Archaeologists working at Huqoq in Galilee discovered an extensive underground complex used by Jewish villagers to hide from the Romans during the First and Second Jewish Revolts. The site will be open to visitors on March 29 and April 5 with free registration.

In a new relief sculpture discovered in eastern Turkey, “Antiochos of Commagene calls on the people to ‘obey and respect the law.”

Lechaion, one of the harbors of ancient Corinth, is at least 500 years older than previously thought.

Israeli authorities arrested Palestinians who built a parking lot on top of Umm ar-Rihan, a Second Temple period archaeological site in the northern West Bank.

New release: Jerusalem through the Ages: From Its Beginnings to the Crusades, by Jodi Magness (Oxford University Press, 624 pages, $40; also at Amazon)

New release: Transjordan and the Southern Levant: New Approaches Regarding the Iron Age and the Persian Period from Hebrew Bible Studies and Archaeology, edited by Benedikt Hensel (Mohr Siebeck, €109)

New release: What’s in a Divine Name? Religious Systems and Human Agency in the Ancient Mediterranean, edited by Alaya Palamidis and Corinne Bonnet (De Gruyter; $165; free download)

James Riley Strange reviews Ancient Synagogues Revealed 1981–2022, edited by Lee I. Levine, Zeev Weiss, and Uzi Leibner.

Infusion Bible Conference is offering a digital download of “The Last Days of Jesus” conference (video lectures and notebook) for $69.

The Ancient Arabia website features a digital atlas, a gazetteer, and a thematic dictionary.

All Israel News has an article about two tabernacle replicas in Israel.

Hayah Katz believes that decline of Christian interest in biblical archaeology has contributed to increasing Jewish interest in the field.

Leon Mauldin just visited Ostia, the port city of Rome, and he shares some photos from his visit.

Ferrell Jenkins has posted photos of Corinth’s temple of Apollo and Erastus inscription.

Abigail Leavitt: “I spent the past week digging at Khirbet Rafid, a site across the highway from Tel Shiloh.”

HT: Agade, Gordon Franz, Gordon Dickson, Arne Halbakken


I mentioned recently the newly released Lexham Geographic Commentary on the Pentateuch, edited by Barry J. Beitzel. I thought it would be useful here to provide a short summary of one of the two articles I contributed.

Chapter 8 (of 47) is entitled “The Patriarchal Travels in Canaan: A Geographic Assessment.” Two helpful features for each article is that they begin with a list of relevant biblical references and as well as an inset box with the “Key Points.” This particular article covers a bit of ground in Genesis, and the listed references are Genesis 12:6–8; 13:1–18; 14:13–24; 20:1–13; 22:1–19; 23:2–20; 26:7–33; 28:11–22; 33:18–20; 35:1–7; 46:1–5.

As with previous volumes in the Lexham Geographic Commentary, I find the “Key Points” overview to be extremely useful in getting a quick feel for the article and whether it’s one I want to read now or later. I think what might be most interesting here is if I give each of my five Key Points along with a little bit of commentary.

1. As the book of beginnings, Genesis explains the origins of significant sites and regions in the history of Israel.

I suppose that this point shouldn’t really be a surprise, but I must say for myself that it took me a long time to put two and two together. Yes, I think of Genesis as the book of origins, but I’m always thinking in terms of the origins of the earth, humanity, sin, promise, covenant, and theological categories. But Genesis also explains where Shechem “came from” (that is, before Moses sent the Israelites there to renew the covenant, it was the place where God promised Abram the land). So many sites that were later prominent in Israel’s history have their beginnings explained in Genesis.

2. The patriarchs lived in the southern hill country and Negev, avoiding the plains and valleys where major cities were located.

This point explains why the average tourist to Israel hears almost nothing about Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob—because the average tour doesn’t visit the southern hill country or the Negev. The patriarchs’ stomping grounds was in less traveled areas, avoiding major Bronze Age sites such as Hazor, Megiddo, Joppa, and Sodom. They generally stayed away from the coastal plain, the Shephelah, and the Jezreel Valley. This leads to the next point.

3. The places where the patriarchs lived and worshiped became significant sites for the Israelites when they returned from Egypt and settled the land.

Many of the sites most important in Israel’s history following the conquest feature prominently in the lives of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Shechem, significant to both Abraham and Jacob, was the northern kingdom’s first capital. Jacob made a vow to the Lord at Bethel, and the tribes later inquired of the Lord there before Jeroboam built his infamous high place. Hebron first was the place of the patriarchs’ burial, but it became important to Caleb, David, and Absalom.

