
The California Museum of Ancient Art has announced its Winter 2009 lecture series, “Digging into the Ancient World of the Bible.”

March 4, 7:30 p.m., Ronny Reich, “New Discoveries from the City of David.”

March 30, 7:30 p.m., Aaron Burke, “Egyptians and Greeks in Jaffa: A New Look at the Ancient Mediterranean Port.”

Both lectures will be held at the Wilshire Boulevard Temple in Los Angeles.  The cost for adults is $15 (students $12) per lecture. 

Aaron Burke is Assistant Professor of Archaeology of Ancient Israel and the Levant at UCLA and he began excavations in Jaffa in 2007 or 2008.  Ronny Reich is well known to readers of this blog as the excavator of numerous important sites in Jerusalem. 

More information about the lecture series is available at the museum website (pdf file here).

HT: George Grena


The Departments of Archaeology and Biblical Studies at the University of Haifa would like to invite you to attend a conference on the subject:

“Egypt, Canaan and Israel: History, Imperialism and Ideology from the third to the first millennium BCE,” to be held at the University of Haifa, May 3-7, 2009.

The conference aims at discussing the political, military, cultural, economic, literary and administrative relations between Egypt, Canaan and Israel along the Millennia in the ideological level and in everyday life, according to literary and non-literary texts, plastic art, and archaeology.


Mrs. Ben Dor S.

Tel Aviv University, Israel

Shishak’s Karnak Relief, in Comparison to Triumphal Reliefs of the NK in Karnak and 
Medinet Habu

Dr. Ben Tor D.

Israel Museum, Jerusalem, Israel

Egyptian-Canaanite Relations in the Middle and Late Bronze Ages as Reflected by Scarabs

Dr. Binder S.

Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia

The Egyptian Background to the Investiture of Joseph

Prof. Dr. Fischer-Elfert H. W.

University of Leipzig, Germany

A Fresh look at Palestine and Syria in Pap. Anastasi I: Toponyms, Archaeology and Literature

Dr. Gee J.

Brigham Young University, USA

The Export of the Egyptian Scribe

Dr. Gnirs A. M.

University of Basel, Switzerland

Narrativity in History: The Egyptian Brave Hero

Prof. Hasel M. G.

Southern Adventist University, USA

To be announced

Prof. Hoffmeier J.

Trinity International University, USA

Did Seti I Reestablish Egyptian Hegemony in Canaan?

Dr. Kahn D.

University of Haifa, Israel

One Step Forward, Two Steps Back: Egypt and Mitanni during the Amarna Age

Mr. Kraim Z.

Tel Aviv University, Israel

Logistical units and supply in the Egyptian army in New Kingdom

Dr. Ladynin I.

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia

‘Neos Sesonchosis Kosmokrator’: The Theme of Lost and Restored World Domination and the 
Egyptian Propaganda Before and Under Alexander the Great

Dr. Lehmann G.

Ben-Gurion University, Beer Sheva, Israel

An Egyptian Interlude: Egyptian Imperialism in the Levant between the Assyrian and the Neo-
Babylonian Empire according to the Archaeological Evidence

Prof. Mazar A.

Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel

The Egyptian Garrison Town at Beth Shean in Light of the New Excavations (1989-1996)

Dr. Mizrachi Y.

University of Haifa, Israel

Hatschepsut – Founder of an Egyptian Emporium?

Dr. Morenz L.

University of Leipzig, Germany

Cultural Misunderstandings due to the Differences in the Egyptian versus the Canaanite 
Cultural Code

Dr. Muhlestein K.

Brigham Young University, USA

The Footprint of Levantine Influence in the Shipwrecked Sailor

Dr. Müller M.

Roemer-und Pelizaeus-Museum, Hildesheim, Germany

A View to a Kill: Egypt’s Grand Strategy in her Northern Empire

Prof. Noegel S.

University of Washington, USA

The Ark of the Covenant and Egyptian Solar Boats: A Comparative Study

Prof. Ockinga B.

Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia

The Names of Emmanuel in Isaiah 9:5

Prof. Oren E.

