
Archaeologists have found a hidden tomb underneath the Kazneh in Petra, and unlike other tombs, this one was filled with ancient artifacts and remains of 12 individuals.

A team excavating in Anemurium in southern Turkey uncovered a 2nd-century AD inscription honoring a wrestler.

Archaeologists have discovered one of the oldest church buildings in the world in Armenia.

478 artifacts were uncovered during an excavation expedition in the historic province of Babylon.”

The planting of ancient seeds discovered in the Judean wilderness produced Commiphora, a plant not known to have existed in Israel. Despite hopes, it turns out not to be the legendary afarsimon, but it may be the biblical plant known as tsori. And perhaps it was used as stock for afarsimon.

Antiquities thieves were caught looting Kh. Umm a-Ros in the Shephelah.

The latest issue of Jerusalem in Brief looks at “the construction of Herod’s Temple Mount, maps and plans from Charles Warren, and a reflection on the Gennath Gate.”

Alan Rosenbaum recreates what a pilgrim’s journey to Jerusalem during Sukkot in the first century would have been like.

Norma Franklin writes about the “etrog, a royal Assyrian aromatic purifier.”

The Jerusalem Post has a story about Jordan D. Rosenblum’s new book, Forbidden: A 3,000-Year History of Jews and the Pig.

On Digging for Truth, Scott Stripling considers connections between the Nuzi Tablets and the book of Genesis.

Zoom lecture on Nov 1: “Eye-paints in the Hebrew Bible: Looking for Meaning,” by Dr. Susannah Rees.

Just released: A History of the Ancient Near East ca. 3000–323 BC, 4th ed, by Marc Van De Mieroop (Blackwell History of the Ancient World, $37-$46)

Manfried Dietrich, founder of “Alter Orient und Altes Testament” and “Ugarit-Forschungen,” and Ugarit-Verlag, died earlier this month.

Experience Israel Now has just released Andy Cook’s new book, The King of Bethlehem. The book is loaded with full-color photographs and important historical and cultural background.

HT: Agade, Gordon Franz, Ted Weis, Mark Hoffman, Wayne Stiles


Archaeologists working south of Jerusalem discovered a major royal administrative center from the time of Ahaz or Hezekiah. 180 inscribed jar handles provide insights into the organization of agricultural production.

Today is Yom Kippur, and Noga Ayali-Darshan explains “the scapegoat ritual and its ancient Near Eastern parallels.”

“A helmet found in the ruins of the famous Roman city wiped out by a volcano eruption a few years after the destruction of Jerusalem depicts a palm tree, a symbol of Judea.”

“An exhibition of archaeological finds from Gaza has gone on display in Geneva this week.”

Alex Winston writes about the importance of Mount Scopus throughout history.

Friends of ASOR Webinar on Oct 23: “‘And the shaft of his spear was like a weaver’s beam’ (I Sam 17:6-7): Weaponry, Weaving, and Broken Similes in the Duel between David and Goliath,” by Laura Mazow (registration is free but required)

New release: Community Archaeology in Israel/Palestine, edited by Raz Kletter, Liora Kolska Horwitz, and Emanuel Pfoh (Equinox, $55-$115)

Expedition Bible’s latest video is about Bethel. In this 25-minute video, Joel Kramer visits Burj Beitin, the location of a Byzantine church.

In the Biblical World podcast, “Chris and Kyle continue their series on the book of Judges, looking at the Ephraimite conquest of Bethel in Judges 1:22-26. They cover problems in the archaeology of Bethel, and they discuss the identity of the “Hittites” in this same passage.”

The feature-length documentary, “Following the Footsteps,” is now streaming on Amazon Prime and YouTube (free). Those who want to go deeper can take advantage of Bob Rognlien’s The Most Extraordinary Life and a video study guide (available here).

HT: Agade, Craig Dunning, Gordon Franz, Paleojudaica


The Tel Dan Inscription will be on display at The Jewish Museum in New York from December 5 to January 5.

The latest volume of the Jerusalem Journal of Archaeology is out, and it is an special issue on “Epigraphy in Judah.” All articles are open-access.

Megan Nutzman writes about ritual healing in Roman and late antique Palestine.

