An archaeological site in Modiin is apparently threatened by development. A description and photographs of the site, along with an appeal to sign a petition, is here. Modiin is best known for being the hometown of the Maccabees.
Readers of this blog know that we’ve followed the transfer of the Jerusalem model from the Holyland Hotel to the Israel Museum (for example, see here and here). The model is now essentially complete and scheduled to be open in two weeks. We, however, got a sneak peak.
There are various alterations to the model (e.g., valleys added, hippodrome removed), but the biggest change that will affect tourists is the two pathways around the model. One is low and close to the model; the other is more distant and elevated. This should work better for crowd control and photography.
- Tagged Jerusalem
This amazing find near Ramle was announced by Hebrew University researchers this week.
Israeli scientists said on Wednesday they had discovered a prehistoric ecosystem dating back millions of years containing eight previously unknown species of crustaceans and invertebrates similar to scorpions.
In a press conference held Wednesday morning at Hebrew University in Jerusalem, the researchers said the discovery came about when a small opening was found, leading to a cave extending to a depth of 100 meters beneath the surface of a quarry in the vicinity of Ramle. The quarry is operated by cement manufacturer Nesher Industries.
“Until now eight species of animals were found in the cave, all of them unknown to science,” said Dr. Hanan Dimantman, a biologist at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Haaretz has the full story and a photo.
- Tagged Discoveries
The latest edition of Hadashot Arkheologiyot is now online. Until the last few years, you had to have access to a good library to be able to see the technical reports of the latest small-scale excavations in Israel. The online edition is well done, with options to print the articles with or without the pictures.
The pictures are also available in a higher-resolution. Overall, this is very impressive and useful.
Articles from the current edition that may be of interest to readers here include Ashdod, Banias, Beth Shean, Caesarea, Dan, En Gedi, Jaffa, and various sites in Jerusalem. You might also check out the issues from 2004 and 2005.
The “Holyland Hotel model” of Jerusalem is close to opening at its new location at the Israel Musuem, according to the JPost. Three items not mentioned in previous news releases:
1. Entrance to the model will be included with payment for entrance to the museum. That’s not ideal for student groups who need to go to the model at the beginning of their program and to the museum at the end.
2. The Holyland Hotel gave the model to the museum.
3. The model will open on June 12. That’s a week or two too late for the hoards of tourists here now. Are there any evangelicals from Texas not in Israel this month??
- Tagged Jerusalem
The Boston Globe has the latest on the ongoing trial of Oded Golan, Robert Deutsch, and Rafi Brown for the forgery of ancient antiquities, including the James Ossuary and the Jehoash Inscription.
One expert I spoke with recently suggested that all three of the most well-known alleged forgeries (the above two and the Ivory Pomegranate) may well be authentic. It’s more than just Hershel Shanks who doubt the committees’ conclusions, but there are difficulties in voicing that opinion given today’s climate.
- Tagged Forgery
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The BiblePlaces Blog provides updates and analysis of the latest in biblical archaeology, history, and geography. Unless otherwise noted, the posts are written by Todd Bolen, PhD, Professor of Biblical Studies at The Master’s University.
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