Discounts for Our Photo Collections
This private page provides limited-time reduced prices to those traveling with GTI Tours. You are welcome to take a look around the website to read the reviews, check out our catalog, and view the free images, but please use the links on this page to receive the reduced prices. Our three photo collections are described below. Click the links for each collection to learn more about the individual volumes.
Pictorial Library: Israel Collection (6,000 photos!)

The Pictorial Library of Bible Lands is an extensive collection of high-quality photographs, all clearly organized, labeled, and described.
All images are included in jpg format, so they can easily be edited, printed, added to a personal photo book, included in class notes, or inserted into a slide show. In addition, all of the photos are included in pre-made PowerPoint presentations for each region, site, or subject in a logical “tour” order.
The Pictorial Library of Bible Lands includes extensive descriptive explanations. The annotations are the result of many years of research and writing by a professor of biblical geography and archaeology living in Israel.
The Israel Collection includes:
- Volume 1: Galilee and the North – more than 1,100 photos of Caesarea Philippi, Capernaum, Chorazin, Dan, the Golan Heights, the Jordan River, Mount Hermon, the Sea of Galilee, and much more.
- Volume 2: Samaria and the Center – more than 1,200 photos of Beth Shean, Caesarea, Jericho, the Jezreel Valley, Michmash, Mount Carmel, Mount Tabor, Mounts Gerizim and Ebal, Shechem, Shiloh, and much more.
- Volume 3: Jerusalem – more than 1,500 photos of the City of David, the Garden of Gethsemane, Hezekiah’s Tunnel, the Jerusalem model, the Mount of Olives, the Old City, the Temple Mount, the Via Dolorosa, the Western Wall, and much more.
- Volume 4: Judah and the Dead Sea – more than 1,500 photos of Bethlehem, the Dead Sea, the Dead Sea Scrolls caves, the Elah Valley, En Gedi, Hebron, the Herodium, Jaffa, the Judean wilderness, the Philistine cities, Qumran, and much more.
- Volume 5: Negev and the Wilderness – more than 700 photos of Arad, Beersheba, Eilat, Gerar, Machtesh Ramon, the Nabatean cities, the Red Sea, the Spice Route, the tabernacle model, the Wilderness of Zin, Ziklag, and much more.
Special pricing on the Israel Collection:
Reg. $229; Sale: $149; Special: $119
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Pictorial Library: Complete Collection (20,000 photos!)

The Pictorial Library: Complete Collection includes all of the Israel Collection (5 volumes) plus an additional 15 volumes:
- Includes fascinating special volumes:
- A total of more than 20,000 high-quality photographs in jpg format and PowerPoint presentations
- PowerPoint presentations include labels and notes
- Photos taken and annotated by a professor who lived and taught at The Master’s University extension campus in Israel for many years
- Free lifetime updates, including new bonus volumes #19 (Persia) and #20 (Western Mediterranean)
Special pricing on the Complete Collection:
Reg. $649; Sale: $389; Special: $299
Add to cart: USB+DVD+download
or DVD+download or USB+download or download only
Photo Companion to the Bible

The Photo Companion illustrates the biblical books by chapter and verse.
- The Book of Genesis (6,800 slides)
- The Book of Exodus (6,200 slides)
- The Book of Joshua (3,000 slides)
- The Book of Judges (2,800 slides)
- The Book of Ruth (350 slides)
- The Book of 1 Samuel (3,000 slides)
- The Book of 2 Samuel (2,900 slides)
- The Book of 1 Kings (3,400 slides)
- The Book of 2 Kings (3,900 slides)
- The Book of Ezra (1,800 slides)
- The Book of Nehemiah (2,700 slides)
- The Book of Esther (700 slides)
- Psalm 23 (100 slides)
- The Book of Daniel (1,000 slides)
- The Book of Acts (4,200 slides)
- The Epistle of Romans (1,600 slides)
- The Epistles of 1 and 2 Corinthians (2,500 slides)
- The Epistle to the Galatians (650 slides)
- The Epistle to the Ephesians (500 slides)
- The Epistle to the Philippians (450 slides)
- The Epistles to the Colossians and Philemon (600 slides)
- The Epistles to the Thessalonians (650 slides)
- The Epistles to Timothy and Titus (1,100 slides)
- The Epistles to the Hebrews (1,900 slides)
- The Epistle of James (950 slides)
- The Epistles of 1 & 2 Peter, Jude (1,400 slides)
- The Epistles of 1, 2, & 3 John (650 slides)
- The Book of Revelation (3,000 slides)
- Each Bible chapter is illustrated by 40–400 high-quality photographs
- PowerPoint-based resource includes annotations and descriptive labels
- Check out these free PowerPoints: Genesis 15, Exodus 2, Joshua 2, Judges 4, 1 Samuel 4, 2 Samuel 2, Esther 4, Daniel 3, Matthew 4, Mark 6, Luke 8, John 2, Acts 18, Romans 12, 1 Corinthians 13, 2 Corinthians 4, Galatians 5, Ephesians 3, Philippians 4, Colossians 2, 1 Thessalonians 5, 1 Timothy 4, Hebrews 7, James 3, 1 Peter 2, 1 John 4, and Revelation 6.
- Created by a team of Bible professors and scholars, under the leadership of Dr. Todd Bolen, Professor of Biblical Studies at The Master’s University
- Easily adaptable for preaching and teaching
- Free lifetime updates to individual volumes
Old Testament (14 vols): Reg. $579; Sale: $399; Special: $369
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New Testament (19 vols): Reg. $649; Sale $449; Special: $369
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Old & New Testaments (33 vols): Reg. $999; Sale: $599; Special: $499
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Historic Views of the Holy Land
- A library of images, maps, and text from the 19th and 20th centuries
- Stunning images, beautiful engravings, and fascinating descriptions from early explorers of Palestine
- Included as high-resolution jpg files and in ready-made PowerPoint presentations
- Perfect complement to modern-day images
Special pricing on all 20 volumes:
Reg. $454; Sale: $199; Special: $149
Add to cart: DVD+download or download only

The Ultimate Teaching Set
Includes all of our photo resources!
- Photo Companion to the Bible – all 33 volumes
- Pictorial Library of Bible Lands – all 20 volumes
- Historic Views of the Holy Land – all 20 volumes
Special pricing on all 73 volumes:
Reg. $1999; Sale: $749; Special: $599
Add to cart: DVD+USB+download or DVD+download or USB+download or download only
- To receive the discounts, use the links above. At checkout, you will see the discount applied below the subtotal.
- Shipping is free to US addresses. Sales tax will be charged on orders shipped to California.
- These prices are good through April 30, 2025.
- We provide a 100% money-back guarantee on all purchases, no questions asked.
- Questions? Email us at [email protected].