Hybrid lecture in Jerusalem on Nov 6: “Persian Coins from the Palestinian Territories,” by Issam Halayqa

A recent article questions whether Luke intended to say that Zacchaeus was short or Jesus was.

On the latest episode of Digging for Truth, Abigail Van Huss describes her 20-year journey in becoming an archaeologist.

Bryan Windle highlights the top three news reports from the world of biblical archaeology last month.

We just released the Exodus volume in the Photo Companion to the Bible. I think it’s one of our best, and we’ve received some great endorsements and feedback, including from Luke Chandler and Charles Savelle. The collection is on sale for a few more days. See the details here.

HT: Agade, Gordon Franz


The ancient Eshtemoa synagogue south of Hebron was vandalized by graffiti and fire this week.

The Jerusalem Post has a better article on the previously reported study on the balm of Gilead.

Bryan Windle identifies the top ten discoveries related to the book of Jeremiah.

John Monson is a guest on The Book and the Spade to discuss muons and the archaeology of Jerusalem.

James Hoffmeier will be lecturing at the Bible Seminary in Bonn on November 6-7 on the subject of “Israel and the Exodus.” He will lecture in English, and registration is required. Recordings will be made available to those who register.

John DeLancey, of Biblical Israel Ministries and Tours, has begun a new series entitled “Israel on Location.”

Accordance has a sale going on now for Carta and Jewish resources.

Walter E. Aufrecht, a scholar best known for his work on Ammonite inscriptions, died last week.

HT: Agade, Gordon Franz, Arne Halbakken


A seal discovered south of Jerusalem’s Temple Mount depicts a winged figure in Assyrian style and is inscribed “for Yeho’ezer son of Hosh’ayahu.”

“Last week, a five-year-old child accidentally broke a rare Bronze Age clay vessel on display at the Hecht Museum in Haifa, but ended up being invited back, along with his family, for a special tour of the museum.”

Wall paintings discovered in 1,700-year-old vaulted tombs situated in the vicinity of Ashkelon’s marina are currently being made accessible to the public.”

Aaron Goel-Angot writes about the historic importance of Tel Jezreel.

Uzi Leibner does a “show and tell” presentation on-site of a Herodian cornice discovered near the Temple Mount.

Orit Peleg-Barkat and Uzi Leibner review last year’s Ophel excavations and preview this year’s (25 min).

Bible History Daily introduces Christopher Rollston’s recent article on three sensational inscriptions that are not what they were claimed to bel.

Chandler Collins’s Jerusalem Tracker has links to the latest academic articles, books, popular media, podcasts, videos, 3D models, new developments, and upcoming events related to Jerusalem.

HT: Agade, Wayne Stiles, Gordon Dickson, Gordon Franz, Ted Weis


Archaeologists believe that a collection of silver objects discovered at Megiddo nearly a hundred years ago is linked to Thutmose III’s campaign.

A decade after a Roman sword was discovered in the City of David, its missing tip has been recovered during a soil-sifting operation.

“A part of the ancient water aqueduct arch in Caesarea collapsed on Tuesday after the Caesarea Development Corporation (CDC), refused to take steps to prevent it despite the historical remains being under its jurisdiction.” This follows another collapse that occurred a year ago.

Scott Stripling gives an update on this summer’s discoveries at Tel Shiloh on The Book and the Spade podcast.

Scientists have developed a methodology to identify the source of basalt using “chemical fingerprints.”

All Israel News has created an 8-minute video explaining the significance of the Temple Mount Sifting Project.

Susannah Schild describes how, twenty years after moving to Israel and being unimpressed with its trees, she has come to appreciate them for their suitability to their environment and their value to the traveler.

“Steve Bryan walks through the healing at Bethesda in John 5 to explore what we can know about the pool from archaeological remains, and how that helps us make sense of the text.”

Jodi Magness writes about Charlemagne’s interest in Jerusalem.

The latest issue of ‘Atiqot features more than a dozen articles related to “rural life in the southern Levant.”

The folks at The Book Podcast invited me on to talk about Israel, pictures, and more.

HT: Agade, Mark V. Hoffman, Gordon Franz, Gordon Dickson, Arne Halbakken, Keith Keyser, Paleojudaica
