God’s Word transcends time and culture. For centuries, people all over the world have treasured the Scriptures as it speaks of our sinfulness, God’s glory, and Jesus’s sacrifice. In the kindness of God, we can understand the Bible though most of us live in lands far away and in a time far removed.
Yet we also know the value of being able to enter the ancient world through archaeology, cultural studies, and ancient writings. These discoveries in the last two centuries have opened up the biblical world in a way that is not only fascinating, but that also provides insights into rightly interpreting the Scriptures.
Many wonderful books and study Bibles have helped us to bridge the gap of time and distance. These publications benefit from photographs, but the cost of printing in color and licensing photographs limits what can be included. The Photo Companion to the Bible overcomes those limits. The digital format and our massive image library make it possible to illustrate a chapter of the Bible not with 1 or 2 photographs, but with 50, 70, 100 or more.
This past year our team has been working on illustrating Paul’s Epistles, and we are excited to release 1-2 Corinthians in time for Christmas. If you think that theologically rich epistles are not well-suited for photographic illustration, I urge you to look at the photos in this newsletter and to download the 1 Corinthians 13 PowerPoint. These pictures and their explanations will help you to better understand and appreciate the cultural context of the early church and why Paul said some of the things he said. I love what we have created, and I think you will too.
For today’s launch, you can use the coupon CHURCH to receive $50 off 1-2 Corinthians. That means that for only $49 you can download all 2,500 photos, organized by chapter and verse with helpful explanatory notes. Purchase it today as a DVD+download or as download-only. You might consider giving this as a gift as well. Thank you for reading, and I wish you a blessed Christmas.
Todd Bolen
Photographer, BiblePlaces.com
Professor of Biblical Studies, The Master’s University