
Galatians 6

Final Exhortations

"Caught" By Sin

Brothers, if anyone is caught in any wrongdoing . . .  (Galatians 6:1).

To be “caught” refers to being detected or taken by surprise. Paul likely intends to distinguish this from willful sin (cf. Heb 10:26-31; 2 Pet 2:20). The relief shown in this photo depicts representative people groups who have been captured by the king of Egypt. Although the analogy is not perfect, the prisoners are clearly at the mercy of the king, similar to the status of the believer who sins and is found out by his believing brothers.



You who are spiritual restore such a one (Galatians 6:1).

To “restore” is to cause something to function well. This same verb is used in the Gospels to describe the mending of nets (Matt 4:21; Mark 1:19). Paul urges the Galatians not to cast aside one who has sinned, but to help restore them.

Feeding One's Teachers

Let the one who is taught the Word share all good things with the one who teaches (Galatians 6:6).

This verse refers to financial support of teachers in the church. The coin shown on this slide would have been in circulation at the time Paul wrote to the Galatians, and thus could have been among the currency used in payments. This coin was photographed at the Trinity Evangelical Divinity School Biblical Coin Collection.

Sowing and Reaping

Whatever a man sows, this he will also reap (Galatians 6:7).

Paul’s statement here is one of the most familiar cause-effect relationships known to his audience. That which is sown is what will be reaped. This photo was taken by a photographer from the American Colony between 1927 and 1933. The walls of the Old City are visible in the background. The peak of the façade of the Church of All Nations (Gethsemane) is visible on the left. On the horizon, the three domes are (from left to right) the Al Aqsa Mosque, the Hurva Synagogue (destroyed in 1948), and the Dome of the Rock.

Paul's Large Letters

See with what large letters I am writing to you with my own hand (Galatians 6:11).

Most scholars understand this notation by Paul to indicate that, although an amanuensis has written the letter up to this point, Paul himself has now taken the quill in hand and is personally writing at least a portion of the concluding words. He observes that his handwriting consists of larger letters than those of his amanuensis. This may be an indicator of failing eyesight. No doubt, his readers would have valued any portion of the letter personally written by the apostle. Shown here are a wax tablet and a collection of styluses, which were common writing instruments in Paul’s day.


From now on let no one trouble me; for I bear the brand-marks of Jesus on my body (Galatians 6:17).

Paul’s “brand-marks” were the wounds and scars he had received from persecutions. This word is related to the Greek verb “to tattoo.” In the Greco-Roman world, it was not uncommon for a master to put a mark/brand/tattoo on his slave; religious marking/tattooing was also a well-known practice, especially among priests of a given cult. Because of its association with slavery, such markings were viewed with disdain by those who were not so marked. Paul, on the contrary, seems to have borne his marks with a sense of pride, taking them as a sign that he belonged to the Messiah.

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