Eisenbrauns has hosted the first (and possibly last) “Ancient Near Eastern Valentine Contest.” The entrants even provided translations, in case you do not know Luwian, Hurrian-Hittite, Sumerian, Hebrew, Greek, or Egyptian.
Antonio Lombatti has word of reports of (recent) excavations of Magdala and (not-so-recent) excavations of the area now known as “Nazareth Village.”
Magdala: You can read Lombatti’s intro here (with beautiful photos) or read the report in Italian here. If you’re wondering if you’ve ever visited Magdala, you haven’t. You may have driven by it (or possibly hiked or biked if you’re one of those sort), but the area has been locked and sealed for a long time, and entrance available only to those who know the right people. Hopefully that will all change…
Nazareth: You can read Lombatti’s intro here or go straight to the report (pdf) by Stephen Pfann. If you’re wondering why you were unimpressed with Nazareth when you visited, it’s probably because you didn’t visit Nazareth Village, a modern reconstruction of the 1st century village.
- Tagged Discoveries
If you are looking for a serious study tour of biblical and historic sites in Jordan, you can do no better than the trip this June with Dr. Ginger Caessens. I was on a similar trip some years ago and I highly recommend it. This is particularly ideal for those who
1) have already been to Israel;
2) are not looking for a “tourist” trip, but really want to learn;
3) are in reasonably good shape. You can even get credit to transfer back to grad school, college, or seminary. Here are the details from the University of the Holy Land website:
Historical Geography of Jordan
Credits – 2
A 14-day Intensive Study Tour. Nine days of field studies will immerse the student in the rich history of the area. Regions visited include Ammon, Gilead, the Madeba Plateau, Moab and Edom. Many Biblical events transpired in this region, where the tribes of Reuben, Gad, and the half-tribe of Manasseh settled. Moses died in Transjordan and the judges and prophets including Elijah, John the Baptist, Jesus, and Paul, all ministered in the area, which played a crucial role in international trade during Old and New Testament times.
Instructor: G. Caessens, Ph.D. June 2-16, 2008.
For information on cost and accommodation, contact the UHL office.
This is a short-term intensive course. Register now. Limited enrollment! (Minimum enrollment:
15; maximum: 22)
Dr. Caessens is also leading 21-day study trips of Israel in May and July.
- Tagged Opportunities
Shanks has posted his current perspective on the forgery trial, including his reason for believing that the prosecution is doomed, and a list of reasons why he thinks the Jehoash Inscription is authentic.
Some of this is old new, but there were some things that I hadn’t heard before.
- Tagged Forgery
If you’re into mysteries and tracking down little details, there’s an endless supply of material in biblical studies and archaeology. George Grena latched on to one challenging and controversial issue in archaeology some years ago and he seems determined to become the world’s expert on LMLK seals. (LMLK seals were impressed on royal storejars in the time of Hezekiah. Nearly everything else about their interpretation is controversial.) Grena certainly has enriched the world with the extensive information that he has published online and in his book. That’s a little background to a recent blogpost in which he sheds some light on the little-known biblical town of Kephirah/Chephirah/Kefireh. In the time of Joshua, this was one of four cities of Gibeonites. Most people know of the treachery of the city of Gibeon, but may not recall that there were three other cities in their league, including one I saw every day for the last decade – Kiriath Jearim. Grena’s post begins with some interesting facts about Kephirah before discussing two LMLK seals.
- Tagged Resources
A new study suggests that the scrolls in two of the Dead Sea Scroll caves were deposited fifty years earlier than the rest of the scrolls. You can read a brief report of the study here; the full report was published here:
Stökl Ben Ezra, Daniel. “Old Caves and Young Caves: A Statistical Reevaluation of a Qumran Consensus.” Dead Sea Discoveries 14/3 (2007) 313-333.
I am curious which two caves have the older material. Based on geographical location of the caves, I’d expect 1 and 2, or 3 and 11. But I don’t have access to the article as I write.
For some photos of the Dead Sea Scroll caves, see here.
HT: Joe Lauer
Update (2/11): The link above has been corrected. In the process, I found the full article itself, plus an abstract, which answers my question above: 1 and 4. The link that Al gives in the comments below is to an earlier, abbreviated version.
- Tagged Dead Sea
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The BiblePlaces Blog provides updates and analysis of the latest in biblical archaeology, history, and geography. Unless otherwise noted, the posts are written by Todd Bolen, PhD, Professor of Biblical Studies at The Master’s University.
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