Ben-Gurion University, Beer Sheva, Israel

Egyptian administration on the Ways of Horus and Canaan during the reign of Seti II

Dr. Von Recklinghausen D.

University of Tübingen, Germany

To be announced

Prof. Dr. Schipper B. U.

University of Bremen, Germany

Egypt and the Kingdom of Judah in the 26th dynasty

Prof. Dr. Schneider T.

University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada

“The Assyrian conquest in disguise: rewriting Egyptian history in the “Struggle for the 
Benefice of Amun”

Dr. Shirley JJ

The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA

What’s in a Name? Military and Civil Officials in the 18th Dynasty Military Sphere

Prof. Shupak N.

University of Haifa, Israel

To be announced

Dr. Sweeney D.

Tel Aviv University, Israel

A Long Way from Home: Women from the Levant in Ancient Egypt

Prof. Tower Hollis S.

Empire State College, USA

Two Hymns as Praise Poems, Royal Ideology, and History in Ancient Israel and Ancient Egypt: A Comparative Reflection

Dr. Vogel C.

University of Mainz, Germany

This Far and Not a Step Further! The Ideological Concept of Ancient Egyptian Boundary 

Prof. Warburton D. A.

    Université Lumière Lyon, France

Dr. Raedler C.

    University of Mainz, Germany

The End of the Egyptian Presence in the Bronze Age

Prof. Zertal A.

University of Haifa, Israel

El-Ahwat, a New Discovery on the Shardana and Egypt in the 12th century

The Sandal-shaped Enclosures in the Jordan Valley and their Egyptian and Biblical 


Tuesday, May 5, 0700: “In the Footsteps of Thutmosis III”: Excursion to Wadi ‘Arah and Megiddo.

Wednesday, May 6, 1730: Visit to the Hecht Archaeological Museum in Haifa.

Optional Tour: Thursday, May 7, 0700: Departure to Jordan Valley excursion.

Conference price for non-lecturers: $250 per person for the entire conference (places must be booked
in advance with the organizing Committee, pending availability).

Additional information can be found at the conference website.

HT: Joe Lauer


A pdf version of this announcement is available here.

Tel Aviv University

Lester and Sally Entin Faculty of Humanities

Sonia and Marco Nadler Institute of Archaeology

Jacob M. Alkow Department of Archaeology and Ancient Near Eastern Cultures

Friends of the Institute of Archaeology

New Studies on the Negev and Its Surroundings

Dedicated to the Memory of Prof. Moshe Kochavi (1928-2008)

The Annual Symposium of the Sonia and Marco Nadler

Institute of Archaeology, Tel Aviv University

Thursday, February 26, 2009, Hall 223,

The Gilman Building, Tel Aviv University Campus

14.00 Welcome Reception

Chairperson: Ze’ev Herzog (Tel Aviv University)

14.30 Greetings and awarding of the Institute stipends

14.45 In Memory of Moshe Kochavi

Ram Gophna (Tel Aviv University)

15.00-16.00 First Session

Chairperson: Itzhaq Beit-Arieh (Tel Aviv University)

*Qubur el-Walaydah: Results of the 2007-2008 Seasons
Gunnar Lehmann (Ben Gurion University of the Negev)

*A Philistine Cult Place in the Western Negev
Pirhiya Nahshoni (Israel Antiquities Authority)

*Reconstructing the Subsistence Economy of Iron Age Sites in the Negev Highlands: The 
Microscopic Approach
Ruth Shahack-Gross (Bar Ilan University and the Weizmann Institute of Science)

16.00-16.30 Coffee break

16.30-17.30 Second Session

Chairperson: Yuval Gadot (Tel Aviv University)

*Inside and Outside: Politics, Power and Social  Awareness in the Desert Frontier during the 
Iron Age
Yifat Thareani (Tel Aviv University and the Hebrew Union College)

*Ancient Agriculture in the Negev Highlands – A Reexamination
Gideon Avni (Israel Antiquities Authority), Yoav Avni and Naomi Porat (Geological Survey of Israel)

*The Land Behind Aqaba: Ayla and the Negev in the Early Islamic Period
Donald Whitcomb (The University of Chicago)

