
A local CBS station has more on the new Leviticus fragment of the Dead Sea Scrolls going on display this summer in Fort Worth.

The fragment is 14.5 centimeters long and 8 centimeters high. It was put on display for CBS 11 in the MacGorman Chapel. Seminary President, Dr. Paige Patterson, is thankful to have it.
The scrap is called Paleo Leviticus. Paleo means old and Leviticus is the name of the third book in the old testament.
The Dead Sea Scrolls were first discovered in 1947. A shepherd looking for a goat threw a rock into a cave in Qumran and heard something shatter.
One of the scriptures in the fragment is Leviticus 22:21. It tells how a special offering needs to be without defect or blemish which is symbolic of the Messiah.
Steven Ortiz, a Biblical Archeology Professor at the seminary said, “What we do in archeology is actually put the flesh and blood on the actual stories.”
Ortiz is currently involved in two important digs in Israel and Cyprus.
He said, “I think a lot of times, people sitting in pews hear these stories and think of them like Aesops Fables and what we do in archeology is actually put the flesh and blood on the actual stories.”

That recalls a statement by William F. Albright: “Writing without artifacts is like flesh without a skeleton, and artifacts without writing are a skeleton without flesh.”

The story includes a video with images of the fragment. More information about the exhibit can be found here.

HT: Joseph Lauer


The first two volumes of Harley and Woodward’s History of Cartography can now be downloaded for free from the University of Chicago Press (a value of more than $1,000). The links to the volume contents and chapter pdfs are on the left sidebar.

I always tell my class that Ramah, Samuel’s hometown, sits at the crossroads. Though it is known today as A-Ram, the geographical dynamic has not changed.

Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary has unveiled its latest acquisition of a Dead Sea Scroll, a fragment from Leviticus.

In Jerusalem and throughout Israel this is Passover/Holy Week/Spring Break:

Those posing as Roman soldiers outside of the Colosseum have been thrown to the lions.

Wayne Stiles reveals what Jaffa’s greatest export is.

Two items of particular interest at Christianbook.com this week:

HT: Bill Soper, A.D. Riddle


From Haaretz:

We often hear about how Jerusalem is holy to followers of the three major monotheistic religions. But what is less well-known is that the surrounding Judean hills were home to pagan ritual sites involving Greco-Roman gods. One such site, linked to the harvest goddess Demeter, has been identified at the Twins Cave, according to a study released by the Yad Ben-Zvi historical research institute last week. In Greek mythology, Demeter’s daughter, Persephone, was kidnapped by Hades, king of the underworld. After Zeus intervened, Hades agreed to send Persephone back aboveground – but first he convinced her to taste the seeds of the pomegranate, an underworld fruit. Once she tried them, she could not remain completely cut off from Hades’ realm, to which she had to return for three months every year. And how do you reach the underworld? In Greco-Roman thought, dark, deep pits or caves were considered gateways to hell and were often used for rituals dedicated to pagan gods, say Boaz Zissu, who teaches classical archaeology at Bar-Ilan University, and Eitan Klein, one of Zissu’s graduate students. Zissu and Klein said in the study that the Twins Cave was used for just such pagan rituals between the second and fourth century C.E. The 42 clay lamps from the late Roman period discovered in the cave were used as part of a pagan rite, apparently meant to guide Demeter’s way as she searched underground for her daughter, they said.

The full story is here. For directions to the cave located east of Beth Shemesh, see here.


To judge from the titles listed at the Eisenbrauns April sale, one might think they were partly influenced by recent recommendations on this blog. Among the nearly 100 titles for which you can get 30% now and later, these books are of particular interest:

The Horsemen of Israel: Horses and Chariotry in Monarchic Israel (mentioned here last month)

The Fire Signals of Lachish: Studies in the Archaeology and History of Israel in the Late Bronze Age, Iron Age, and Persian Period in Honor of David Ussishkin (mentioned here in December)

Unearthing Jerusalem: 150 Years of Archaeological Research in the Holy City (mentioned here in 

There are many other books that we haven’t mentioned but that are of great interest. (There are also a few we wish had never been published!) Here are three not yet mentioned here:

Cities through the Looking Glass: Essays on the History and Archaeology of Biblical Urbanism

Confronting the Past: Archaeological and Historical Essays on Ancient 
Israel in Honor of William G. Dever

Critical Issues in Early Israelite History

The full list is here.

By a 30% discount “now and later,” we’re referring to the immediate 30% discount plus the 30% credit that one gets towards future purchases.


The theme of the month at the ASOR Blog is “Fakes, Looting, and Artifacts Lacking Context” and the first few posts are up:

At Christianity Today, Gordon Govier reviews the recent Easter archaeology stories of the Talpiot Tomb and the James Ossuary verdict.

Joe Yudin provides a history of the temple as preparation for Passover.

Ferrell Jenkins remembers the Passion Week of Jesus with posts on the Via Dolorosa and Reclining in the Upper Room.

Lois Tverberg offers a free download of “A Taste of Passover” through the end of the month.

If you didn’t sacrifice an animal at the temple yesterday, even though such is commanded for Passover, it is very difficult to understand the price that must be paid for your redemption. The Sacrifice video ($10) by SourceFlix will help.

Samaritan Passover, slain lamb, tb041106729

Sacrifice of lambs at Samaritan Passover

There seems to be a new push by the folks at ASOR to get more attention. In addition to the more active blog, they have designated themes for appointed guest editors for the month, and now they are offering free access to the last four years of ASOR journals via JStor.

I have no inside information on what goes on over there, but my thoughts often go back to the survey in about 1997 when they asked readers of Biblical Archaeologist if they should change the name of the magazine. A resounding majority (85%?) said no, but the administration told the readers to shove it and changed the name anyway to Near Eastern Archaeology. I suspect that subscriptions have been declining ever since. At one point they had about 3,000 subscribers compared to some 200,000 for Biblical Archaeology Review.

In any case, their publications have always been essential resources for the field and this is a great opportunity to get more acquainted with them if you are not.

The American Schools of Oriental Research is excited to announce free access to the current content of all three of our publications during the month of April. You are now able to access all content published in Near Eastern Archaeology, Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research and the Journal of Cuneiform Studies over the last four years! Simply follow the instructions outlined below. If you decide to take advantage of this promotion we ask that you like us on Facebook at: www.facebook.com/ASOR.org

All the details are at the ASOR Blog.
