

Also known as Kh. Tell el-Far'ah, Tell el-Farah (north), Teiasir, Thebez, Tirza, Tulluzah

The Location of Tirzah

Located 7 miles (11 km) northeast of Shechem, Tirzah is usually identified with Tell el-Farah (North). Tirzah is located at the top (northwestern end) of Wadi Farah. In Song of Solomon 6:4, the author alludes to the beauty of this site, saying, “You are as beautiful, my darling, as Tirzah.” This photo shows the broader region of the Wadi Farah, with Tirzah in the distance, from the south.

Battles at Tirzah

Tirzah is listed among the kings of the land that Joshua conquered (Josh 12:24). This is possibly the place where Abimelech was killed by a woman with an upper millstone (Judg 9:50-55; cf. 2 Sam 11:14-21 where reference is made to this defensive tactic).

The Capital of Israel

Apparently in preparation for the invasion of Pharaoh Shishak in 925 BC, Jeroboam I first moved his capital across the Jordan to Penuel, before returning to a new capital in Cisjordan at Tirzah (1 Kgs 14:17; 15:33; 16:23). It was sometime after 925 that the capital was moved to this location (Tell el-Farah in the Wadi Farah). Tirzah remained as the capital for 45 years. Jeroboam I, Nadab, Baasha, Elah, Zimri, Tibni and Omri all reigned from this location (1 Kgs 14:1-16:24) until Omri moved the capital to Samaria.

Wall Dividing the Rich and Poor

Excavations at Tirzah have uncovered evidence of social stratification. There were large, well-built, spacious homes for the upper class on one side of the wall, while small, poorly-built homes were huddle closely together on the other side of the wall. The remains give clear evidence of an existing class distinction in Tirzah at the time.

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Related Websites

Tell el Far’ah (N) (Oxford Encyclopedia of Biblical Archaeology) This encyclopedia article is quite comprehensive in scope; available as a PDF on academia.edu.

Tirzah, Israel’s Second Capital (personal blog of Ferrell Jenkins) This blog post includes three photos: one of the site in modern day, one older photo, and a photo of an artifact from Tirzah.

Tell el-Far’a (official site) Notable for several impressive photos.

Tell el-Farah / Tirzah (NPAPH) A fine collection of historic photographs of the site can be found here, from the 20th century and the original excavations.

Tirzah (Tell el-Far’ah), Israel’s Ancient Capital (personal blog of Leon Mauldin) Includes a few newer photos, a list of biblical references to the site, and a couple of dictionary excerpts.

King Omri: An Archaeological Biography (Bible Archaeology Report) This article gives a unique look at one of the kings of Israel, with a fascinating perspective on the surrounding archaeology. Tirzah is included as a site for him. If interested, the reader may also refer to the biography on King Menahem, who also spent time at Tirzah.