Copyright and Permissions Information

The images in our photo collections are copyrighted.  However, our intention is to be generous in granting use of the images for personal, educational, and church use.  Since we get many questions about what is allowed, we have made a chart for allowed uses and those which require separate permission.  Feel free to email us at permissions283 AT if you have questions.

Granted with purchase

  • Projection in church, Sunday School class, educational lecture, or any of the preceding in a livestream or videoconference format on Facebook, Zoom, or like service
  • Inclusion in a video recording of church service, Sunday School class, or educational lecture, with credit given to
  • Inclusion in a video posted on YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook, or like service, with credit given to
  • Incorporation in printed educational material used in the context of face-to-face teaching
  • Viewing selected photos over an intranet (e.g., at a college) for educational purposes – for example, select images are included in classroom PowerPoints that the students need to review for a final exam.
  • Inclusion in a website (800 pixels wide or less), with credit link to

Requires separate permission

  • Use in a book, magazine, or commercial product
  • Use in an online course
  • Re-distributing images or DVDs
  • Inclusion in a non-personal image database

Without purchase

Pictures from this website may be used on another website or blog, with the following restrictions. You may not use more than 10 images, the size of the images must be not more than 600 pixels wide, and the images must include a credit link on each page they are used to

Our goal with this policy is to be fair and generous.  (Compare with many other companies that charge high fees per image, restrict use of an image to a single use, and restrict use of an image to a limited duration.)  For other uses, see our page about licensing photos.

For permission or questions, email us at permissions283 AT