
Haaretz profiles the late archaeologist Nahman Avigad on the anniversary of his birthday. Leen Ritmeyer shares some personal reflections.

Mark Hoffman shares a Google Maps Exercise for Biblical Geography.

Many ancient leopard traps have been discovered in Israel’s Negev.

What if Cyrus had not freed the Jews? The Jewish Journal asks the question.

Adam Zertal’s theory about Gilgal is detailed in Israel HaYom.

Lior, the lion king of Jerusalem, has died at the age of 16.

HT: Charles Savelle, Jack Sasson


The latest issue of the SAU Institute of Archaeology DigSight is now available online in pdf format.

Contents include:

  • Excavating Lachish 2013
  • Qeiyafa Final Celebration
  • New Museum Coordinator
  • Battle Over David in South Africa
  • Institute of Archaeology at ASI
  • Director’s Letter
  • Recent Sightings
  • Upcoming Events

The first article reports on the initial season of excavations at Lachish. The team hopes to find answers for the following questions:

  • When was Lachish inhabited for the first time in the Iron Age?
  • When was Lachish first fortified in the Iron Age?
  • How did the economy, administration, international connections, writing, cult, and art develop in the first 200 years of the Kingdom of Judah?
  • Was there a fortified city in Lachish relating to 2 Chronicles 11:5–12, which recounts Rehoboam’s rebuilding of the city?

The archaeologists are focusing their work on the northeast quarter of the site and they have already exposed part of the fortification system near the well.

Information about upcoming lectures is provided on the last page of the newsletter, including these events:

October 22, 2013, 7 p.m.

“Excavating Nebuchadnezzar’s Destruction at Lachish”  Michael G. Hasel, PhD (Southern Adventist University)

February 11, 2014, 7 p.m.

“Tell Jalul: A Levitical City of Refuge in Jordan?”  Randall W. Younker, PhD (Andrews University)

March 11, 2014, 7 p.m.

“Ossuaries and the Burials of Jesus and James”  Jodi Magness, PhD (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill)

Lachish aerial from south, tb010703291
Lachish from the south

(Post by Seth M. Rodriquez)

Proverbs 30:33 contains a interesting analogy that is not familiar to most of us who live in advanced cultures:

For the churning of milk produces butter,
and twisting a nose draws blood,
and stirring up anger produces strife.
(Prov. 30:33, HCSB)

The second and third lines are familiar enough in any culture: grab and twist someone’s nose and naturally blood will come pouring out, or stir up someone’s anger (or as we say in America, “press someone’s buttons”) and you will have a fight on your hands. However, the first line describes something that would have been familiar to most people throughout history, but unfortunately is not familiar to citizens in first world countries today. In this instance, we get the short end of the stick.

How do you make butter? Well naturally, the answer is … you don’t! You just go to the store and buy it! And that is where our problem lies. We’ve become so advanced that we have lost touch with some of these biblical analogies. Fortunately, we have resources that can help, such as the Historic Views of the Holy Land collections available at LifeintheHolyLand.com.  Below is a photograph from The American Colony and Eric Matson Collection that was taken sometime between 1898 and 1946. It shows two Bedouins churning butter (click on the image to enlarge):

In his book Daily Life in Biblical Times, Oded Borowski explains the process and the reason behind it:

Fresh milk cannot be stored for long without refrigeration, especially in the warm climate of the Near East.  Therefore, to preserve it, milk has to be processed. … Processing milk starts by churning, which separates the fat from the whey. This is done by using a container made of goatskin or clay. The vessel, still used in some present-day societies, is hung in a way that allows it to swing back and forth, a motion that separates the fat and permits the making of various products. Highly nutritious dairy products made and consumed by the Israelites were butter, cheese, and yogurt. (Borowski, Daily Life in Biblical Times, p. 66.)

So the two people in the photograph above have placed milk (probably goat-milk) inside a goatskin container, and are making butter by rocking the container back and forth. Now we can go back to our proverb with some additional insight:

Like many good proverbs, the saying goes from concrete examples which illustrate a truth to an abstract concept that parallels that truth. Churning milk, wringing someone’s nose, and stirring up anger are all actions that are done intentionally. You don’t accidentally make butter. As you can see in the photo, you have to work at it. And you wouldn’t accidentally grab someone’s nose and give it a firm twist. So it seems that this proverb is referring to intentionally doing things that you know will make someone angry. You can accidentally stir up someone’s anger, but this proverb is referring to intentionally working at it.

