Archaeologists have discovered at Megiddo a collection of ceramics possibly linked to Pharaoh Necho’s army (pdf here). Necho killed Judah’s King Josiah in 609 BC. The underlying journal article is available for purchase.

Archaeologists have launched a new excavation at Alexandrium/Sartaba, the first in more than 40 years.

The Roman period gate beneath Damascus Gate in Jerusalem has re-opened and now features a new exhibit.

The latest Jerusalem Tracker lists dozens of the newest publications related to the Holy City.

The 50th anniversary issue of Biblical Archaeology Review includes a number of important articles:

  • “A Decade of Discoveries in Biblical Jerusalem,” by Yuval Gadot, Yiftah Shalev, and Joe Uziel
  • “Nails or Knots—How Was Jesus Crucified?,” by Jeffrey P. Arroyo García
  • “Breaking New Ground: Celebrating 50 Years of Biblical Archaeology”
  • “New Directions: How Archaeology Illuminates the Bible,”
    by Jennie Ebeling

Hybrid lecture at the Albright on March 12: “Tel Lachish 2013-2017: Excavations of the Palace Domestic Quarter, Area AA,” by Michael G. Hasel

Webinar on March 19: “Amulets and their Critics: Jews, Christians, and Samaritans in Late Antique Palestine,” by Megan Nutzman

Nathan Steinmeyer continues his series on geographical regions of Israel with a look at the Hula Valley.

Bryan Windle summarizes the top three reports in biblical archaeology in the month of February.

Chris McKinny and Kyle Keimer conclude their review of the best archaeological finds of last year on the Biblical World podcast.

Jerusalem University College has several short-term programs scheduled for the coming months:

HT: Agade, Joseph Lauer, Keith Keyser, Gordon Franz, Arne Halbakken, Ted Weis


The longest Greek papyrus ever found in the Judean wilderness has been published. “The document is identified as prosecutors’ notes for a trial before Roman officials on the eve of the Bar-Kochba Revolt.” The underlying journal article is here.

“Researchers have deciphered a 2,000-year-old Aramaic inscription on a pottery shard discovered at the Alexandrium Fortress (Sartaba) in the Jordan Valley.”

A rare silver ring discovered at Huqoq in Galilee may depict the temple in Jerusalem. It possibly was one of a group that was a precursor to late-medieval Jewish wedding bands.

The forthcoming “House of David” series on Prime Video takes some liberties.

Steven Notley and Moti Aviam’s lecture about the latest from the Bethsaida/el-Araj excavation is now online. This 87-minute presentation was given at the Museum of the Bible.

Virtual panel discussion on Feb 26: “Debates in the Dust: Seventy Years After the First Dig at Hazor and the Shaping of Biblical Archaeology,” with Igor Kreimerman

Now in Logos Pre-Pub: The Essential Atlas of the Bible: A Visual Experience of the Biblical World (NIV Application Commentary Resources), by Carl G. Rasmussen (HarperCollins, $20)

Nathan Steinmeyer gives a primer on the Shephelah of Judah.

Wayne Stiles has three tours planned, with signups now open:

HT: Agade, Ted Weis, Gordon Franz, Arne Halbakken, Explorator


A cuneiform inscription discovered nearly 100 years ago at Beth Shemesh is one of the earliest of its kind found outside Ugarit. It has now been deciphered as a locally made inscription written by a student learning the alphabet.

Archaeologists are trying to explain why large storage jars suddenly showed up at Tel Burna in the Late Bronze Age after having gone out of style many years earlier. The underlying journal article is available here.

Alex Winston writes about the Second Temple period tombs located in the Sanhedria neighborhood in northern Jerusalem.

Abigail Leavitt reports on her participation in a mini-dig at Rujm es-Sia in the Jordan Rift.

The Late Bronze temple at Azekah is the subject of the latest podcast episode at This Week in the Ancient Near East.

Daniel Pioske writes about the meanings that archaeological ruins have for us today and for those in the Old Testament. He has also written a related book.

On June 10, a panel of scholars will be discussing Jodi Magness’s latest book, Jerusalem Through the Ages: From Its Beginnings to the Crusades, at the Albright Institute and on Zoom.

Walking The Text’s recommended resource of the month is the Lexham Geographic Commentary on the Pentateuch.

HT: Agade, Gordon Franz, Arne Halbakken, Joseph Lauer, Ted Weis


“An archaeological site in the Jordan Valley that experts at the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) call a ‘prehistoric Garden of Eden’ was dedicated and opened to the public on Thursday.”

Israel has declared 42 acres surrounding the Herodium to be “state land.”

An unknown Hebrew letter was discovered in a Dead Sea Scroll, according to an announcement of the Academy of the Hebrew Language on April 1.

Abigail Leavitt describes her experience at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher on Easter morning.

Biblical Backgrounds has posted James Monson’s “The Way of the Cross” handout, used in teaching the Passion Weekend in Jerusalem forty years ago.

The top three reports in biblical archaeology in the month of April are a statue of Rameses II, discoveries at a temple at Azekah, and a Phoenician gold pendant found in Jerusalem.

