
A Strategic Location
Saul's Final Battle

Ahab and Naboth's Vineyard
Excavations of Tel Jezreel

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Related Websites
Jezreel (Holman Bible Dictionary) This dictionary article includes references to the Bible for relevant verses.
Jezreel (Bible Odyssey) A comprehensive look at the Bible in relation to Jezreel.
Tel Jezreel (Tourist Israel) A good introduction to the history of the site, along with tips for visiting.
Naboth’s Vineyard Unearthed at Tel Jezreel? (Bible History Daily) An exciting look at Ahab, Naboth, the vineyard, and the modern tel.
Why Was Jezreel So Important to the Kingdom of Israel? (The Bible and Interpretation) Focusing on the geography of Jezreel, this article relates directly to Scripture and explains the pertinent location of the site.
Tel Jezreel, Jezreel Spring, and Naboth’s Vineyard (Galil and Golan) Good information on how to hike the area.
Jezreel Expedition Sheds New Light on Ahab and Jezebel’s City (Bible History Daily) An interesting article about “survey archaeology and advanced…mapping” being used to look more closely at Jezreel.
Jezreel: A Military City and the Location of Jehu’s Coup ( Norma Franklin gives a great look at the archaeology of Jezreel, as well as its geographic importance.