In addition, all three of those actions produce an expected result every time you do them. Each time you churn milk, you will get a separation of the fatty parts of the milk from the watery parts (the whey). It is a scientific fact. It is the same with twisting someone’s nose: every time it will cause them to bleed. So the wisdom shared in this proverb is that the natural consequence of stirring up someone’s anger is a quarrel. If you intentionally get someone angry with you, then you will have a fight on your hands.

So the lesson here is not to stir up someone’s anger in the first place. If you don’t want the fight, don’t cause the anger.

But secondarily we learn that if our local grocery store happens to run out of butter, we can make our own with three sticks, some rope, a goatskin, some goat-milk, and little bit of effort … but let’s hope things don’t come to that.

This photograph and over 600 others are available in Volume 6 of The American Colony and Eric Matson Collection and can be purchased here for $20 (with free shipping). The excerpt was taken from Oded Borowski, Daily Life in Biblical Times, Society of Biblical Literature: Archaeology and Biblical Studies, no. 5 (Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2003), which can be purchased here.

An additional image of someone churning butter with a goatskin container can be see here on LifeintheHolyLand.com.


The Center for Near Eastern Archaeology at La Sierra University is hosting its 5th Annual Archaeology Discovery Weekend on November 16–17, 2013 with this year’s focus on Jerusalem.

Most of the lectures and events appear to be free though there is a charge for some workshops and the Grand Opening Gala and Middle Eastern Banquet on Saturday evening.

Lectures include:

Jerusalem through the Ages: Prehistory to Modern, by Dan Bahat. Respondents: Jane Cahill West, Mahmoud Hawari, and Larry Herr

Jerusalem in the Iron Age, time of Old Testament Kings, by Jane Cahill West

Jerusalem in the Roman Period, time of the New Testament, by Dan Bahat

Jerusalem and the Knights Templar, by Kent Bramlett

The “Golden Age” of Islamic Culture, Art and Architecture in Jerusalem: The Ayyubid and 
Mamluk Periods (AD 1187–1516), by Mahmoud Hawari

Jerusalem Inscriptions, by Larry Herr

The closing lecture is a series of short presentations on The Archaeology of Jerusalem in the Context of the Modern Middle East: Risk, Responsibilities, Opportunities. Presenters include Dan Bahat, Kent Bramlett, Mahmoud Hawari, Lawrence Geraty, Larry Herr, Robert Mullins, and Jane Cahill West.

For more information, follow the links from La Sierra University’s website. La Sierra University is located in Riverside, California.

HT: James Lancaster

Temple Mount and Western Wall aerial from southwest, tb010703235
The Temple Mount and Western Wall from the southwest
Photo from the Pictorial Library of Bible Lands

Yosef Garfinkel is interviewed about Khirbet Qeiyafa at The Bible and Interpretation. He explains why he believes that King David “certainly slept there a few nights every year.”

Bryant Wood has a round-up of significant archaeological discoveries made in 2013.

Ferrell Jenkins shares an illustration of bargaining in the Middle Eastern.

Clyde Billington and Gordon Govier discuss the discovery of gold near the Temple Mount on this week’s edition of The Book and the Spade (direct link here).

There’s a new website for the Montfort Castle project.

This video on the Bread Culture of Jordan addresses both ancient and modern aspects of this way of life.

Gordon Franz passes on word that Gabriel Barkay recently presented a paper in Jerusalem suggesting that Absalom’s Pillar in the Kidron Valley belonged to Herod Agrippa (Acts 12:20-23). If I hear
more, I’ll note it in a future blog post.

HT: Jack Sasson, Aren Maeir

Pillar of Absalom with snow, tb022603216
The “Pillar of Absalom” in the Kidron Valley, Jerusalem
Photo from the
Pictorial Library of Bible Lands

Archaeologist Gabriel Barkay has a new official website that provides a brief bio, links to some of his publications, and his current speaking schedule. You can also request Dr. Barkay to speak at your institution.

Barkay is on a lecture tour in the U.S. now and he’s covering a lot of ground, including stops in PA, NC, TN, MO, KS, TX, MS, AR, IL, IA, WI, NY, NH, NJ, and NE. You can check to see if he’ll be in your area.

I consider Barkay to be one of the two best teachers I ever had, in any subject. His extensive knowledge and his clear style have long been a model for me. I recommend you try to attend one of his lectures, if at all possible.

Gabriel Barkay explaining Temple Mount discoveries, tb110906712
Dr. Gabriel Barkay lecturing at the Temple Mount Sifting Project