mark the limits of the Temple Mount, which is controlled by the Muslim religious authority.  One of the gates providing access to the Temple Mount is the Mughrabi Gate, and it is the earthen ramp leading to this gate which is the basis for claims that the Israelis are undermining Al Aqsa Mosque.  Any viewer can see, however, that the ramp is outside of the Temple Mount, has no bearing on the structure of the Temple Mount, and is immediately adjacent to the Jewish prayer area of the Western Wall.

Picking up the BBC story from 1967:

Israel allowed the Muslim religious authority known as the Waqf to administer the whole compound. But the Israelis claimed the right to enter it at will to keep security control. They enforce this claim regularly.
They do so by entering the compound through a small gate known as the Mougrabi or Moors’ Gate.
It is this gate that is at the centre of the current controversy.
Because the gate is high up in the wall (it overlooks the Western Wall,) it has to be reached by either an earth mound or a walkway.
Last year [actually three years ago], the earth mound collapsed after a rainfall [actually a snowfall]. So a temporary wooden structure was put up. The current work is designed to replace this with something stronger and more permanent.
This entails removing the remains of the earth mound down to bedrock in order that there can be secure foundations for the new walkway or bridge.
An independent observer, Father Jerome Murphy-O’Connor, from the French institute the Ecole Biblique in East Jerusalem, said that the work was “completely routine”.
“This work is not inside the Haram. It is outside, leading to the Moors’ Gate. The earth ramp fell down and has to be replaced,” Father Murphy-O’Connor, author of an Oxford University guide “The Holy Land”, told me.
“I do not know why the Palestinians have chosen to make an issue out of this. It is a recognised Jewish area under the arrangements that prevail in the Old City.
“One can contrast this to the extensive excavations just round the corner in a Muslim area where huge pilgrim hostels from the 8th Century were revealed, with no protest. There has also been no protest over digs at the City of David nearby.
“There is absolutely no danger to the foundations of the al-Aqsa mosque since that is built on the huge Herodian blocks that are still there.”
The reason for the protest does not really have much to do with archaeology in fact. It is a protest about presence. The Palestinians and the wider Muslim world have an objection to anything the Israelis do that touches on the Haram.
Such work is seen as symbolising a threat to Palestinian and Muslim identity and a rallying point for Palestinians to express their desire for their own space, their own state.
In this atmosphere, the arguments of the archaeological academics do not carry much force.
The Moors’ Gate is perhaps even more sensitive than other sites, as it is the only gate to the compound for which the Israelis hold the key. They do so, Father Murphy-O’Connor said, under an agreement reached in 1967 between General Moshe Dayan and the Waqf.
In 1996, the Israelis tunnelled further along the Western Wall, prompting riots and unrest. Again, the issue was not so much the actual dig as the concept.

There’s a little more, including a nice diagram at the bottom of the article that shows the relation of the ramp to the Temple Mount and Al Aqsa Mosque.  The Jerusalem Post has an article explaining the “Intimidation Tactics” at work.

HT: Paleojudaica


Dr. Gabriel Barkay is a distinguished archaeologist in Israel whose significant discoveries include the silver amulets from Ketef Hinnom.  His current project is sifting the debris from the Temple Mount. 

Barkay is lecturing this month in various places in the U.S.

Feb. 1 New Rochelle, NY—Beth El Synagogue

Feb. 4-7 Dallas, TX—Dallas Theological Seminary

Feb. 5 Fort Worth, TX—Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary 7pm

Feb. 8 Lubbock, TX—Lubbock Christian University, 7 pm

Feb. 9-10 Ashland, OH—Ashland Theological Seminary

Feb. 11 Silver Spring, MD—Jewish Center, 2:00pm

Feb. 12 Wheaton, IL

Feb. 13 Milwaukee, WI

Feb. 14 Madison, WI

Feb. 15-16 Springfield, MO—Missouri State University

Feb. 20 Atlanta, GA—Atlanta Museum, Emory University

Feb. 22 Southern California—UCLA and UC Riverside, 9:00 AM and 6:00 PM

Feb. 27 Nyack, NY—Alliance Theological Seminary, 6:30-9 p.m

If you have never heard Barkay speak, you can see a short sample taken by a student on a recent tour here.  Of course, he’s better in person.