4. The places where the patriarchs had conflicts became places where the Israelites had conflicts.

Not only do the patriarchal locations reappear in Israel’s history, but often we see that the Israelites imitated the actions of their ancestors in these places. Bethel and Beersheba were each worship sites for Jacob and for his descendants. Shechem saw the painful episode with the violation of Jacob’s daughter, and in the time of the judges Abimelech slaughtered his own people there. The Jewish commentator Ramban observed this pattern, noting that “not a single incident that befell the father didn’t befall the children.”

5. The patriarchal sites served as signposts, pointing forward to Israel’s future hope.

This is easily my favorite point, and the most delightful discovery of my studies. The lessons learned at Shechem, Bethel, Hebron, Beersheba, and Moriah all were intended to point Israel to God’s fulfillment of the covenant promise through a greater priest-king, a divinely provided substitute, resurrection from the dead, and restoration to the land.

As I mentioned before, the Lexham Geographic Commentary on the Pentateuch is available in both print (hardcover; Amazon) and in digital (Logos) formats. I plan to do a similar post in the coming weeks on my second article in the volume.


My longtime friend, Wayne Stiles, has spent the past seven years developing a wonderful website that features more than 200 videos that connect the Bible and its lands to life. He has traveled and filmed extensively in Israel, Jordan, Egypt, Greece, Turkey, and Italy. 

The links below take you to the various regions and countries with trailers to watch. There’s even an app so you can watch it on the go—and on tours! The cost for joining is nominal—and a whole lot cheaper than taking a tour—and you experience more than many tours combined could offer. 

In addition, you can use this code (BOLEN) to get a $10 credit—which allows you to rent two full episodes or to buy one of your choosing. 

Judah and the South (39 episodes, including Gath, Libnah, Timna Valley, Negev Highlands—and more)

Galilee and the North (23 episodes, including Sepphoris, Tabgha, Hazor, Capernaum, Cana—and more)

Samaria and the Center (20 episodes, including Beth-shan, Jericho, Dothan, Gibeon—and more)

Jerusalem (24 episodes, including the Temple Mount, Kidron Valley, Walls and Gates, Western Wall—and more)

Greece (19 episodes, including Patmos, Rhodes, Philippi, Athens, Corinth—and more)

Rome and Malta (20 episodes, including Appian Way, Roman Forum, Malta, Pompeii—and more)

Turkey (29 episodes, including Troas, Ephesus, Assos, Tarsus, the Churches of Revelation—and more) 

Egypt (8 episodes, including the Pyramids, Valley of the Kings, Nile River, Karnak Temple—and more)

Jordan (9 episodes, including Petra, Mount Nebo, Moab, Machaerus, Ammon—and more)

Interviews (11 interviews, including Bryant Wood, Scott Stripling, Carl Rasmussen, Charlie Dyer, and me)

If you are reading the Bible in 2024, Wayne also has a new Reading the Bible Lands program that goes through the whole Bible with videos, devotionals, and my photos—with the opportunity for Live Zoom calls with Wayne and other members to discuss the Bible reading and Q&A time. 

Some years ago I wrote the following about Wayne, and I don’t think I can say it any better now:

“Wayne Stiles has a unique gift for bringing the biblical world into our own. Some teachers are history gurus, but they can’t translate their research into how it affects us today. Wayne is superb at doing this in his books, on his blog, on his podcast, and at the sites. He is passionate, accurate, and faithful.” 

Wayne’s resources are outstanding in every way, and I’m very thankful for the ways he has applied his giftings and energies to create excellent tools to increase our love for and understanding of God’s Word.


“Two IDF reservists recently discovered a 1,500-year-old, well-preserved pottery oil lamp from the Byzantine period in the mud of a Gaza staging area.”

Archaeologists excavating a Middle Bronze level in Jaffa discovered a jar containing the skeleton of an infant.

A study of the magnetic field recorded in bricks burned during Hazael’s conquest of Gath “will make it possible for archaeologists to identify burnt materials discovered in excavations and estimate their firing temperatures.”

There are reports of new damage to the “altar” on Mount Ebal.

Jerusalem Dateline has a 20-minute special edition on the excavations at Shiloh.

The new radiocarbon dates from Gezer are the subject of the latest episode of This Week in the Ancient Near East.

