The Regnal Chronology of the Kings of Judah and Israel: An Illustrated Guide

by Chris McKinny

A digital handbook full of charts illustrating the chronology of the biblical kings of Judah and Israel. The chart consists of a series of ten 50-year panes that cover the chronology of Israel and Judah from 1050 to 550 BC. Each pane is accompanied by a breakout chart of all of the available regnal details of each king.

Extra-biblical texts and photographs have been included to supplement and illustrate the chronology. This includes a summary of each of the intersections with the major imperial powers of Egypt, Assyria, and Babylon, and detailed charts of the known kings of the surrounding nation states (e.g., Moab). All of this is lavishly illustrated with over 100 high-resolution photos from the Pictorial Library of Bible Lands collection.


Only $29.99; sale: $19.99

Also available: The Regnal Chronology of Judah and Israel Poster Chart (pdf)

Only $19.99; sale: $9.99

Best Deal: Illustrated Guide and Poster set: $39.99 $24.99

Purchase provides immediate download of e-book and/or e-poster
(high-resolution printable pdf files).

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“Chris McKinny’s Regnal Chronology beautifully presents, in historical and chronological context, the archaeological artifacts that have direct connection to people and events in the biblical narrative. Is the existence of a biblical king or event confirmed by archaeological discovery? You’ll find out here.”
Bill Schlegel, author of the Satellite Bible Atlas

“The chronological chart that Chris McKinny has prepared lays out, in the most accessible and user friendly manner, the complex chronology of the Old Testament/Hebrew Bible period. This is a tool which will be of use for all scholars, students and lay people interested in studying the history and chronology of this important period.”
Aren Maeir, Professor of Archaeology and Land of Israel Studies, Bar Ilan University and Director of the Ackerman Family Bar Ilan Expedition to Gath

“For the study of OT history, charts are invaluable, showing relationships and connections in an easy-to-grasp visual manner. The Regnal Chronology is the best collection available and I highly recommend it.”
Todd Bolen, Professor of Biblical Studies, The Master’s University

“Chris McKinny’s Regnal Chronology provides a great combination of historical data juxtaposed with relevant archaeological discoveries. As I worked through the Illustrated Guide, I was amazed at the volume of information provided, the consistent placement of that information in its chronological context, and clear explanations of the significance of key archaeological discoveries related to a given time frame. Wow! I look forward to making use of this resource and introducing it to my students.”
Michael A. Grisanti, Professor of Old Testament, The Master’s Seminary

Table of Contents


About the Author

Chris McKinny has a PhD from Bar Ilan University (Israel). His dissertation focused on the historical geography and archaeology of the town lists of Judah and Benjamin in the book of Joshua. Chris is also a core staff member of the Tel Burna Archaeological Project and currently involved in several other writing and research projects. His My People as Your People: A Textual and Archaeological Analysis of the Reign of Jehoshaphat (2016) was published by Peter Lang Publishing. Dr. McKinny is a biblical scholar, archaeologist, and research fellow at Gesher Media.

For questions about the Regnal Chronology and discounts on bulk purchases, please contact us.