HT: Yehuda News

Update (2/10): The entry for Feb 15 was corrected and the lecture for Feb. 27 added.


Here’s a rule of thumb: if a news article touches on the Temple Mount or the City of David, you can pretty much count on large parts of it being politically motivated and inaccurate.  A good example of that is yesterday’s Haaretz article by Meron Rapoport.  Non-Israeli readers may not know of Haaretz’s reputation as the left-wing newspaper of the country.  You can read the short article yourself; I’m going to limit myself to addressing the article’s failures.

1. The supervising archaeologists are Ronny Reich and Eli Shukrun.  There is no Gabi Reich.  That’s such a basic error that you know this reporter is completely unfamiliar with the subject.  Reich is a first-rate archaeologist who has been an excavation director in Jerusalem for more than a decade and in other capacities since the early 1970s.

2. “This is a very sensitive region for a dig. Should it approach the Temple Mount wall, it will certainly elicit angry reactions from the Muslim Waqf…”  The dig is in the City of David, many hundreds of meters from the Temple Mount.  Ronny Reich has led excavations immediately next to the Temple Mount and there were no protests.  For the record, Muslim protests are unrelated to reality.  If some Muslim leader wants a reason to get his people worked up, he will claim his mosque is being undermined, even if last year’s dig was closer than this year’s.  Given the context of the article, it appears that the author is trying to create a problem that does not exist.  [Note that this excavation is completely separate from the dismantling and construction of a bridge for tourists to the Temple Mount, which was the stated reason for Muslim violence today.]

3. “Moreover, most of the excavation site is inhabited by Palestinians, and thus far, no effort has been made to get their permission, as required by law, for digging on and under their property.”  There is no evidence that the author knows where the excavation really is.  This is just an attempt to get somebody excited to shut down this dig.  He certainly is unwilling to admit that the workers employed in these excavations are Palestinians who live in the area.

4. “But on top of all that” – is this really an appropriate phrase for a news article, or should this be on the editorial page?

5. The heart of the article concerns whether or not the excavators have a license to dig.  “The excavation of a tunnel under Jerusalem’s City of David has gone on for months without a license from the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA), as required by law.”  This indeed is strange, given that the chief archaeologist on the ground (Shukrun) is an IAA employee.  That means he does what he is told.  If the IAA doesn’t grant him a license, then he’s not going to be digging there, assuming he wants to receive his salary.

6. The rat seems to be buried in the details.  Possibly the issue is not the IAA not issuing a permit (even the article says, “the IAA decided to extend Reich and Shukrun’s license to dig in Silwan”), but the Israel Nature and National Parks Protection Authority (INNPPA) not giving permission to the IAA.  Aha – this is a spat between governmental agencies.  One is trying to control the other and when he doesn’t get his way, he calls his local journalist.  I have no idea if the INNPPA really has authority over the IAA, but it really doesn’t matter to me.  The issue is this “news article” and the dirty work that this journalist is willing to do.

7. “But INNPPA spokesman Moshe Gabay said that there is currently “no operative plan” to develop the area for tourism…”  Well, this guy must live in Eilat.  In the last couple of years, they’ve done extraordinary things in the City of David, including the excavation of the Pool of Siloam and opening it to tourists; the opening of the Siloam Tunnel to tourists; the construction of a visitor’s center at the entrance; the construction of a viewing point of the City of David; the excavation of the “palace of David” with attendant provisions for tourists.  And just last week they drained Hezekiah’s Tunnel so that metal steps could be installed.

8. “nor did the organization [INPPA] approve an expanded dig. Instead, he said, it approved only an “exploratory dig” of 50 to 100 meters, after which a decision will be made.”  So, what do you know?  The INNPA actually did approve the dig. 