The Times of Israel interviews Martin Goodman about his new book, Herod the Great: Jewish King in a Roman World.

The Spring 2024 issue of Biblical Archaeology Review includes articles on the Jerusalem Ivories, Azekah’s Canaanite temple, a wealthy residence in Jerusalem in the Iron Age, and the possible tomb of one of Jesus’s disciples.

“The twisting turning tales of Jerusalem, particularly of the environs of Agron Street, make for intriguing, compelling, and entertaining listening and viewing.”

Israeli tour guide Shmuel Browns talks about what he has been doing since the Hamas war largely shut down tourism in Israel.

Zoom lecture on April 17: “Searching for Solomon’s City: Recent Excavations at Tel Gezer,” by Steven Ortiz

New release: Kinneret II: Results of the Excavations at Tell el-ʽOrēme, 1994–2008 / Vol. 1: The Bronze Age, Iron Age II, Post-Iron Age Periods, and Other Studies, edited by Wolfgang Zwickel and Juha Pakkala (Ägypten und Altes Testament 120; Zaphon; 160 €)

I will be speaking this Wednesday in Jerusalem University College’s Culture Counts online lecture series on the topic of “The Psalms of David and Solomon.” This is one of my favorite subjects, and I’ll share some of my discoveries both from historical background as well as from the canonical arrangement of the Psalms. The lecture begins at 12:00 Eastern Time and will be followed by a Q&A. Registration is free and includes access to a recording of the lecture.

HT: Agade, Arne Halbakken, Gordon Franz


The oldest gold artifact discovered in Jerusalem attests to Phoenician presence in the city in the time of King Solomon. Writing for Haaretz, Ariel David disagrees.

“The discovery of numerous plants in two temples unearthed at [Gath] unraveled unprecedented insights into Philistine cultic rituals and beliefs – the food ingredients in their temple, the timing of ceremonies, and plants for temple decoration.”

A new multi-level sunken entrance pavilion opens this month for the Tower of David Museum.

Abigail Leavitt provides a report on the short excavation season at Fazael (Phasael) in the Jordan Valley.

Israel’s Good Name reports on his visit to the Lod Mosaic Center.

Shmuel Browns has posted a few drone photos taken around Israel.

Carl Rasmussen’s video series “Encountering the Holy Land” for Logos Bible Software is on sale ($18).

Course registration is now open for Spring online courses at the Jerusalem Seminary, including Biblical Feasts, Biblical Hebrew, Israel Matters, and Jewish Life: Then and Now. Scholarships and discounts are available.

I will be speaking next month in Jerusalem University College’s Culture Counts online series on “The Psalms of David and Solomon.” Registration is free and includes access to the recording.

HT: Agade, Arne Halbakken, Gordon Dickson, Gordon Franz, Steven Anderson


“Experts from Rome have wrapped up weeks of careful archaeological work in one of the most sensitive parts of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre,” the area in front of the Edicule.

A 1,500-year-old “magic mirror” from the Byzantine period was discovered by a 17-year-old Israeli taking part in a Young Leaders’ Survival Course at the Usha archaeological site in northern Israel.”

“A rare 2,500-year-old marble disc designed to protect ancient ships and ward off the evil eye was discovered by a lifeguard” near Palmachim Beach.

“Archaeologists excavating the site of Legio—the legionary camp of Rome’s Sixth Legion located at the foot of Tel Megiddo in northern Israel—have unearthed the remains of a small amphitheater used not for performances but rather for brutal combat training exercises.”

Aren Maeir mentions four sites in the Jezreel Valley that are being excavated this summer. Of Tel Shimron, he writes that they have discovered “some of the nicest and most important finds ever found in Israel!”

A rare half-shekel coin dug up in the Ein Gedi nature reserve was inscribed with the words ‘The Holy Jerusalem’ in Hebrew.”

Scott Stripling discusses the latest results from the excavations at Shiloh on CBN News. Or listen to the two recent episodes of The Bible and the Spade.

UNESCO’s World Heritage Committee will be voting soon on whether to include Jericho on its list.

Aviv and Shmuel Bar-Am have written an informative article about the best viewpoints in Jerusalem (though I think they left one of the best out).

A fox was spotted along the wall of Jerusalem’s Temple Mount.

Jonathan Klawans recommends a visit to the Benedictine Monastery of the Resurrection in the village of Abu Ghosh.

“The director of the Israel Museum, Denis Weil, has resigned just a year and a half after taking up the position.”

New release: The Two Houses of Israel: State Formation and the Origins of Pan-Israelite Identity, by Omer Sergi (SBL Press, $55)

Walking The Text’s recommended resource of the month is Experiencing the Land of the Book, by Charles H. Dyer.

Israeli authorities have taken actions to protect Tel Aroma in Area B from destruction by vandals.

Guiding tours of the Dead Sea on his boat, Noam Bedein is making new discoveries, including a bubbling brook and new rock formations.

HT: Agade, Arne Halbakken, Explorator

The newest national park in Israel is Hippos. Now this Roman-Byzantine site in the Decapolis boasts paved paths, clean restrooms, and of course, a shop.
