Pella (Pehel) was an important city during the Late Bronze Age, leading a revolt against the Egyptians in the late 14th century. The site was occupied continuously for several millennia but never enters the biblical record. Eusebius, however, records that Jewish Christians fled here from Jerusalem during the Jewish Revolt in AD 66–70.
Jordan Rift

Pella Late Bronze Temple
Succoth from East
The identification of Tell Deir Alla is disputed by scholars, but most believe that it is biblical Succoth. Jacob gave the name to this place when he stopped here and erected booths (succoth; Gen 33). Later, Gideon chased the Midianites past Succoth but did not receive help from the town elders (they later regretted their decision). An important archaeological discovery found here is an 8th-century BC inscription which mentions the prophet Balaam (cf. Num 22–24).

Plains of Moab
Just prior to entering the Promised Land, the twelve tribes of Israel camped on the “Plains of Moab” on the east side of the Jordan River opposite Jericho. Here Moses delivered his last messages (the Book of Deuteronomy). After his death, the nation remained here for one month to mourn his death. This is also the area where Elijah was taken to heaven in a whirlwind (2 Kgs 2).
Mount Nebo
The Lord forbade Moses from entering the Promised Land, but He granted him a spectacular view of it before his death. Climbing Mt. Nebo, Moses was able to see the length and breadth of the land of Canaan. When Moses died, Scripture notes that the Lord buried him and no man knew where exactly he was laid (Deut 34).

Bab edh-Dhra Shaft Grave
One interesting archaeological site near the southeastern shore of the Dead Sea is Bab edh-Dhra. More than 20,000(!) shaft tombs are estimated to have been dug at this site during the Early Bronze Age, space enough for 500,000 people. Apparently this was a regional burial center. The site was destroyed at the end of this period and some scholars believe that this site is biblical Sodom.
Nahal Arnon

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Related Websites
See the related page on Bab edh-Dhra.
The Jordan Valley (The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan) Hosted by the Jordanian government, this site provides many facts about the Jordan Valley and the places within it, including the Jordan River, Deir ‘Alla, and Pella.
The Jordan Valley (Jewish Virtual Library) An interesting analysis of the rift from an environmental perspective.
Pella, Jordan (Atlas Tours) Provides a good summary of the site’s history and archaeology.
Excavating Ancient Pella, Jordan (Bible History Daily) This 2024 article gives a nice introduction to the Christian history of Pella.
Succoth (BibleHub) An encyclopedia article including biblical references and a description of the site.
Who is Balaam Son of Beor? Part Three: Examining the Figure of Balaam in Archaeology (Bible History Daily) This article provides a fairly complete history of the Balaam Inscription found at Deir Alla (Succoth).
Plains of Moab – Remember What God has Done in Your Life (Wayne Stiles) An excellent devotional based in geography.
Mount Nebo (Tourist Jordan) This is a helpful tourist guide with several nice photos.
The Mosaics of Nebo (Bible History Daily) Illustrated with multiple photographs, this article is an enjoyable look at the Byzantine mosaics atop Mt. Nebo.