The problem with articles like these is that they lead everyone astray except those closest to it.  Thus, the esteemed Paleojudaica blog can conclude from the article, “there are irregularities with this dig which are a cause for concern.”

Back to the rule of thumb.


Many readers may be unfamiliar with the work of the Near Eastern Archaeological Society.  Founded in 1957, this group of evangelical scholars is committed to research in the lands of the Bible.  Membership in the organization includes the annual bulletin (a journal with 4-5 articles and book reviews) as well as 4 quarterly issues of Artifax, an excellent review of the latest news throughout the biblical world.  Full membership requires belief in the inerrancy and inspiration of the Bible.  Supporting associates pay the same dues ($30), but need not sign the statement of faith.  Student members pay half price ($15).  You can get more information as well as subscription information at the NEAS website.


Last month, for the first time in 100 years, Hezekiah’s Tunnel was emptied of water so that repairs could be made.  According to the City of David’s press release, the tunnel would be closed “for two weeks for ongoing maintenance work and restoration of the plaster on the floor of the tunnel.”  Work finished earlier this week and the waters of the Gihon Spring are once again flowing through the ancient tunnel.  What the press release didn’t say was that significant alterations were made to the tunnel.  At the entrance of the tunnel, a large metal platform was installed in the cave where the Gihon Spring emerges.  It may ease passage for old tourists, but it destroys the original look and feel.

The Gihon spring cave, as it was a year ago.  Today imagine a large metal platform with guard rails filling the photo.

At the end of the tunnel, metal steps were installed to make exit from the tunnel easier for people who have trouble walking.  Is such modernization necessary?  Do we really want 70-year-old grandmas trying to traverse the tunnel?  The past is getting further away at an alarming pace.  Fortunately, they have not yet installed a state-of-the-art lighting and sound system.

Steps at the exit of the tunnel

Forgive us for yearning for the days of Edward Robinson, the first Westerner to go through the tunnel in 1838.

Repairing one afternoon (April 27th) to Siloam, in order to measure the reservoir, we found no person there; and the water in the basin being low, we embraced this opportunity for accomplishing our purpose. Stripping off our shoes and stockings and rolling our garments above our knees, we entered with our lights and measuring tapes in our hands. The water was low, nowhere over a foot in depth, and for the most part not more than three or four inches, with hardly a perceptible current….At the end of 800 feet, it became so low, that we could advance no further without crawling on all fours, and bringing our bodies close to the water. As we were not prepared for this, we thought it better to retreat, and try again another day from the other end. Tracing therefore upon the roof with the smoke of our candles the initials of our names and the figures 800, as a mark of our progress on this side, we returned with our clothes somewhat wet and soiled” (Biblical Researches 1: 501-2).

Up the hill a bit, there are new excavations underway not far from the so-called “tomb of David.”

New excavations near the “tomb of David”

And, if you missed it, archaeologists last week announced the discovery of a main 1st-century street which runs from the Pool of Siloam to the Temple Mount.  The Hebrew version of the article includes a photo and a diagram.  The archaeologist told me a few days ago that excavation of this street is just beginning and is especially tricky because it’s all being done in a tunnel underground (reminiscent of Charles Warren’s excavations).  The street is a continuation of the one visible underneath Robinson’s Arch. 

First-century street next to Temple Mount

Some of the artifacts from the recently closed Archaeology wing of the Israel Museum are moving around the U.S. these days.  The “Cradle of Christianity” exhibit includes New Testament-related finds including a Dead Sea scroll, Caiaphas’ ossuary, Pilate inscription, menorah etching, and place of trumpeting inscription.  The exhibit began its travels in Ohio, but has moved on.

Until April 15, 2007 the exhibit is in Florida at the Museum of Art, Fort Lauderdale.

From June 16 to October 14, 2007, the exhibit will be in Atlanta at the Michael C. Carlos Museum of Emory University.

Thanks to Al Sandalow for passing this on.