17.30 Third Session

Chairperson: Israel Finkelstein (Tel Aviv University)

*Historical Biblical Archaeology in Southern Jordan: A New Chronology for Iron Age Edom

Thomas E. Levy (The University of California, San Diego)

A special sale of Institute publications will be offered to symposium participants

HT: Joe Lauer


The medieval ruins at Acco have been well preserved and restored, but a visit to the biblical tell of Acco is quite disappointing.  Plans are underway to improve conditions, with a government grant of more than $5 million (23 million NIS) for the “Tell Akko” Tourism Project. The Israel Antiquities Authority report describes part of the project: 

The tell is a historic site that extends across c. 200 dunams and constitutes an important landmark at the entrance to the city. The renewed site combines the historic spots that existed in the region with modern attractions for the entire family, and includes a system of footpaths and bicycle trails, vantage points, archaeological finds and stations providing information on archaeology, history and ecology. Among other things, it will be possible to learn there about the manufacture of glass and the production of purple dye as they were done in the past in the same region, remains of which were found on the tell.
In addition, in September 2009 an “open theater” will be established on top of the southern slope of the tell, which will be used for large public events such as theatrical and musical performances….
The director of the Israel Antiquities Authority, Mr. Shuka Dorfman said, “This important enterprise is putting into practice the vision of the Antiquities Authority of exposing the archaeological remains to the public at large. The Israel Antiquities Authority is acting to make the antiquities sites as accessible and comprehensible as possible for the visiting public by means of preparing the sites, vantage points, archaeological exhibits and information stations that cover a variety of topics. In this way Tel Akko, which has not been fostered to date and was damaged over the course of time by development activity and natural hazards, will become a recreation venue for the residents of Akko and the region, and for tourists, and will connect them to the rich cultural heritage of Akko”.

Tell Acco excavations, tb100905637ddd

Tell Acco, October 2005

HT: Joe Lauer


The current issue of Biblical Archaeology Review (Jan/Feb 2009) includes an article by Ehud Netzer on the size and location of the Antonia Fortress (teaser here).  Built by Herod the Great, this imposing structure both protected the Temple Mount on its vulnerable northern side and it served as a convenient monitoring station for potential uprisings in the Temple area.  When Paul was accused of bringing a Gentile beyond the Court of the Gentiles, a riot began.  Paul’s life was spared by Roman officials who arrested him and took him to the Antonia Fortress (Acts 21:27-22:29).

Netzer is a renowned scholar, whose work on the Herodian sites of Jericho, Herodium, Caesarea, Jerusalem and elsewhere has led some to dub him “Mr. Herod.”  He realized a lifelong dream in 2007 with the discovery of King Herod’s tomb.  He has not excavated in the area of the Antonia Fortress because the Muslim authorities forbid any scholarly activity on the Temple Mount.

Leen Ritmeyer, a Temple Mount scholar, yesterday posted a response to Netzer’s article on the Antonia Fortress.  Ritmeyer believes that Netzer is mistaken both with regard to the size and shape of the building.  As always, Ritmeyer has beautiful and helpful illustrations.  The second diagram in his post reveals the existing remains of the fortress (in yellow).  The photo below shows the rock scarp and some of the Herodian masonry (on right).

Area of Antonia Fortress with bedrock, tb092103205

Remains of Antonia Fortress, north side of Temple Mount

Visitors to ancient sites in Israel often wonder how much has been restored and how much is original.  Sometimes there is a snaking black line that the restorers have placed just to answer this question.  But oftentimes there is no such indicator, and the tourist may imagine that what he is seeing has stood intact since the biblical period.  One site that I was long unaware of the degree of reconstruction was the theater of Caesarea.  Constructed by Herod the Great, this theater was the location of the incident in Acts 12:19-24 where Herod’s grandson, Agrippa I, was struck down (see Josephus, Antiquities XIX.8.2).  But much transpired between then and now, and the photo below gives an idea of the poor preservation of the upper seating area of the theater.

Caesarea theater under restoration, db6603250808 Caesarea theater, 1966
(from Views That Have Vanished)
Caesarea theater, tb052304860 Caesarea theater, 2004