Archaeologists working at Rome’s port city of Ostia discovered the oldest ritual bath (mikveh) known outside the land of Israel.
“A team of researchers identified and mapped a vast network of irrigation canals near Eridu, considered the oldest city in history.”
“Artificial intelligence has discovered ancient civilizations over 5,000 years old hidden beneath some of the world’s largest deserts, including one in the heart of the Dubai desert, without the use of a single shovel.”
The recently renovated Side Museum in southern Turkey has more than 3,000 artifacts and 9,000 coins on display.
“The 2,000-year-old lighthouse in the ancient city of Patara, built by Roman Emperor Nero in CE 64, is set to illuminate once again after centuries, as restoration efforts reach their final stages.”
The excavation director at Pisidian Antioch wants artifacts taken to the Istanbul Archaeology Museum in the early 20th century to be returned.
A German tourist was arrested when he tried to leave Greece with an ancient Greek marble column hidden in his car.
The Greek Reporter suggests the top 20 archaeological sites in the country.
A portion of the famous Torlonia Collection, locked away for most of the 20th century, will be displayed in North America for the first time, beginning with Chicago and then heading to Fort Worth and Montreal. The 58 sculptures in the exhibition largely date to the Roman Imperial Period.
HT: Agade, Gordon Franz, Arne Halbakken, Explorator