New release: Tell es-Safi/Gath III: Studies on the Early Bronze Age, Part 1, edited by I. Shai, H. J. Greenfield, and A. M. Maeir (Zaphon)

New release: The Excavation of the Templar Fortress at Jacob’s Ford (1993-2009), by Kate Raphael (Hebrew Union College, 300 NIS)

New release: The Essential Archaeological Guide to Bible Lands: Uncovering Biblical Sites of the Ancient Near East and Mediterranean World, by Titus Kennedy (Harvest House, $35; Logos, $17)

On sale for Logos: Unearthing the Bible: 101 Archaeological Discoveries That Bring the Bible to Life, by Titus Kennedy ($6)

Archaeological volunteers who received a BAS Dig Scholarship share some of their stories from the summer excavations at Abel Beth Maacah, Azekah, Shikhin, Shimron, and Tel Hadid.

David Padfield has posted nearly 100 photographs of the model of Jerusalem at the Israel Museum, using AI to help remove tourists and other distracting items.

Carl Rasmussen shares some photos that David Padfield took inside Al Aqsa Mosque on Jerusalem’s Temple Mount.

The creator of the Bible Mapper Atlas lists the top 10 maps released in 2023, in his own opinion.

HT: Agade, Arne Halbakken, Ted Weis, Gordon Dickson


The oldest ceramic rooftiles discovered in Israel date to the 2nd century BC and were found in the Givati Parking Lot excavations in the City of David.

Leen Ritmeyer recalls his previous visits to the Gaza Strip, and shares reconstruction drawings from archaeological remains discovered there.

The Times of Israel follows up on the recent publication of articles challenging the Mount Ebal “curse inscription,” including a response from Scott Stripling. Peter van der Veen, one of Stripling’s co-authors, has released a photo and some comments on the inscription on the exterior of the lead object.

The American tourist who smashed ancient statues in the Israel Museum was acquitted but sent to involuntary hospitalization. His attorney claimed that he suffers from “Jerusalem Syndrome.”

The Israel Antiquities Authority Conference will be held on December 11 in Jerusalem. The conference title is “In Those Days at This Time – The Hasmoneans are Coming,” and admission is free.

New release: Jewish Quarter Excavations in the Old City of Jerusalem, Volume IX. “Volume Nine presents the wealth of small finds from the Palatial Mansion, built in the 1st century CE and destroyed by the Romans in 70 CE.” (Israel Exploration Society, 380 NIS)

Logos deal: Week in the Life Series  (7 vols) for $25

Jerusalem University College is hosting its 4th annual online seminar, “Culture Counts” on January 13. Registration is free, and the three presentations are:

  • Home Sweet Home: Ancient Israelite Households in Context, by Cynthia Shafer-Elliott
  • Life in the Roman Army, by Carl Laney
  • Hosting a Rabbi: A Lesson in Discipleship from Mary and Martha, by Cyndi Parker

BAS’s February Bible and Archaeology Fest will be held on February 24-25. Registration is open now for $149.

Mark Hoffman explains why now is a good time to (re-)sign up for the free BiblePlaces Newsletter.

HT: Agade, Arne Halbakken, Ted Weis


Aren Maeir and colleagues have written three articles in the forthcoming Israel Exploration Journal that raises questions about the Mount Ebal “curse inscription,” including “whether it is an inscription, its dating, its function (it is most probably a mundane lead fishing weight) and other issues.” The story is reported by The Jerusalem Post and Haaretz.

A new study of lion bones discovered at Tel Burna suggests that local leaders displayed them as trophies of their prowess. Ruth Schuster’s article includes a lot of more general information about lions in the ancient world.

Zoom lecture on Dec 6: “The Schooling of a Scribe in Ancient Israel,” by Christopher Rollston, hosted by the Anglo-Israel Archaeological Society.

The Near East Archaeological Society has a list of twenty papers given at the recent conference in San Antonio. Videos of three of the presentations have been posted:

  • The Kingdom of the Palastin: Sea Peoples of the North?, by Brian Janeway
  • The Late Date versus the Early Date at the Mount Ebal Altar, by Abigail Leavitt
  • Fifth Excavation Season at Shiloh, by Scott Stripling

Bryan Windle surveys the top three reports in biblical archaeology for the month of November.

Bible Mapper Atlas links to a series of free maps related to Christmas.

Carl Rasmussen is leading a “comprehensive 35-day Bible Study Tour to Israel/Jordan, Turkey, and Greece.” Participants can join one or more of the segments of the trip. (The Turkey portion looks particularly outstanding to me.)

Kristine Garroway discusses children in ancient Israel in the latest episode of Biblical World.

HT: Agade, Arne Halbakken, Charles Savelle, Joseph Lauer
